William Allinson Diary, Volume 2: Electronic Version Haverford College Quaker Collection TEI Markup done by FHL staff Journal transcribed by Crowd-sourced ca. 91 KB Haverford College
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2016 hv_allinsonw_diary_1809_v2
Native Americans and Quakers: An Electronic Collection Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections Allinson family papers Call number: MC 968, Box 11, Folder 4

50 pp. (1 volume)

The William Allinson manuscript journal is housed in the Haverford College Quaker Quaker and Special Collections.

The transcribers and editor attempted to render the author’s orthography and grammar as they appear on the page of his journal, even when the author’s own spelling and usage are inconsistent. Additionally, many questions remain about spelling the names of his Quaker acquaintances, individual Native Americans who populate his journal, and Indian villages and towns. The transcribers and editor attempted to remain faithful to the author’s Anglicized spellings in all cases.

The author of the original journal does not include page numbers on his manuscript; the page numbers have been interpolated by the transcribers to correspond with the manuscript sheets.

Original written in 1809 English Society of Friends

Longevity, often living to the age of
about 90 and as they suppose 100 years
or upward, but as they keep no written Re
cords of Births or other occurrences, nor have
any regular mode of computing time, other
than by moons or Winters, or then remem
brance of remarkable Events the most
of them can give no correct account
how old they are. While we were rais
ing Silver Heel's house a smart old
woman, who was sitting on the Ground
looking on, we were told could call
her Descendants round her to the 6th
Generation. Some of them are subject to the Rheuma
tism which is supposed may be a consequence
of their traversing the Wood in all weather,
night and day - wading in the river and Suffering
their Cloathing to dry on them- and often ly
ing out exposed with little or no shelter to
wet and cold- but from the observation I
have made on the Inhabitants, where we have
stopd coming along, the Rheumatism is a
complaint prevailing in this climate
and therefore not wholly to be imputed
to the Indian Exposures.

The Children are generally born in the
woods - where the Woman accompanied by
her Mother or some other Elderly woman re
tires on the occasion & of cold builds a
Fire - The Babe is immediately wrapd in
a Blanket & in 3 or 4 hours the Mo
ther returns with it to her own habitation.
she washes her blanket soon after in Cold
water & something, on the same Day, with
out injury to herself & in two or 3 Day
after goes into the Wood, & Collects & car
ries home heavy Loads, of Wood on her
Back with the Infant on the Top of
it tied to a Board. the Boards for this purpose
are about two feet & a half in length & one
in breadth with a little Hoop in front to
protect the Head of the Child or to sus
pend a curtain to cover it from flies or
cold. at the bottom a little foot board and
at the sides are loop holes for the purpose
of fastening the Child which is placed in
an erect porting with its hand down
its sides & then swathed with a piece of
Cloth from the feet to the Chin so light
as to be unable to disengage itself- if the
Weather is Cold & the Child young a Wild
Cat Skin or some other skin with
soft Fur is put next to it. & if
a Female a little block is placed between
the heels to prie the toes a incli
nation inwards but if a male the feet
are left to take the natural direction
one consequence of this is that the
track of the different sexes may be
easily distinguished & the children in
this situation are carried about at pleasure & if taken into the wood
are laid down, or set up, against stumps
on Trees as occasion requires while the
mother is employed in gathering wood
or any other service- a few times in
the day they loosen there but the
children are so habited to it that-
they become quiet when uneasy out
by being placed in again this is
continued till they are about 9
months old & anyway the purpose
of keeping them straight as well
as lending & carrying them with
more ease & security - Jonathan thomas said he once knew an Indian
woman who went out pregnant &
in ten Days returned with the infant
on her back & two hundred young
Pidgeons pickd & opened ready for dres
sing, inclosed in a piece of bark all the
product of her own labour except that her
husband fell he trees for her on which the young
when the Indians Die the Women
generally Inter them; having first dug
the Grave. They lay bark under & above
the Dead body & their covering all with
Earth with persons of note they usually bury Cloathing & Provision &c. Since Friends have been here they
are more in the way of having Coffins
which the men make, but they rarely at
tend at the Interment even now and
formerly not at all - when the Corpse
is thus interd every moring for Nine
Days successively the female rela
tives & Neighbours of the Deceased Col
lect at the Deceased's Habitation & fall
into a kind of throbbing Lamentation &
then to crying & Wailing - for the
space of Half an hour or more
after which they disperse & when
the days of Mourning are thue ended they
meet & are councild to Dry up their Tears after this
endeavor to discard all marks of

They acknowledge One Supreme Being
whom they call Ou'wan'nee'o - and be
lieve Him to be the Creator of all
good things - the author of Happiness
& the Rewarder, both in this world & the
next for all good Sections - They be
lieve also that there is an Evil Spirit
whom they call Neis'she'o'nay &
who influences to bad Action & is the
creator of all that is bad.
Wolves, & all warlike Bears, Rattlesnakes, Poisonous Weeds,
bad thoughts & deeds & every thing that
is productive of unhappiness both in
man & on the Earth

They believe there is a place of Happiness
called Hight'Caanon gay and that when they Die,
their Lives have been regular in this
World they ascend & are received there among
the spirits of good Men & Women, where
the Great Spirit is the Head of all.
He then presents & hangs about their
necks a string of Implements for hunt
ing providing themselves a comfortable livings they are sent to hunt in a Warm
country where there is plenty of Game.
& fertile for Corn, Beans & other good things. -

