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Name Other Names Affiliation Birth Date Death Date URI LCNAF
James Abbott Sr. James Abbotts;James Abbot 1744 1800
Henry Abeel Henry O'Beal;Henry O'Bail;Henry O'Beil;Henry O'Neal;Henry Cornplanter 1778 1832
Eunice Abrams
Lucy Abrams
Daniel Adams http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n98090980
John Adams
Parmenio Adams http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr2001028258
Samuel Adams 1773 1844
Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth Lord Sidmouth;1st Viscount Sidmouth 1757 1844 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n82224424
Josiah Addis Josiah Adds
John Adlum 1759 1836 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n85308339
Jammes Tanner L'Agneau James Tanner Agnew 1719 1777
Nathaniel Aldridge
Adam Allen 1773 1844
Humphrey Allen Umphrey Alden
Jane Allen Jane Alden
Jediah Allen 1765 1818
Jon Allen
Joseph Allen 1763 1837
Stephen Allen 1767 1852
William Allen 1770 1843 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n83007775
Alligator Billy Bowlegs;Alligator King;Billy Bolek 1810 1859
Obadiah Almy
Thomas Almy Thomas Almey
William Almy 1761 1836
John Alsop 1753
General Amherst Jeffrey Amherst 1717 1797 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n83179171
Charles Andrews
Jenny Andrews
Major Andrews
Peter Andrews 1707 1756
Jacob Anthony Jacob Antony
O-No-Ran-Do-Roh Robert Armstrong 1775 1825
Frederick Arnold
Sylvester Ash
John Askin John Arken 1739 1815
Anne Attmore 1743 1813
General Augur General Christopher C. Augur 1821 1898
Captain Hendricks Hendricks Aupaumet;Hendricks Apaumet;Hendricks Apaumut;Captain Hendricks Aupaumut;Captain Hendrick;Hendrick Aut. 1757 1830 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n91127791
E. Austin
William Ayres William Dyres
Samson Babb Sampson Babs 1740 1814
George Babor George Beeber;George Bieber 1761 1846
George Bachelor
WIlliam Backhouse
David Bacon 1729 1809
Job Bacon 1735 1801
Joseph Badger 1757 1852
David Baker 1745
Elisha Baker 1773 1840
Elisha D. Baker 1818 1842
George Baker
William Baker
Jonathan Baldwin
Mr. Baldwin
Peter Baldwin
Samuel Baldwin 1754 1837
William Banlin
James Barbour 1775 1842
Robert Barclay 1648 1690
Gua-sa-we-dah John Bark
Abigail Barker Abigail Drinker 1773 1840
Abner Barker
Caleb Barker 1852
Jesse Barker
John Barker
Peter Barker
Rachel Barker Rachel Sands
Wiliam P. Barling
Hannah Barnard Hannah Barnet 1754 1825
Rhoda Barrett 1801
John Barrow John Barron;John Barra
Ashby Barton
Joseph Barton
Rosanna Barton
Isaac Bassett
Mary Bassett
Rev. Bassett
Benjamin Bates
Frederick Bates
Jonathan Battey
Francois Baby Fransey Baubee 1733 1820
William Bayard 1761 1826
Jonathan Beaubien
Lewis Beaufait
Tamaqua The Beaver
Samuel Becket
John Bedient
Jeremiah Belknap 1744 1798
Dr. Andrew Bell
John Bell
John Bell
Mary Bell
Anthony Benezet 1713 1784
James Bennet James Bennit
Rushmore Bennit
Ho-my-ike George Bent;Colonel Bent 1843 1918
Jeremy Bentham 1748 1832
Caleb Bentley Caleb Bently
John Bentley
Gilbert Berry
Jack Berry 1839 http://www.worldcat.org/identities/np-berry,%20jack$seneca%20chief$d%201839/
Jacob Berson
Samuel Bettle 1774 1861
Dr. Beulah
Joseph Bevin Joseph Beven
William Beven
Joseph Bianson
John Biddle 1815
Owen Biddle 1737 1799
