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Some Account of our Journey to Cannandaigue


the hearing a dog bark was the most pleasing I had ever known. Before when we got there J. inquired of the woman of the house what she had to eat. She informed us they had no bread nor meat milk nor butter nor sugar but she had some meal &; Elks fat of which she made some cakes, which with some weak coffee we maid a good supper Tyed our horses to the trough, for there was no Stable nor Hay, Laid down on the floor. 22 Got up before day fed our horses with oats set off as soon as we could see to travel through a very bad rode with mud homes &; roots for all miles arrived at Tyoage a pretty wide stream. Stopt &; Tied our horses Eat some Breakfast then rode; 12 miles to William Carters that being the First House since we left the Block House. Dineed there, then to Peter Robertses's 8 miles lodged there all night had nothing for supper but some of my Elk cake which I got at the Block House &; Milk. 23 we left there early rode 14 miles to David Cook, Nan Cook's nephew got dinner then to the painted post 8 miles then to Bath 17 miles lodged there at Dunn's. 24 Setout in the morning had 23 miles to the first house, where we got dinner, the man's name as I remember is Wm Beven. From there we rode 6 miles to Matcalfs, the head of Cannandaigue Lake Lodged there was well entertained. 25 Left there in the morning rose to Elias Gilberts 12 miles Dineed there then rode to Cannandaigue 10 miles, we rode up the town met with Genl Israel Chapins &; he informed us had provided lodgings for us which we found was a great Servis to us the man and his wife were kind &; entertained us well for that county his name was James D Fish