The place of punishment they call
Owhon'ga'go'u'nong geeh and consider it the reverse of
that of Happiness being a Cold & Barren Country-
little Game & nothing to kill it with -
or to procure other necessaries that the Bad spirit there is Governor of all
and greatly increases then Distresses
arrayd in their best Clothing & Ornaments
They assemble twice in the Year to ren
der Thanks to the Good Spirit for the
favours which he hath conferd upon
them - the first is in the Fall of the Year
when the Corn, Beans, Squashes &
Potatoes are ripe & the other about the
middle of Winter when they return with
Game & Skins from Hunting - At these
Times the men, Women, & Children Col
lect & an examination takes place
what uneasinesses are among them and
what evil acts each one has committed
of there it is also common that they
make Confession, the design of
which is that all wrong things should
be done away & that where Differences
have existed a reconcilliation take
place & a promise on the part of
the Offenders to by to do better for the future
which done the Council assembled forgive them.
They then divide into small Companies Men &
Women apart & dance around & in each
House in the Town. These Dancing Com
panies are preceeded by two Men, ap
pointed for the purpose, who are dressd
in the most frightful manner they can
devise, being coverd with Bear Skins &
a bag of Ashes tied about their middles
behind them & a hole to admit the Ashes
to run about as they move- their faces
are coverd by a Large Painted mask hav
ing a high mane on the crown made of the
coarsest long Horse Hair standing al
most erect & large Eyes encircled
with a flame coloured ring- the mouth
is open & shewn their own Teeth with
which They Grin in a terrific man
ner & their Hands are blackd so
as to leave the mark with every
Person they lay them on- In their
Hands they carry the Shell of a mud
Tortoise which has been dried for
the purpose with a stick thrust
thro' it which extends the neck
& large Head to its full extent
and inside of the Shell are a quan
tity of Pebbles- Which when shaken
make a Dismal rattle- these men
going from House to House rub this
Rattle on the sides & up & down the
Door Ports- they also frequently enter
into the House but say nothing nor
do any Injury- as they travel about
if they meet with any Person male
or female in their way they pursue
them- those who turn about & receive
them in a friendly way they shake
hands with, yet say nothing- but
it is rather expected that many
should run as if terrified- these
before getting into a House
are pursued & if overtaken are laid
hold of & blackd with their Hands
but no other injury is offerd and
except a frightful yelling noise any things spoken- The design
of these frightful representations
is to Personify and imitate the Bad Spirit & to
remind the Indians of the Necessity
to amend their Ways & avoid wrong
things- After these Ceremonies are
performed they Collect at the Coun
cil House where they away &
paint a Dog (a White one is preferd)
the Poor Dog is then killd & thrown on
on a Fire prepard for the purpose.
the Indians, mean while Dancing round
the Fire and Hooping with a Great noise.
The Dog is Esteemed by them as approaching
the nearest to themselves of any other Ani
mal and therefore is devoted on these occasions as a
sacrifice to the Great Spirit, and together
with their Dancing is under a profession
of pleasing Him- during this ceremony they
are feasting occasionally on Corn Vegetables & Venison-
this Venison is taken by encircling a large
space of Hunting Ground &
all the Deer
here Killd are Devoted to this Feast.
about a Pound of Tobacco, of
a particular Kind which they consider as peculiarly agree
able to the Great Spirit is also thrown on the
Fire while the Dog is burning, in the smoke
whereof the Spirit of the Dog ascending is
believed to be received by the Great Spirit
as a Sacrifice of a Good Savour- during this
Ascention one of their Chiefs whom they call
their Minister addresses the Great Spirit
in a Speech, the purport of which is an
Acknowledgement for favours received-
Thanks for His Preservation in times past
and imploring His continued care &
protection- he then addresses the People
advising how they ought to Conduct them
selves & pointing our some of the promi
nent Evils which they should avoid- one
of the greatest of these is stealing and ano
ther is for the Husband to Desert & Sepa
rate himself from his Wife during Preg
nancy- but taking the Life of another
is not considerd a Crime so Capital, as they
are left at liberty to revenge it by ta
king the Life of the Murderer- this may
be done with impunity by the Nearest
Relative of the Deceased & they then convey the cries of Blood to be done away. The before
described feasting & Dancing is continued
at Intervals & by Companies for the a
Period of from five to ten Days- &
Formerly toward the latter part of
the Time many of them became in
toxicated, but at present among the
Indians of this Neighbourhood this is
entirely disused- and altho the feast
is conducted with considerable noise
& apparent Confusion, it also is atten
ded at Intervals with much Solemnity & on the
part of many of them purely on
a religious ground & from sincere & good
motives- Formerly they
had Image of a man which at the
Time of those hearts was decorated in
the Indian Stile with Wampum &
Trinkets &c- this was elevated on a
Pedestal of about 6 feet in heighth &
their Dance & feasting were performd
round it & their addresses made to
it- being considered by them a Repre
sentative of the Great Spirit- about
the Year 1802 this Image fell
down & a council was held what was
to be done- some were for erecting
another- others for discarding such
a Representation entirely- Henry Obeal- Undertook to throw it in the
River, the Council first Consenting
that he should do it if he would
take upon himself & he answerable
for any Judgement which might
follow- this Henry agreed to &
tumbling it in the River it floated
down the Stream about Eleven Miles
& lodged on an Island- Conudiu was
appointed successor & Intercessor, to en
deavour to Keep Peace with the Great Spi
rit by averting Judments &c- They also
Esteem him a Great Doctor & a Prophet when
disposed to communicate any thing to the
Indians in this Way, he wraps or covers himself
with his Blanket flying down quite
still with two little Heaps of Tobacco
smoaking beside him, he pretends
leave the Body & Ascend to the upper
Regions where he says he holds communion
with the Angels & recieves from them
information respecting such Things as
the Great Spirit designs should be
imparted to the Indians- after he has
lain about half am Hour he throws
off his Blanket & opening his Eyes
sets up- a council is then Calld &
the subject of his pretended Visions
communicated these professed Reve
lations have in some Instances had a
remarkable effect upon the Indians-
his first Visions in this way we were
told was about 10 years ago I was, that
the Indians should leave off Drinking Rum
& refrain from Selling their Lands- a
Reformation accordingly took place, but
it may be remarked that before this,
friends had been labouring with them
much in those respects- Conudiu Con
tinued an advocate herein & Some time
after being desirous of encouraging &
pleasing his Converts he told them that
he had another Vission & saw the bad
Spirit, in a frightful form & having
Wings alight behind a Certain House
but that after looking about for some
time & finding that the Indians had
declined drinking Rum & he had no
thing to do there, he flew over to
Buffelo another Village where the Indians drank
Rum & where he found plenty of
Business. The sacrifice of the Dog is now disap
proved by some of them & Henry Obeal
who tho' in some respects he has been a dis
sipated character & in other is still in the
commission of wrong things is notwithstanding
a discerning & enlightened Man) intends
to open his Objections in Council- he also be
lieves, with respect to Witchcraft that it
does not exist & occasionally esperessed this Opinion
among them, but has to do it with care,
and thinks he has already incurrd the dis
pleasure of many whose prejudices in this
particular are yet strong--

In Time of War they formerly Roasted
& Eat their Captives- there are one or two
among them here who have partaken of
this inhuman feasting, but of latter time
this Custom is exploded by this Nation
The Masks (before described) are some
times worn as a cure for Diseases which
cures in this way, are supposed to be
effected by operating on the Imagination.
War is considered in its Origin
to proceed from the Evil Spirit- that
is the first agressor is instigated by
him- but when agression has taken
place they consider is not only justi
fiable to Revenge the Injury but even
believe that by so doing they are
employd in the service of the Good
Spirit & that if they are killd in
Battle they are recieved into the place of Happiness
They have, beside their Public Devotions
at Hearts & Sacrifices, a Kind of Family
Worship which is when they are setting
together particularly in the Evening, if
one of the Heads of the family feels an
Impulse to address the Great Spirit
he or she yield to it with an audible voice,
and this, among the more serious Class,
is frequently performed, tho' not many
stated Days or Times-- They are some
times exercisd in this Way when their
Friends are with them & the subject
of Aspiration is a Thanksgiving for
preservation of their particular Family
or Tribe & for supplying the varied
necessaries & Comforts of Sides- de
siring their Continuance-

If an Indian of any particular Tribe
dreams a remarkable Dream respecting
a Deceased Relative being Hungry or
in Need of Sympathy or assistance in
any way the Indians of his Tribe are
informed of it & a Hunting takes place
in consequence- the Game then taken
is prepared and cooked and a feast and dance
in a religious way is instituted by the
partees engaged which continues for a
day or more.