Big Fire
Allan Billingham
Squire Birch
Ann Bird 1798 1831
Elizabeth Bird Elizabeth Byrd 1849
Joseph Bird Joseph Byrd 1838
Harry Bishop
Liman Bishop
Lucy Bishop 1855
Maria Bishop
Nathan Bishop 1774 1854
Unaduti Jesse Bushyhead;Jesse Biskeyhead 1804 1844
Ezra Black
Black Chief
Aghwistonisk Jacob Blacksmith
Ty-wau-eash Jacob Blacksnake
John Blake
William Blakey 1739 1822
Samuel Blatchford 1767 1828
Barent Bleeker 1760 1841
Blind Chief
Governor Blount 1749 1800
Uan-eae-ga Hau-neh-hoy's-oh;Blue Eyes
Blue Sky
Joseph Blunt
Jacob Bogardus Jacob Bogarder 1750 1839
Alexander Bogg
Jerome Bonaparte Jérôme Bonaparte;King of Westphalia 1784 1860 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n85811080
Joseph Bond
Phineas Bond 1749 1815
Henry Boner
Isaac Bonsal 1765 1831
John Boon
Henry Booth
Benjamin Borden 1766 1848
John Borden 1836
Thomas Borden 1760 1848
Elias Boudinot 1740 1821
Michael Bowers
Henry Bowman 1767 1832
Elizabeth Bowne 1836
George Bowne 1797
Robert Bowne 1744 1818
Samuel Bowne 1767 1803
William Bowne 1771 1824
Abraham Bradbury
General Edward Braddock 1710 1755
George Bradshaw
Robert Bradshaw 1722 1794
John Brady
Abraham Brand
William Brandt
Thayendanegea Captain Brandt;Joseph Brant 1743 1807 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n80051078
Isaac Brayton
Daniel Breed 1769 1852
Lydia Breed
Mariam Breed
Peace Breed 1798 1847
Stephen Breed 1796 1871
Arthur Breese
Commodore Brevoort 1857
Isaac Briggs 1763 1825
Walter Briggs
John Brightman
Joseph Bringhurst 1767 1834 https://lccn.loc.gov/n87926555
Joseph Brintnall Joseph Brintnell 1772 1866
William Brinton 1759 1842
Moses Bristol 1790 1869
Widow Britts
J.R. Broadhead
Samuel Brooks 1758 1848
Captain Brown
David Brown 1751 1807
John Brown
John Hillory Brown
Moses Brown 1738 1836
Dr. Archibald Bruce 1777 1818
Joseph W. Brewster Joseph Wadsworth Brewster 1764 1849
Edward Brundage Edward Brundige 1838
Samuel Bryant
Buchongeholas Buckangehelas;Buckengihilas;Buckingehelas
Widow Bufkins
Captain Bunbury Captain Banbury;Captain Bunberry
Jemima Bunken
Captain Ely Bunker
George Bunker 1777 1811
Josiah Bunting 1734 1816
William S. Burling 1863
Garret Burtis Garret Burlis 1824
Daniel Burns Daniel Byrne
Adam Burrell
John Burrow
John Butcher
Colonel John Butler 1728 1796
John Butler 1803 1887
Lydia Butler 1847
Richard Butler
Thomas C. Butler 1774 1861
Sah-hu-gae-ne George Button
Abraham Cadwallader 1731 1793
Agness Cadwallader 1773
Jonah Cadwallader Jonas Cadwallader 1774 1815
Reese Cadwallader Reese Cadwallider 1742 1800
Ruth Cadwallader 1776
Nicholas Cah vat coon ter
Captain Caldwell
Charles Caldwell 1772 1853
John C. Calhoun 1782 1850
Shawriskhekung Wilted Grass;Shawuskukhkung
Alexander Campbell 1779 1857
David Canada
Benjamin Canby
Samuel Canby 1751 1832
Weyapiersenwah Captain Blue Jacket ca. 1752 ca. 1810 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no91022289
Ossahinta Captain Frost 1846
Captain Gold
Captain Hermaunus
Captain Honnes
Captain Isaac
Sho-nauk-ga-nes Tommy Jimmy;Captain Jimmy
Captain John
Captain Jones
Captain Keasy
Quaitawaippay Colonel Lewis;Captain Lewis
Captain Peter
Konieschquanoheel Pipe;Hopocan;Captain Pipe 1725 1818
Teeroos Teeroos;Captain Drankup
Samuel Carey 1791 1874
John Carle 1819
Abraham Carlisle 1720 1778
Caleb Carmalt 1792 1862