Formerly when a stranger or distant friend
entered an indian habitation it was common
to set before them such provision as they
had cooked in the house which the guest
partook of without ceremony except that
of thanks, but friends
have rather advised them not
to give their provision indiscriminately to
wondering or idle persons
but only to
strangers pariicularly Friends they have
old or infirm least it should encourage
indolence and be a sound of oppressi
on on to the industirious and frugal- in this
respect therefore thine is some change -
when a Seneca Indian leaves his friend
he tells him he is done, which amounts
to farewell - but if any circumstance
takes place which has given umbrage
he withdraws and says nothing -this is
clear evidence that he is offended-

Notwithstanding stealing in considered
a great crime, it not unfrequently takes
place -when the person committing a
theft is discovered complaint is made to the
chiefs who dispatch a runner command
him to appear before the council-
this mandate he immediately obeys The
charge is then opend to him & if he is guilty
confession is made and the Property taken is
restored if in being -- every Chief or Warri
or in Council is then at full liberty to
express what they think, one by one, all
which he is obliged to hear. Thus is considered
a severe punishment, but no other is
inflicted. Should the Person charged de
ny that he is Guilty, he is considered In
nocent, for it is remarkable in them that
they confess when justly Charges. Jonathan told me that on such occasions, he
had frequently been a Witness, their
countenance & Eyes betrayd them imme
diately, & of itself has been suffici
ent evidence to him that the Gospel
has been preachd in them, or in other
Words that the Witness for Truth is
placed in their Minds--

The Different Sexes are very jealous & shy of
each other so that it is rare to see a man
& Woman, even of the same Tribe, con
versing together without witnesses, & when
a Woman has occasion to go abroad it is
accounted Honourable to take one or more
Children with her to testify, if needful,
that she has been orderly - there are
too many proofs that this is only a preten
ded shyness, yet being santioned & esta
blished by custom it is productive of se
rious Evils - The Indians appear to be as
well calculated and to possess talents for so
cial and rational enjoyment as
any people, but custom putting a nega
tive on an open friendly acquaintance
of the sexes, the natural tendency whereof
would be the improvement of their mind
and a knowledge of the good qualities one
of the other, with the undesigned pro
duction in many instances of permanent
attachments -they enter into Marie-
age very early before their judgment
in ripe for the choice, without affec
tion & without a knowledge of each
others dispositions - the consequence
of which is that separations often
take place, so that there are many
instances now here of Men who have
turned off several wives, and of women
who have discarded as many hus
bands - there on both sides marry
again (in a clandeitine ways to others
and in some Instances change back
again, and thus, what ought to be esteem
ed the most Devious & important Connec
tion in Life, is lightly formed & dissolved
and shifted about in a manner unknown
among a People rightly Civilized -- In these
separations the Mother takes the Children & uses them Kindly
They are very fond of Children & indulge them
in most of their Wishes using little restraint
or Conection of any Kind, yet sometimes
if Obstinate, tho' very young, they will
plunge them in the River & if one Dip is
not sufficient it is repeated till they be
come very quiet, which they soon do.
as the Children get a little older they
will sometimes talk to them a long time
in a Kind of harrangue or Speech
setting forth what the Child should
do & what leave undone-- this at
times has such an Effect that the
Tears will trickle down their Cheeks
of the Child before the speech is
ended-- at other times they ridi
cule them for doing wrong and tell
them they are not wise in doing so.
to tell an Indian that he is not wise is a grating stigma.

When a Person has been Sick for a con
siderable Time in a lingering condition &
the appreciation of Roots & Herbs or other
Medecine proves ineffectual to restore, it
is common for their Friends to collect
and dressing two Men with Masks &c
in the Manner described at times of
Public Worship, they repair to the Ha
bitation, which they go round rattling &
Rubbing the Tortoise Shells & whoping
in a frightful manner- this altho' it
is a known Custom & in time of Health does
not alarm them, yet has considerable af
fect on the Debilitated Indian whose
fears being thus previously awakened by
knowing what is to be endured. the men
enter the House continuing the noise &
acting every Wild Contortion & Maneuvre
which their Imagination Devise- some
times they pull the sick Person, whe
ther Male or female, about the Room
dirtying them with their black Hands
&rubbing their Heads & Bodies over
with ashes & handling in such a
manner that a Person unacquainted
with their Custom would almost
suppose they were going to kill the
Patient-- after this Wild treatment of
of the sick Person & dirtying the House
thoroughly with their Ashes they with
draw & the nurse or some other Indian
undertakes to Clean after them-- Ab
surd as this practice appears it is
said that in many cases it has a
beneficial Effect by restoring Per
spiration, working on the Imagin
ation & rousing the Indisposed Person
to a Salutary Exertion--- Their Idea is
they drive away the Evil Spirits in this way. --
The Ancient Custom when an Indian died
who was the Head of a Family was to take out
his Goods & burn the Hut, the Design of thus
destroying the Habitation was to prevent
any differences which might arise among
his Descendents or survivors respecting the
possesing it that so Peace might be pre
on such occasions of time
the husband does
the Houses and where both Parents are dead

This I believe is not correct, but I cannot rectify it.

When an Indian of distinction & property
dies his Gun, Blanket, Knife, Trinkets & other
This I believe is not correct, but I cannot rectify it. Property are preserved about 12 & some
times 18 months, before a Division is made--
this Delay is in Consequence of an Opinion which
they entertain that it is not decent or
respectful to take possession or bring
them into use sooner-- they are then bro.
into Council & held up to public view, the
Indians present being informed that here
are the Goods of such a Deceased Chief.
on the Articles being thus severally held
up Any of the Young Men who in
clince, are at liberty to advance & Snatch
them away, till the whole are thus dis
tributed. the Relatives of the Deceased
making no claim in consequence of Con
nection. This Custom still prevails
among some of the Indians in the Southern States
but some of the more thoughtful among
the Senceas, since their building of good
Houses & increase of Property, do not
seem satisfied with the foregoing Cus
toms & in two or three Instances they
have made Wills to divide their
Possessions & Improvements among
their Children. this is a Natural Con
sequence of an advance toward Civilization
& must obtain more place among them.
The Gun & other things were formerly buried
with the Deceased, but latterly this custom is
much Discontinued. --

They believe in the Ressurection of the Spirit
but not of the Body & that for some Time
after Death it is common for it to Ascend & De
scend. in order therefore for its accommoda
tion, as altho perhaps from motives of De
cency & Respect, a Tomb is erected over
the Graves, sometimes formd with logs
& having a Roof of Bark -- at others it
is Constructed with Boards & the Roof of
the same- it made in this way, a small
hole, phps the size of a key hole is
cut at the Head of the Tomb both above
& below to allow Ingress & Egress to
the Departed Spirit-- This Custom con
tinues-- Already in Degree, it is taking place
when Friends first came among them they
had one common field & altho' each planted
his particular spot, there were many Idlers
who partook the labour of the more Indus
trious-- They now clear their particular
spots of land where choice induces them &
build themselves comfortable Houses.
these Improvements if they incline to leave
(as they sometimes do in order to settle else
where) are sold to such as incline to
purchase & altho' the Fee in the Soil
cannot be Conveyd Being the property of
the Nation yet Improvements so sold are considered the Property of the Purchaser
who without molestation enjoys his prive
ledge-- The first sale of this Kind was
considered an innovation & made consider
able stir but it is now done without
objection & is no Small stimilus to
Individual exertion. --

It sometimes happened formerly that as
but Indians who were disabled from Hunting by
Infermity being tird of Life would request to
be buried alive, a Grave or Hole was then
dug in which a seat was formed in the Digging
the Antient Indian was then let down &
taking his last seat the other Indians be
gan to fill in the Earth doing it very gently
& tenderly till it had risen to his Chin.
a Pause was then made and
some ceremony used, after which the
Young Warriors threw in the Dirt very
hartily so as to prevent their
being Witnesses to his Struggles & to
terminate his suf
ferings as speedily as might be.
The Indian Men formerly pluckd out their
Beards as also the Hair from their Heads
except a Tuft on the Crown which was
left to grow pretty long. In time of War this
was laid hold of by an Enemy who had the
Power, & the Skin to which it was attached
severd with a Knife & this they denominated
scalping-- The Instrument use in plucking
the Head & Beard was found by twisting a
Wire of the Common Knitting Needle Size on a
piece of round hard Wood about 1/2 an Inch in
Diameter & two Inches in length. On the Wood
being withdrawn the Wire forms a spring
or Kind of Pinchers & being applied to the Face
or Head & then pressd with the thumb &
Finger at each end, took such fast hold of
the Hairs which had inserted themselves be
tween the wires when a little open, they
were readily extracted by the Roots. This Investment
is light of carriage & will last an Age.
Plucking the Hair from their Heads is
now Discontinued, and in many Instances the Younger Men Shave their Beards.

Indian Parents commonly give their Children
names significant of something in Nature, as
Corn Planters name in the Indian Language is
Ky ea'twech'Che. Conudin, signifies a
handsome Lake. Agish'quat'take is Dry
Much. Oendo, means the first ripe Corn.
these Names are Changed occasionally
in Consequence of remarkable Circumstance on
taking place, or of particular Employments
or acts of Individuals & latterly some of these
Class & Children have taken & ap
pear pleased, with being named after white
People. They are not Delicate in their Eating, but
will feast, apparently with a relish, on Meat
much tainted & even peopled with Inhabi
tants & sometimes almost rotten. --

they are very Jealous of encroachments on the
rights & Priviledges of each other & Offences of this
Nature have often given occasion for War between
Nations. When such Offences Occur they hold
private Councils & if they determine
to engage, they endeavour to do it by Surprize. Such
as excel in Artifice & courage are appointed their Chiefs &
have the management of their War Concerns.
They generally paint themselves Red, but on
some occasions streaks of Black are intermixed.
Painting with Red, tho' expressive of War, is also
used to denote cheerfulness so & sometimes to hide
the true expression of the Countenance, & in this
way, when rubbed round the Eye, it has a Won
derful Effect. it also makes them look fierce --
Black mostly denotes Trouble -- In their
Marches They are as Careful as possible to con
ceal their Tracks & to make very little Fire
in order to prevent its being discovered that
a Multitude has passed. when engaged they
are very Fierce, scalping those whom they kill,
& taking Prisoners all they can-- these are taken
home with them & arranging before the Council
where it is Determined which should be Put
to torture & which preserved alive, -- the lat
ter are sometimes adopted in Families in the
place of Relatives who have been killd in
the War-- in such Cases they are treated here
by & often only in marriage with the nation
receiving them. --
They are very fond of ornaments & a
mong the Woman particularly Silver
Brouches. TS told us that he once
saw 700 of these on one Garment.
When an Indian believes he has received an
Injury he is never satisfied without Revenge
and if he cannot obtain it on the aggressor he
seeks to do it on some of the same tribe
or family - to illustrate this Disposition,
I may here relate an Account
that was given me of an old Indian Man
on the Allegany River whom I saw
and shook hand with, who passes
among them by the name of Stiff
Arms. In an Indian War many
years since, when he was young
he was shot in an Engagement
thro' both his arms - tho Ball
passing near the Elbows entirely
disabled him for resistance he
thought it necessary to make his re
peat - in this situation it seems like
ly he would have perished but some
of his own Tribe found and took care
of him feeding him for a long time
and dressing his Wound. Hostiliies
between the contending parties being
by this time over, himself and his Tribe
returned home, the thoughts of
the injury he had sustained Rankled
in his mind & he endeavored for a
considerable time to prevail with
some of his friends to go with him
to there notion by when he was
wounded to make celabration, but the
distance was so long (being I think
about three thousand miles) and
the danger of the understanding so
great that they would not join
him - unwilling to relinquish
his design he set out above & trav
aild till he reachd the Border
of his Enemy - he then stripd
himself naked & for several days
& night lay in the wood & corn
field in the vicinity of the Ene
mies Town, watching to catch
some of them who might be se
parated from the next - by obser
vation he at length found that
the warriors had gone away on an
expedition of hunting or war & on
entering the village he killed &
scalped a woman & two children &
immediately made his Retreat, tra
velling into the wilderness night
& day with the greatest expedition
he was capable of till almost fam
ishd -after extreme hardships en
durd he at length reached home &
says he then left satisfied, - he
still relates the circumstance with
great apparent satisfaction - says he
thinks he did right & that if he had
not obtaind revenge he never should
have felt easy- However despa
rately cruel this act may appear to
the Christian, and in a rational view
however unjust that the innocent
should be made to suffer for the Guilty,
yet great allowance is to be made
for the unfetterd Indian who by Edu
cation is taught to believe that the
Revenge for an aggression is a Du
ty -that the family or the tribe, are
implicated with the individual aggres
sor and that if he falls in obtaining
his desire, he will undoubtedly Die happy-