Levi Carpenter
Mary Carpenter
Mary Carpenter
Moses Carpenter
Sarah Carpenter
Seymore Carpenter
Thomas Carpenter 1752 1857
Isaac Carr
William Carr
Sa-wagn-da-wunk Carry-Folks-People-About;Carry-one-about;Sa-wagh-da-wunk;Sa-wagn-da-wunk;King of all the nations;King of all the western nations up the lakes;
Richard Carter
William Carter
James Carey James Cary 1820 1894
Jonas Cattel Jonas Cattle 1828
Thomas Chalkley 1675 1741
Governor John Chambers 1780 1852
Gouldsmith Chandlee Goldsmith Chandlee 1751 1821
Captain Israel Chapin 1763 1833
General Israel Chapin 1740 1795
Charles Chapman 1754 1818
Widow Chapman
Mock Charles
Ketunga Charley;Sleepy One
Abijah Chase
Alice Chase 1785
Edward Chase 1815
Francis Chase
Maria Chase 1798
Mary Chase 1772
Philip Chase 1767
Rebecca Chase 1810
Stephen Chase 1796
Hannah Checks
Jacob Checkthankuns
G.R. Cholwell
R. Christmas
George Churchman 1730 1814
John Churchman 1705 1775
Allen Clapp Allen Clap 1851
Abigail Clark
Benjamin Bates Clark
J. Clark
Joseph Clark 1745 1833-06-27
Samuel Clark 1735 1802
Thomas Clark
General George Rogers Clark General Clarkson 1752 1818
General Matthew Clarkson 1758 1825
Jacob Claton 1762 1843
Henry Clay 1777 1852
Massanonga Clear Sky
John Cleaver 1760 1823
Nathan Cleaver 1801 1887
Henry Clifton Henry Clafton 1753 1830
DeWitt Clinton 1769 1828
General Henry Clinton Sir Henry Clinton;General Clinton 1730 1795
George Clinton 1739 1812
Jellis Clute
Isaac Coates 1748 1809
Lindley Coates 1794 1856
Lydia Coates 1778 1839
Samuel Coates 1748 1830-06-04
Abner Coates 1768 1820
Andrew Cock 1832
Thomas Cody
Abel Coffin 1780
Elijah Coffin Eliah Coffin 1798 1862
Richard Coffin
William H. Coffin 1830 1925
Nicholas Coggeshal
Elizabeth Coggeshall Elizabeth Cogshall;Elizabeth Cogshell 1770 1851
Cadwallader D. Colden 1769 1834
Charles Cole
Christopher Colles
Thomas Colley 1742 1812
Isaac Collins 1746 1817
Sarah Collins 1775 1855
William B. Collins 1815
Patrick Colquhoun 1815 1891
Judah Colt
Ezra Comfort 1777 1847
Sarah Comfort
Joseph Compton Joseph Campton
Jared Comstock
Nathan Comstock
Gilbert Congdon 1811 1870
Thomas Congdon
Jacob Conhapot
Conewantea Connewauteu
Baties Contien
Conudin Conudiu;Conudia;Handsome Lake;Sga:nyodai:yoh;Ganiodaio 1735 1815 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n96016918
Charity Cook 1745 1822
David Cook 1752 1841
John Cook
Leonard Cook 1823
Nathan Cook
Samuel Cook 1765
Sarah Cook
Susanna Cook 1783
Thomas Cook 1757 1848
James Cooper 1819
Joseph Cooper
Judge Cooper 1754 1809
Benjamin Cope Benjamin Cooke;Benjamin Cook;Benjamin Coope 1765 1845
Nathan Cope Nathan Coope;Nathan Cooper 1733 1820
Rachel Cope Rachel Coope 1771 1807
Bejamin Corlies Benjamin Covlies 1742
George Corlies George Corlis 1749 1816
Jacob Corlies Jacob Corlis 1755 1841
Augustus Cornelius
John Cornelius
Moses Cornelius
William Cornelius
Benjamin Cornell
John Cornell
William Cornell
Cornplanter John Abeel;John Abeal;Gaiantwake;Gyantwachia;Kaintwaken;John O'Bail;Ky-on-twa-ky;Gayëntwahgöh;Captain Obeal 1732? 1836 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n85364057
Lord Charles Cornwalls 1738 1805
Francis Cornwalls Francis Cornwell
Adin T. Cory 1845
John Cotteral 1774 1852
Captain Cowan Captain Cowan
Jesse Copeland Jesse Cowpland
Hannah Corlies Hannah Cowrlis 1866