mo 20th

staid about home & employd part of the time
down five feet deep in a Mound in the Field under an ap
prehension that it had once been an Indian place of
internment but in this we were disappointed. we how
ever found a number of Pebble stones which on break
ing often presented us the impression of marine
shells - were also thrown a Flint stone taken
from the River those involving a shell of their kind -
and about this House & premises there are large
rough stones suitable for building which are
apparently composed entirely of marine shells
& a kind of Earth or Clay in a Petrified state
they told in that in the copy of the Mountains, which is
here near us & in full view, are abundance
of stone of this description & that Petrifaction
is very common & discoverable in various ways
throughout this Mountaneous Country- that
wherever this Petrification prevails the inhabi
tants are subject to the complaint before
mentioned of a Swelling in the Throat, here
denominated the Guitar -

21st & 5th of the Week

- sat with the Fam
ily in their Week Day meeting - after Din
ner the Indian Runner who went with our
Message to Cattaraugus came in, having
been quite to Buffalo, calld of 5 miles by
the Indian Path - he left their town on
first Day about Eleven oclock & returned
to it about the same hour having performed
the journey wholly on foot in 11 Days - be
ing about 150 Miles- he brought a
short letter from Jacob Taylor an Extract
from which I insert as it shows the place Jacob
has with the indians and also touches on their im
provement --

Buffelow creck June 19th 1809 Respt Friends

I have now a short oppy to note that
I arrived here last sixth day at the pressing re
quest of the allegany and Cattarauguy Chiefs, to at
tend a council of the six nations. I find the
principle Business is to adopt some permanent
measure to prevent any more Sales of their Lands
&c. The War Department are mostly in favour
of the Plan, & I rather think it will be car
ried into effect - they have received their
presents a few Days since at this place
from the U.S. & I think I never saw so
many Indians together that conduct
ted with so much propriety - the num
ber could not be well ascertained but it
was thought there were about One Thou
sand, and I dont remember to see One
Drunken Indian amongst them -

I believe Wool & other Articles we shall
want can be obtained at this place - The
Agents says he will furnish the Cattaragus
Indians with Wheels, or Unite in any
Measure proper to forward the Object of
Improvement - the Chief Warriors wife
has learnd to spin tolerably well, and
intends to purchase a Wheel of her own
& commence Spin'g after Corn Harvest -

22d, & 6th Day

- We have had summer Weather
since being here & to Day several fine Showers
being the first Rain of Consequence that we
have seen since leaving home. In the
Evening Jacob Taylor arrived here having
rode from Cattaraagus to Day- he informs
that the Indians propose being home to
morow giving us a hearing in
council on first Day. Jacob was very
entertaining this Evening in some encou
raging accounts of Indian Improvement
& relating some Annecdotes of their Dis
cernment & Talents. he also read us an
Indian Letter to the Agent of the US for the six Nations on
Indian Affairs. being as follows-

TusKarora Village March 8th 1808 Mr Granger

We Chiefs must inform you, as
you are superintendant, that bad thing
happen in our Nation. last Sattarday
we very Sorry. we hope you will not
be angry with us about it, when you
know Truth about it. One William, be
long Oneida Nation. very bad Man,
he kill one Wife in Oneida, he then
run away, come amongst us- take
Wife in our Nation- he got Drunk very
34 very often- beat his Wife very much,
many times most Kill her- he often say he
would Kill some our People- Last Saturday
he come home Drunk- he try to Kill his
Son, a young Chief,- he knife from his
Father- his son break it,- run to Bush
where his Mother & Children make Sugar,
soon William follow him,- come to camp- all run into Bush but one young
Man brother to William Wife- he has
come from Grand River to Visit- he would
not run,- he think William had Gun
most Dark- he think he hear Gun
Snap- William Stand behind Tree,-
he then shot at William with small
shot,- William then go away- He lie
all night in Cold, next Morning was
found Dead- may be froze more Death
than Shot Kill him- we do not
know- Monday we buried him-
the young Man that Kill him gone
Grand River- We hope you will ad
vise what is right- we send Knife
broke you may see it- we hope you
will not think Murder- Our whole
Nation Mourn- We hope our Nation
will not be blame- we mean to Keep
Sabath, and hear Gospel, and try to per
suade all our Nation not Drunk Whiskey.
we shamed any of our People get Drunk
- we wish you Send Letter by Young Man
bring this, and tell when you Come
see. we want to see you here our
Fine Place-

We send our Love to you.
Signd by seven Chiefs- in English but written by
Nicholas Cusick (one of their number)
23 d

Cloudy & some Rain. no account yet of
the Indians return and we have to exercise Pati
ence. Ill therefore employ part of the Time in des
cribing this Farm. Know then whom it may
concern that it lies on the East side of the Allegany River at the Distance of about half a mile. is
bounded on that side being the West by the Indian Preservation
& on the East by Sands of the Holland Compy.
of whom it was purchased about the year 1803.
for $1.25 cents p Acre and contains 692
Acres- about 60 of which is cleard and per
haps 22 of the 60 may be Calld Meadow or
bottom Sand, lying on the Tunassasa Creek
which runs thro' its part of this Meadow is
considerably Improved & very good (say 12
Acres) the rest is capable of being made so,
and will all bear culture with the Plow.
The Cleard Upland produces well but is not
the most fertile- the residue mostly well
Timberd with W Pine, Hemlock, Beech,
Birch, Sugar Maple &c. The House is
pleasantly situate fronting the South, on an
agreeable Eminence and commands a view of the
Meadows, Creek, Race, Tanyard, Saw & Griste Mills
Cowpen, Piles of Boards &c. these are incom
passed by Wood, & to the South West is a consi
derable Mountain containing Petrified curiosities.
- on the North the Ground is rising, but not
immediately, and the Pine Trees here rear thin
lofty Heads. The House is a very comfort
able one, suited with Judgement for the
occasion. Its Inhabitants are a very
clever Company, each filling, or, and believe
sincerely endeavouring to fill up their
alotments & several services, & therefore
there is not one banner or unprofitable
among them- they appear to be im
pressed with the Inestimable value of
Accordance, & Consequently live in Love.
This Example cannot be last to their Indian
neighbors who often visit them- indeed
the seed sown has in many Instances pro
duced comfortable Fruit. May they be
presented is my sincere Petition!
As for us, we are here treated as Prices &
free on the Fat of the Land. Flesh
from the Field, & Fish from the Lucid
Stream;- Butter of Kine, excellent, in
deed, & vegetables first rate in quality;-
are prepared by the Representa
tives of Neatness & Good Humour, inviting to the Eye,
and pleasant to the Taste, -- beside other
nice sauce, we are favourd with Good ap
petites as the Diminished Luxuries on the plenteous Board often
spread, daily bears Witness, Thus are
we favourd Day by Day from the bounte
ous Giver of every Good, - to whom with
propriety, the Aspiration may arise,
What shall we render for all Thy Bene