Jacob Corlies Jacob Cowrlis 1778 1834
Isaac Cox
John Cox 1748
Lieutenant Cox
Major Isaac Craig Isaac Crage 1742 1826
Jacob Cram Rev. Mr. Jacob Cram 1762 1833
James Crawford
Lieutenant Crawford
Caleb Cresson 1742 1816
James Cresson 1741 1799
Jane Cresson Jane Crossen
John Cromwell 1767 1828
George Crosley George Crosly;George Crosby 1748
Grace Crossly Gracy Crossly 1776
John Crossly
Captain Paul Cuffe 1759 1817
David Cumming David Cummins 1801
Ebenezer Curtis 1820
Ka-nat-soyh Nicholas Cusich;Nicholas Tuisach;Nicholas Schusick;Nicholas Schuysick;Nicholas Cuseck;Nicholas Chusick;Nicholas Kaghnatsto 1761 1841
John Cutler
Matinas Dana
Major Asa Danford 1768 1821
Richard Daniel
Deborah Darby 1754 1810 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr94000930
John Dorlin John Darling
Mary Eddy 1724
Suriey Davad
Anthony L. Davis
Doctor Davis
Isaac Davis
Rumford Dawes 1741 1819
Mahlon Day 1790 1854 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n85028365
John Dean 1820
Judge Dean 1748
Stephen Dean 1797
Thomas Dean
Henry Dearborn 1751 1829
Henry DeButts
Joseph Delaplaine 1725 1799
J. Delinham
George Demeter
Phillip Dennis Phillip Denis
John Denny John Denney
George Dennis
Metinas Dennis
Obadiah Dennis Obadiah Denniss
James Derbyshire James Darbyshire;James Derbyshier
Gerrit DeWitt 1762 1807
Simeon DeWitt 1756 1834
Frederick Augustus DeZang Frederick Augustus de Zeng 1756 1838
Joseph Dillingham
Joshua Dillingham 1828
Josiah Dillon
Moses Dillon
George Dillwyn 1738 1820
Martin Dinney Martin Denney
Silas Dinsmoore Silas Dinsmoor 1766 1847
Isaac Denniston Isaac Dirmiston
William Dison
James Dixon
William Dixon 1741 1833
Doctor Peter
John Dodgson 1834
Isaac Dolson
John Dolson 1752 1836
Matthew Dolson 1748 1815
Ed Donnell
Silas Downing 1747 1822
Jacob Doxstader 1762 1832
Mary Doxstader Mary Dockstater;Mary Peters;Mary Dockstady
Moses Doxstader 1813 1891
Polly Doxstader 1785 1882
Ty-at-hada Dochstader;Doxstader
William Doyle
Captain John Drake
Joseph Drake
Daniel Drinker 1735 1815
Henry Drinker 1734 1809
John Drinker 1733 1800
Geroge Duckwell
Paul Dudley
Cornelius Deuel Cornelius Deul;Cornelius Deull;Cornelius Duell
Thomas Dutton 1769
Theodore Dwight 1764 1846
Peter Dyongevet Peter Dyongivet
Abigail Eams
Charles Earle
Charles Eddy
George Eddy 1810
Hannah Eddy Hannah Hartshorne 1832
James Eddy 1712 1769
John Hartshorne Eddy 1817
Thomas Eddy 1758 1827
John Edie
Samuel Elain
David Elder
Joseph Elkinton Joseph Elkington 1794 1868
Andrew Ellicott 1734 1809
Benjamin Ellicott 1765 1827
Elias Ellicott 1759 1827
George Ellicott 1760 1832
James Ellicott 1772 1820
John Ellicott 1780 1813
Jonathan Ellicott 1756 1826
Joseph Ellicott Joseph Elicot 1760 1826
Thomas Ellicott 1777 1859
Captain Elliott
John Elliott
Mathew Elliott
Barzilla Ellis Barzillai Ellis 1781
Mercy Ellis 1761 1848
Thomas Ellis 1764 1826
William Ellis 1751 1806
William Ellis Jr. 1787 1871
James Embree 1749 1815
William Embree
George Embree George Embrie 1799
James Emlen 1799
James Emlen 1792 1866
Samuel Emlen 1730 1799
Sarah Emlen 1787 1849
Colonel Richard England
Captain Ernest
David Evans 1733 1817
Enoch Evans 1743 1818
Hugh Evans 1730 1808
Jonathan Evans, Jr. 1759 1839
Joseph Evans 1789 1871
Joshua Evans 1731 1798
Thomas Evans 1798 1868
Catherine Everett 1768