Corn Planters Town Calld Genuch sha' ta go' (or the
Burnt House) has about 4 families who live
in it & is about 13 Miles from Cold Spring, down
the River- Genes'ing guh'ta (on amongst the
Hills) has 3 or 4 families & is 3 Miles from
Cold Spring- all on the West side of the Allegany & on its Banks- from Cold Spring to
Pittsburg by Water is Calld 210 Miles, & by
sand 150.- The Allegany River is a beau
tiful stream. There about 90 or 100 yeards
wide- is fordable when the Waters are low.
and for about half the Summer season na
vigable for Boats of 8 to 12 Tons. French Creek puts into the Allegany about 90 miles
from here & Conowongo about 30 Miles-
are both navigable Waters- the 1st
has 14 Miles sand can get to Lake Erie & the
other 8 Miles & head in Chintankquasake

24th & 1st of the Week,

No Message being re
cieved from the Indians, Joel set off this Morning
toward the Town to know whether Council was
to be held to Day, bu on his Way was met
by J.P. one of the Indian Chiefs who was com
ing to inform us that it was deferrd till to
morrow we were therefore at liberty to stay
at home & sat with the Family in then usu
al ways. After Dinner a Couple of Indian
Girls (one of them Cornplanters Daughter) came to learn
respecting the propriety of continuing the Prac
tice of Grinding for them instructing
in the various arts of Housewifery on this Day
of the Week- me own opinion is that it is time to
shew a discountenance as preparatory to a total
discontinuance others of the Committee do not
appear to be like minded supposing the Indians
to be not yet ripe on account of their prejudices &
want of Knowledge of Days- some of the Friends
stationed here have for some time been uneasy.
& other think the indulging Indians in this re
spect is unavoidable. I hope eventually all
will work right. Yesterday the Committee with
Friends of This Family agreed upon a address to
the Indians being previously drawn up by TS
since being here- in substance being-

I wish
to remind them of Frnd continued care toward
and regard for them. their starting that we had
from vicios their Farms & raised improvements
& had felt desires for their farther advancement
in every good Work. next that if they men would
do more Work on their Farms & would en
courage their Wives & Daughters in learning
to spin, Weave &c. Our belief was that they
would devise great advantage from it-

That Jon Thomas was willing to weave for
them, free of Cost for one year, provided
2 or 3 of their women, in that time, would
learn to Weave, but if they neglected this
The benefit designd by his thus instruc
ting them would not fully answer our
wishes- Their custom of Husbands
& Wives separating was next love to
upon & our sense thereon conveyed that
such a practice was displeasing to the
Great Spirit- & often left their Chi
lden in Poverty & Distress -

We also expressd a Desire that they
would think very seriously indeed be
fore they condemnd & Killd any for
supposing them guilty of Witchcraft
reminding them that about 100 years
since such a practice prevaild in one
neighbourhood among White People &
before put a stop to, some of those who
had been judges of others, were them
selves changed with the same often
is & executed. On these two sub
jects desiring their Careful Considera
tion but not wishing a reply at this

that they would avail themselves of
every advantage to be derived from
our Friends living among them while
they continued here -

That they had seen the bad ef
fects of playing cards & other games
& that altho' these was an Impress
ment these was yet room for more,
& if their principal Chiefs & wise
men would discourage the Practice
we thought a we would arise to
their Young People -

That our friends had lived with
their many years in Harmony &
Friendship - if any part of our
conduct towards them had not
been quite to their wishes we
desired they would speak their
minds freely & let us know -