Isaac Everet Isaac Everitt 1737 1801
John Eves 1726 1802
John Ewig
Blue Eyes
Allan Farquhar Allen Farquhar 1737 1798
Benjamin Farquhar
Thomas Farquhar
James W. Faulkner
Samuel Faulkner
Peter Felix
Walter Farrington Walter Ferrington
Benjamin Ferris 1780 1867
John Ferris 1734 1814
Catherine Field
Hannah Field
John Field
Josiah Field 1774 1859
Peter Field 1753 1839
Phebe Field
WIlliam Field 1767 1834
Joseph Philbrick Joseph Filbrick 1755 1831
Lois Philbrick Lois Filbrick;Louis Filbrick 1754 1842
James D. Fish
Josiah Fish 1755 1811
Preserved Fish 1731 1808
Hojiagede Fish Carrier 1740 1807
Miers Fisher Myers Fisher 1748 1819
Samuel Fisher 1745 1834
Thomas Fisher 1741 1810
William F. Fisher 1788 1878
Wonongaseah Wonongaseah;Wannangsea
WIlliam Flanner WIlliam Flamier
John W. Flynn John Flinn 1782 1857
General William Floyd Colonel William Floyd 1734 1821
Benjamin Folsom
Captain Ford
John Foreman
Joshua Foreman Joshua Forman
Judge Oliver Forward 1780 1833
Andrew Foster
James Foster
Richard Foster
William Foster
Dr. Fothergill 1712 1780
Jesse Foulke 1742 1821
Benjamin Fowler 1774 1848
Captain George Fowler
David Fowler 1735 1807
Jacob Fowler
Dr. John W. Francis 1789 1861
Dr. Franklin 1705 1790
Matthew Franklin 1773 1815
Thomas P. Franklin
Daniel Frazer
Captain Freeman
Joseph Frobisher 1748 1810
Charles Frost 1750 1820
Joseph Frost 1790 1818
Colonel Fry
David Fuller
Robert Fulton 1765 1815
Ann Gaige Ann Gage 1781 1854
Isaac Gaige Isaac Gage 1770 1864
Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet 1787 1851
Stephen Gardner 1748 1830
Amos Garretts 1749 1825
Edward Garrigues Edward Garrigues 1756 1845
Susanna Garrigues Susanna Garriguess 1783 1826
John Garrison
Thomas Gaskill 1741 1828
William Gass
General Horatio Gates 1727 1806
James Geddes 1763 1838
Frederick Gearheart Frederick Gerard;Frederick Gearhart;Frederick Geerheart
Thomas George 1740 1808
George Washington
Judge Gerard
Abraham Gibbons 1741 1798
Captain Gibbons
James Gibbons 1736 1823
Joshua Gibson
Thomas Gibson
Caleb Gifford Caleb Gifferd 1764 1832
Jedida Gifford Jerusha Gifferd
Hannah Gifford
Peleg Gifford 1760
Elias Gilbert Ellis Gilbert 1748 1828
Ezekiel Gilbert 1756 1841
Joshua Gillam Joshua Gillham
Thomas Gillam
James Gillingham 1757
John Gillingham 1766 1849
Joseph Gilpin 1663 1739
Lucy Gilpin 1855
Sally Gilpin
Thomas Gilpin 1729 1778
Simon Girty 1741 1818
Lieutenant Givens
John I. Glover 1835
Stephen Gould Stephen Gold 1781 1838
Dorothy Golden 1854
W.N. Gorham 1798 1875
Thomas Gould
Daniel Gove 1749 1843
Dolly Gove 1758 1846
Miriam Gove 1751 1836
Jonathas Grandville 1785 1839
Graney Wagus
Erasmus Granger
Commodore Grant 1734 1813
General Grant 1822 1885
J. Grant
Big Tree Great-Tree
David Greave David Grave
Rowland Greene Rowland Green 1770 1859
Ruth Green 1764 1829
Zopher Green 1740
William Gregory
John Greig John Gregg
Stephen Grellet 1741 1855
Dr. Sylvester Grinnel
James McGrew James M. Grew 1762
Grin Gridley
Benjamin Griffen Benjamin Griffin 1781 1842
Esther Griffen Esther Griffin 1760 1832-11-16
John Griffen Jr. John Griffin 1756 1826
Joseph Griffen Joseph Griffin
Mary Griffen Mary Griffin 1847
Isaac Griffith
John Griscom 1774 1852
Stanley Griswold 1763 1816
Samuel Gritman 1845
William Grouse
Samuel Gummere 1750 1825
Jeremiah Hacker
Captain L. Hackstaff
Preserved Haid
David Haight
Solomon Haight Solomon Height 1810
Caspar Haines Caspar Wistar Haines 1762 1801
Ephraim Haines 1775 1837
Jesse Haines Jesse Haynes 1756 1856
Joseph Haines
Josiah Haines 1733 1822
Hinchman Haines 1767 1853
Achiout Half-town;Achiout;Codjeyate;Ga-ji-ot
Haw-naw-wah-es Levi Halftown
Isaac Halftown
Te-ugh-ta-gud-ta Tunis Halftown
G. Hall
General Hall
Lydia Hall
Earl Halloway
Edward Halluck Jr. 1754
Edward Halluck Sr. 1717
Captain Carry Hamilton
Samuel Hamilton
William Hamilton 1745 1813
Jemimah Hammond 1795 1858
William Hance 1760 1827
Captain Handaga
F. Handford
Cornelius Hanoyong
Charles Harford
Hannah Harlan
General Josiah Harmar Josiah Harmer 1753 1813
General Harney 1800 1889
Nathan Harper
John Harret
Asa Harris
John Harris
Margaret Harris Widow Mary
Samuel Harris 1794
Sarah Richards Harrison 1744 1812
Thomas Harrison Thomas Harrisson 1741 1815
Widow Harrison
William Henry Harrison 1773 1841
Cynthia Experiance Hart 1822
Jonathan Hart 1831
Hugh Hartshorne Hugh Hartshorn 1781 1849
John Hartshorne 1725 1813
John Hartshorne Jr. 1763 1849
Lawrence Hartshorne
Richard Hartshorne Richard Hartshorn 1750 1836
William Hartshorne 1748 1833
Amos Harvey 1749 1825
Henry Harvey
John Haslam 1764 1844
Absalom Hatfield
Ruth Hatfield
Colonel Hathorne 1749 1825
Thomas Hauxhurst 1830
Joseph Haven Joseph Havens
Benjamin Haviland
Ebenezer Haviland
Jesse Hawley 1773 1842
Major Hay 1765 1813
Dr. John Haygarth
Bezaleel Hayhurst Bezelleel Heyherst 1766 1841
James Hazard
Nathan Heald 1735 1826
John Heckewelder John Heckevvelder;John Hackenwelder;John Heckenvelder 1743 1823
Joel Hemlock
John B. Henderson 1826 1913
Lydia Suhquauwkhuh Lydia Hendrick
Thomas T. Hendrick
Uhhawnnowwaunmat Solomon U. Hendrick;Solomon Aupaumut
Lieutenant Edmund Henn
Alexander Henry 1739 1824
James Henry 1812
Lieutenant Henry
Daniel Herboin
Joseph Herkland
Jasper Herring Gasper Herring
Nathan Herrington Nathan Herringdan
John Herritt
Zebulon Heston 1702 1776
Daniel Haviland Daniel Heviland 1746 1828
Eliazer Haviland Eliazer Hevilands 1777 1863
Jacob Haviland Jacob Hevilands;Jacob Haviland 1831
Judith Haviland 1847
Martha Haviland
Priscilla Haviland 1827
Rhoba Haviland Roby Hevilands 1863
Samuel Haviland Samuel Hevilands 1848
Barnabas Hicks
Elias Hicks 1748 1830
Isaac Hicks 1767 1820
Valentine Hicks 1860
Willett Hicks Willet Hicks 1765 1845
Benjamin Hill 1768
David Hill
John Hill 1766
William Hill
Joseph Hill
Richard Hillery
Henry Hinsdale 1785 1845
Ho-na-ye-wus Farmer's Brother;Ho-na-ye-wus;Honayewus;Honaiyowns 1732 1841 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no99070223
Enoch Hoag 1847 1816
Nathaniel Hoag 1765 1849
Samuel Hoare Jr.
William Hobbs
John Hobert 1775 1830
Major Hodgson
Jonah Hole
Robert Holliday 1810
Susanna Hollingsworth 1755 1830
Widow Hollow
Mary Holmes
Richard Hooker 1801
Adam Hoops Adam Hoopes 1760 1847
Robert Hoops
Gerard T. Hopkins 1769 1834
Samuel M. Hopkins 1772 1837
John Hopkinson
Susanna Horne Susana Horn
Joseph Horner
Widow Horner
David Horsham
David Hosack 1769 1835
Mary Hosack 1824
John Hoskins 1727 1814
James Hotton
Thomas Hough
Horton Howards Horton Howard
John Howard 1726 1790
John Howard
General William Howe 1729 1814
Johsua Howell
Phebe Howes 1767 1860
Azaria Howland 1756
Deborah Howland
George Howland, Jr.