Dated 9 mo 25th 1809 & Signd
by A Lea, Jno Brown, T Stew & WA

After Breakfast set out to attend the Council
of Cold Spring - I stopd in at several Houses on our
way to the Town to Shake hands with the Indians
then went to the Council House with is a Building
nearby the Centre of the Town about 40 feet in
length & 20 in breadth. having a Door at each End
and two Holes in the Peak of the Roof to admit the
ascending of the Smoke from Council Fires - which
are built on the Ground about 12 feet from
each Door.- These fires are daily used by the In
habitants for cooking on other purposes, being
a kind of public Priveledge the Open Doors
admitting ready Impress & Egress to them at plea
sure- the floor is laid by nature and on each
side from one End to the other is a platform laid co
verd with Board, Skins &c. about 6 feet in width
& 10 Inches in heighth- over these all the
heighth of 5 feet under other Platforms which
serve to throw up skins Corn or any Lumbering
articles & to the Rafters was suspended a quantity
of old Corn some of it near the Openings in the
Roof being as black as smoke Could make
it - this they dont mind but use it for making
Bread & other purposes perhaps preferring it
as I observed in their Houses generally the Corn
was stored by suspending it with the Husk
this way - as The Indians were not generally
collected it afforded opportunity to make some
observations. Conudius House stand the nearest
to the Council House & within a few Yards- Our at
tention was here averted by the sound of mu
sic & Dancing & feeling some inclination to be
witnesses we were informed that it would give
no offence & so went inside of the Door - In the
Middle of the Room lay the Hommany Block
& an Old Bench apparently designd to prevent an
encroachment on that part of the floor & to
preserve regularity of Circuit sound them
those rude Regulators were encompassd by
& 20 Females (occasionally more) some Elder
Elderly Women & down to Girls about 10 years
of age- these forming a Circle were Dancing (or
shuffling) round sideways with a slow & solemn
motion, & Heads uniformly reclining to the
sound of Musick performd by a Man in one
corner of the Room. this was done by beating
slowly on a Drum made by a Dried Deer or
some other Kind of Skin dressd a little in the
manner of Parchment & tightly strechd over
the Top of a Churn. or sometimes we were
told an Iron Pot- they said he bent with
two sticks & the sound of one of them put me
in mind of tinkling symbols, being, either hol
low & enclosing something of the trikling kind
or else havg some small bells attachd to
it. but it was so dark where he sat that I
could not see- this sound he accompa
nied with a vocal Time or perhaps a song,
but if the latter his articulation was very
indistinct - it however appeard to be in
stanza at the end of which the female
circle would cease their Dancing & walk
round with a quicker motion & some ap
pearance of Hilarity till after a circle or
two, another Stanza began. this Dance & music
continued for abt 2 Hours after we were there
& the Dancers would step out occasionally drip
ping with Perspiration (apparently to cool & get
air) & then return again- they were much in
then usual Dress except the Children several
of whom lookd clean & Dressed for the occasion
one in white Cloth- another Green a third
Blue &c.- and there had each a bunch of
small Bells hung to the Knee & made a noise
as they Danced not much unlike the singing of Secrets- a few
of them were a little touchd with Paint- when
the Dance was over they had a Feast being a
kind of soup or sand-compon we were told of
new corn shelld from the Cob- a little meat, su
gar &c. & was boild in the Council House in a
large Kettle. this being carried into Coundius
one of each family engagd in the Dance & who had pre
viously (we were told) contributed, refraind
with their small kettles or Wooden Bowls to
receive their shares-. After waiting for some
Time an Antient Indian blew a Trumpet to no
tify the Inhabitants of Council & they began to
assemble- They were dressd of ornamented various
ly many were painted with red streaks about
the face Head & Eyes as fancy inclined- some
had Bandages of Indian Workmanship round
their Heads & tufts of Feathers of different co
lumns. Sometimes Furs. The Hair of some
was shorn round the Crown & left long round
the Temples & on the Top of the Head- others
had it left long in little Tufts over the Head
& those Tufts plaited - many had Breast
plates of Different fancies- others back Or
naments & Ear Bobbs all of silver-
One had one Red Legging & the other Blue- some
Caps of Fur with Tufts of Dyed Freathers
or Caps of Feathers & & Tips of Fur
other tails of long Hair like Horse Hair Dyed
Red hanging down their Backs or erected
or suspended from their Ears- Old Conidin
has a blaze of vermillion from the Corner
of each Eye- his Ears were cut round in
their manner & extended to a considerable
length on each Ear were two silver
Quills- one about 3 1/2 & the other 2 Inches
the erect one having a Tuft of Red Feathers
stuck in at the lower End- part of his
Forehead & on his Crown were also painted red
& being nearly bald & a very grave countenance
he lookd venerable- On his arms were wider
silver Bracelets- his Leggings were of Red Cloth
& his Covering a Blanket over all which he
threw off in Council & look up his long Pipe-
They had a very great variety of other orna
ments & trinkets such as Nose Bobs & Plates re
sembling Furniture for Drawers- silver band
round their Arms wrists or Ankles &c. &c. & yet in
a general way very Dirty & careless in their
Persons- One of the Chiefs was Dressd in a
Wood Rangeres Frock & many of them had
no ornaments- John Peirce (who is a Chief)
was the only one among them who thought
it worth while to appear on this occasion
in a Full Dress- He is Tall & a good Per
son- Had a new White Hat on with a high
crown which was coverd from the Brim to
the top with a bandage of Green Flowred
silk- in front were two bunches or Knots of
Green Ribbons displayd with taste one above
the other & on one side of them a Tuft of
Dyed Feathers of Different Colours- He wore
a new Coat of a neatly figured green Calico
made a little in the manner of a Frock &
the Boson Raffled with the same. his Leg
coverings or Pantaloons were in the Indian
manner with a seam sewed out leaving a ship
of about am Inch & Quarter. this strip or Edging
on each Leg was faced with blue Silk, neatly
wrought with needlework of Blue ornamen
ted with Red twines or Curls- and edged with
Beads in the Indian Stile- Instead of a Blanket
his Outer Covering was about a yard & half of
super fine White Cloth which in Council
he threw off from his Shoulders at pleasure.
young Fatty. another Chief was pretty Dirty - the
Hair was shorn on the sides of his Head but from
the crown down the neck was left to grow in
the antie quite long & was pleated down his
Back in a large Plait- on each side of this the
Hear was left about 4 Inches long & being soft
course & glossy resembled a ship of black
Feathers- The Council having at length taken
their seats we were introduced & seated near
the centre- The Chiefs present were Cornplanter- Tekiando (his Nephew) Johnson Silver heels- John Peirce, Tusenda quit (or young fatty)or Tockewassee (or go to War) Jacob Snow
& Old Conudin- several of them are hand
some Men- Cornplanter has an Expressive
countenance & penetrating Eyes, but owing to some
cause either habit or Injury, he keeps one of
them about half shut - after a little Time of
silvence & then a Conference between the Chiefs Conudiu
opend the Business for which we had met & that
they were now ready to hear;- Our communications
were then read & interpretted to them, & after
a little further conference among themselves
cornplanter made a Reply first to us & then
an address to the Indians in a methodical &
sensible manner- when our Business was
got this base their farewell & returnd home.


26th Left the settlement of our Friends at
Tunasassa about 10 oClock Jacob Taylor
accompanying us- J B Moses & myself keeps
with [hemion?] the West side of the Allegany in
order to go by the Indians Saw Mill which
in about 10 miles from their Town- On our
way passd several Indian Plantations as good
we thought as any we had seen, particularly
an Indian named Kah'Shun'Lee' on the
Fiery flying Dragon- his Wife was Dressd
in a Silk Short Gown wearing a large silver
cross at her Breast- these the Indians have
got from the Roman Catholics originally
but are now worn only by way or ornament
Kah shun dee was hawlg oats of which
we saw a considerable Crop standing in the
build in a neat shock. He had a large Barn
(which Jacob told us was maid with his own
Hands). & in it is considerable quantity
of Old Corn & Grain of Different Kinds a
part of which we saw- on passing pay- he
is Industrious & Wealthy- not fond of
attending their feasts & Councils and de
clines the appointment of a Chief-
our course after leaving Peter Snyders was
nearly N West. here we bid adieu to the Allegany & passg this a Rich Country, reachd
Stephen Hazeltines before 4 oClock calld
20 miles from Tunasassa, Road Rough & mud