Thomas Howland
Job Howling
Zebulon Hoxsie Zebulon Hoxie 1747 1822
Johathan Hoyt 1850
Ellis Hughes 1800
Jesse Hughes
Mark Hughes 1771 1836
Samuel Hughes
William Hughes 1819
Amy Hull 1850
Henry Hull 1765 1834
John F. Hull 1767 1857
Mary Hull 1827
Oliver Hull 1731 1803
Tiddeman Hull Fiddeman Hull 1759 1827
John Humphries John Humphreys 1806
John Hunt 1753 1836
Philena Hunt
Rachel Hunt
Samuel Huntington
Christian Hurlburt
Lucy Hussekun
James Hyatt 1836
Jabez Hyde
Randall Iden 1737 1812
Benjamin Iddings Benjamin Idings 1753 1826
James Iddings James Idings
Mary Iddings Mary Idings
Maria Imlay Maria Imley 1829
Indian John
William Engle Wiliam Ingle
D'yo-ya-tek Joseph Isaacs
Thomas Isaacs 1775
Benjamine Jackson
Halliday Jackson 1771 1835
Hannah Jackson
Hannah Seaman Jackson Hannah Seaman 1749 1833
Isaac Jackson 1742 1808
James Jackson 1736 1817
John Jackson 1766 1851
Samuel Jackson 1765
William Jackson 1746 1834
Jacob Cauredtaurwacah
Isaac Jacobs 1741 1815
John Jacobs
Ezekiel James 1736 goshe
Horatio James Horatio Jones
John James
Shaw-go-za-sot-hoh Jacob Jimeson;Jacob Jameson
Israel Janney 1752 1823
Richard M. Janney 1806 1874
Miller Janson
John Jay 1745 1829
Peter Augustus Jay 1776 1843
Thomas Jefferson 1743 1826
Sam Jemison
William Jenkins 1779 1843
Jeong Tutios
Jonathan Jessop
Charles Jewett Charles Jewitt;Charles Jouett
John General
Daniel Johnson
Jacob Johnson
Jemy Johnson Jimmy Johnson
John Johnson 1741 1830
John Johnson John Jonston;John Johnston 1748 1810
Joseph Johnson
Samuel Johnson
Sir William Johnston 1715 1774
William Johnson
William Johnston William Jonston;William Johnson
John Johnston 1775 1861
Joseph Johnston Joseph Jonson
David Jones
Horatio Jones 1763 1836
Joseph Jones 1773
Owen Jones 1755 1825
Philip Jones
Rebecca Jones 1739 1817
Rowland Jones 1778 1867
Ruth Jones
Samuel Jones
Thomas Jones
Little Jonny
Elizabeth Joseph
Elizabeth Josy
John Jourdan John Jourden
Hugh Judge 1750 1834-12-21
James Justice
Kecookuk 1767 1848
Avis Keen
William Kelly
David Kennedy
Widow Kennedy
James Kent 1763 1847
William Kenworthy
Francis Kerr
Jesse Kersey Jessee Kersey 1768 1845
William Kersey
Michael Kettera
William Kibbre
Gelelemend John Kilbuck;William Henry 1737 1811
George Kilbuck
John M. Kim
Emmor Kimber 1775 1850
Francis King 1814
Gregory King 1648 1712
Jane King
George Kinsey 1752 1828
Mary Kinsey 1754 1825
Caleb Kirk 1756
Mahlon Kirk
William Kirk
Hannah Kirkbride 1747 1826
Jonathan Kirkbride 1739 1824
Mahlon Kirkbride 1772 1851
Mary Kirkbride 1778 1871
Robert Kirkbride 1738
Thomas Kirker 1760 1837-02-20
Eliza Kirkland 1784
Mary Kirkland 1754 1839
Samuel Kirkland 1741 1808
Samuel Lorenzo Knapp 1783 1838
Mary Ann Knight 1776 1831
Eve Knohtcaunmeu
David E. Knowles 1801 1848
Henry Knox 1750 1806
Hannah Konkapot
Jacob Konkapot 1835
John Konkapot
Cornelius Konoyoung
James Kooken
James Kyle James Kiles;James Kiyles
R. Lachambor
Gerard Ladd
Edmond Lafetra 1764
James Lafetra 1807
P. LaFontaine
Joseph Lancaster 1778 1838
Abraham Lane 1772
Adam Lane
Cornelius Lane