27th our Bed, last night not being calculated
to Induce a morning Indulgence we rose before
Day eat our Breakfasts & set off before it
was light- in a little way Riding fell into
the Indian Path which we pursued upwd
of 20 miles & take it all together perhaps
the worst Road we have passd over any Day
before- Moses concluded that after this he
should not be afraid of any sort of Road
& I thought while riding on a long sideling Hill
which really seemd Dangerous I should be wis
hing our Friends at home should have a peep
at us, could they have also had an assurance
that we should get thro this safely, as was the care
not by our own might or management but
under the protecting care of the Omnipotent
Arm for which may our acknowledgements
were as acceptable Incence to Him.
-- part of our Way was up the little Valley-
then across the Broad Mountain 5 miles
over & next the Hog back Mountain 6
miles over- on this for miles our path lay
on the Crown of the Hill & the descent
immediately & in some places steep, on
either hand- We also several times forded
Cattarangus Creek in its Different branches
& then the main Creek- The soil rode even
to Day has been generally good & the Timber
fine even on the Mountains- here we saw
Chestnut Trees which we supposed 6 & of feet
over (perhaps more)- also Poplars, Hemlock,
Sugar Maples, Ash, Cucumber Trees, Beech &c.
very large- near the main Catt. Creek lay a
body of sand much coverd with Black Walnut
& as rich as Bank Meadow- about the mid
dle of our Journey we fed our Horses & eat a
biscuit at a place of Indian Encampment &
before this had passd as Grave enclosd in
the Indian manner where Jacob told us
a man was buried who perished in the
Woods about 4 years ago on his way from
Buffaloe to Cold Spring- his Horse first Died
& himself about 8 miles further- was warnd
before setg out of the Danger of Perishing
but said he was so much like Iron
there was no Danger- We also met
an Indian on Horseback from Grand River going to see the Allegany Indians, to
some of whom he was related- Jacob
talkd with him, informg our Bu
siness &c. - He replied in substance
that he was pleasd with meeting us- & with
the Business we were engagd in, and wish
ing us preservation & safety on our
Journey bade us favourable- a few miles
further we met another man on Horseback
named Pollard) from Buffaloe. he had a
small Child before him & his Wife (we sup
posed) on another Horse behind. she was
well dressd & her neck ornamented with sil
ver Broaches so as to give it the appearance
at a little Distance of a richly silverd Shawl
It had not felt quite pleasant to me
that we made no return to the Saluta
tion & friendly wish of the first Indian
& this one also Greeting us in a sim
ilar way. I desired Jacob to tell him that
we were pleasd with meeting him on his
Way to visit his Friends at Allegany and
brighten the Chain of Friendship- if
he could also encourage them in useful
Industry it would be a good Work- he
recieved it Cordially & we passd on- Jacob
told us he was an Industrious Man & one
of the greatest Farmers among the Indians
in that Country. before 4 oclock reachd
the settlements of our Friends at Clear Creek
calld 25 Miles from Hazeltines & after takg
some Refreshment spent the Eveng in viewg
the Farm & Improvements


went to see the Indians Improvements. our
way, except about a Quarter of a mile being
50 on their Reservation which is very Rich Land
& well Timberd but (as if it were designd for
Indians who have not yet learnd to labour there
are many hundred Acres of Flats without a Tree,
being coverd with Fern, Wild Grass, Strawbery
vines (which in their season [been?] abundantly) and
rich herbage in some place as high as our heads
on Horseback- the soil is black when wet &
new when Dry resembling Ashes- the Timber ad
joining & bordering on it White & blk oak- black
Walnut, Sugar Maple &c. - on the open Plains
were many Houses feeding, belonging to the Indians
in about 5 miles riding we came to the Village
of the Muncy Indians, who are a part of the
Delaware Tribe & about 152 in number
the Cataraagas settlement of Senecas is about
one mile further & they are about 250 Persons
We stopd at the House of the Chief Warrior
named Wyundegohta whose store House we
found pretty well supplied with wheat, oats,
old corn&some of his Warrior employed in shilg
new corn which they had previously parched-
this is to be dried in the sun & as wanted for
use, to be pounded & mixed with sugar, and is
an excellent nutritious & portable food for tra
velling- We here saw many Ornaments in
their Way. One Head Dress made with long Fea
thers wrapd on the sides of the Head with white
skin of some animal ornamented with the
skin of a Drakes Head in spots. the Feather
part stuck out behind being highly coloured,
& over the Forehead was the Head & beak of
a Bird (perhaps a Raven) on each side of
which from the Eye was a Tuft of long Crim
son coloured Feathers. At the side of the Room
being a string of Half Moons of 4 in Number, all of Sil
ver, the largest (wh they said cost 6 Dollars) being on the
Top & so regularly becoming [On after?] as they went to
the bottom- on each was an ingraving of some bird
or animal- One pt of Musical Leg Ornaments com
posd of Dyed Feathers & worn in these Dances- a pair
of Mockasins richly wrought with Porcupine Quills
& tipd with a very great number of silver Quills
many other things rich in their way- The Sand
on which these two villages stand, perhaps 15
or 20 Acres in each is beautifully coverd
with white Clover, Green Grass &c. & if it
were inclosed & Kept up for Mowing we thought
would cut the first crop near two Tons per
acre. After stageing here a while & leaving it
with them to fix a time when to receive us
in Council we rode about two miles further
down the Cataraugus Creek to see the Indians
corn & oats &c. the Crops are not very good
owing to several causes the principal are
poor cultivation, yet the Sand is superlatively
good- those Flatts, containing many Thou
sand Acres contain in their Bowels strong
months of being made Ground- as we rode
along the Creek on the opposite side an Island
is now forming, while the bank on which we were
is washing away & as the Depth of 10 or 12 feet
the Logs are sticking out of the Bank into the Creek
bearing the marks of having been there buried
for a long series of years- On returning to the
village we rode about half a mile & forded the
Catarinugus Creek to the Indians saw mill - here we
rode out of the main creek into the Bed of the
small creek which the mill is built on - the
bottom of which is a slate rock -on about 80 or
100 yards we came to the spring mentd the 18th Ult
an indian had a accompanied us with a fire brand
on the application of whichto the Effluvium
arising it immediately burnt into a Blasett
burned with considerable heat as long as we in
clined to view it & would have continued to burn
as we were told till extinguished by a sudden
Dash of water or blow of wind - I dashed afraid
of it out with water pour the creek but al
most as soon as I had done the air caught again
then took his hat & blew it quite out.

The Rock in this place is cracked across in
several directions & the Babbling appears in
the centre, where is the largest opening, at
this place is first caught but soon exten
ded itself for several feet along
the other cracks the flame emitting a
sulpherous Effluvia, mixed with some
other smell- the Water in the Creek was
now very low, but Jacob told us that when the
Spring was coverd with the Creek as it often
was it produced a much larger Flame
than we saw- At a small Distances
from this Spring Jacob told us there was
an Antient Fortification containing