John Dunmore Lang 1799 1879
James Langstaff
Captain Lansing
Abraham Lapham Abraham Lappum 1755
Daniel Lapham 1783
Esther Lapham 1756
Ira Lapham 1778
Ant. Lasselle
Jacques Lasselle
Elenor Laughton
John Laughton
Calib Lawrence
James Lawrence 1762 1846
Leonard Lawrence 1741 1821
Richard Lawrence 1719 1814
Richard R. Lawrence 1765
David Lawry
Amos Lee Amos Lea 1754 1832
Captain Leaburn
Tobias Lear 1762 1816-10-11
Mordecai Lee 1733 1812
Nathan Lee
Samuel Lee 1722 1802
Thomas Lee
Thomas Leeks
Eliza Legggett Eliza Leggate
Joseph Leggett Joseph Leggate
Isaac Leggett
Peter Lenhard
Lydia Lenox
George Lepley
Catharine Letchman
Esther Letchman
Dr. John Coakley Lettsom Doctor Lettsom;John Lettsome 1744 1815
Frederick Levenburg Frederic Levenburgh
Esther Levis
Enoch Lewis 1776
Marshal Lewis
Thomas Lewis
E.W. Leybourne
Lieutenant Jo
Thomas Lightfoot 1742 1821
General Benjamin Lincoln 1733 1810
Captain Lindley
Colonel Lindley Colonel Lindsley 1737 1794
Hannah Miller Lindley 1755 1798
Jacob Lindley Jacob Lindly 1744 1816
Samuel Lindley
Gau-ni-dough George Lindsay
Widow Lindsley
Hannah Lines
Samuel Linton
T. Lion
William Lippincott 1738 1802
Fosh-ka-uga Gishkaka;Jish-ge-ge;Katy-did; Little Billy 1834
Little Hill
Meshekunnoghquoh Michikinikwa;Meshekunnoghquoh;Michikinakoua;Michikiniqua;Me-She-Kin-No;Meshecunnaquan;Mischecanocquah;Little Turtle 1747 1812
Catharine Littleman 1780 1843
Esther Littleman Eshter Littleman
Edward Livingston 1764 1836
John Lloyd Jr. 1759 1838
Peter Lossing
Joseph Loughrey
John Love 17?? 1822-08-17
Francis Lovelace 1621 1675
John Luke
Jacob Lundy Jacob Lunday;Jacob Lundas 1751 1806
Sarah Lundy Sarah Lundas 1748 1803
William Lundy William Lunday
David Lupton 1757
William Lupton
William Lurhrey
Aaron Lurman
Henry Lushington 1812 1855
Captain Elam Lyndes Elam Lindes 1784 1855
James McGrew James M'Grew
John M'Intire John McIntire 1759 1815
Thomas McCall Thomas McCaull 1774 1849
Alexander Mackenzie Alexander McKenzie;Alexander M'Kenzie 1764 1820-03-12
Caleb Macomber Caleb Maccumber;Caleb McCombre;Caleb McComber;Caleb Makcumber
John Madcalf John Metcalf
Widow Maddock
James Madison 1751 1836
James Magarth
Mai i rai Walk on the Water
Jabez Manchester 1764
William L. Marcy 1786 1857
Jesse Maris
Marpuck Marpau;Mucketeypokee;Mucktypoke;Mka-da-puk-ke;Muccutay Penay;Makadebakii;Mkadébki;Black Partridge 1744
Charles Marriott 1782 1843
Johnathan Marriott
Lucia Marriott
Margaret Marriott
Samuel Marriott
Tabitha Marriott
Captain Marseilles Marseilace
Joseph Marsh 1726 1811
Silas Marsh
Benjamin Marshall
John Marshall 1755 1835
Phoebe Marshall 1780
Benjamin Mason
John Mason 1766 1849
George Massey 1767 1848
Michal Masyer
Timothy Matlack 1736 1829
Thomas Matthews 1749
John Matthewson
Maukhtoaquauwusquch Jersey
Ebenezer Manawsett Ebenezer Maunauseet;Ebenezer Manawsett
Archibald McAllister
William McComb
Daniel McCormick
Dr. William M'Caskey
William McGill
Hoboi-Hili-Miko Alexander McGillivrey 1750 1793
Judge Thomas McKean 1734 1817
Captain McKee M'Kee 1770 1814
Colonel McKee Wapameisheu 1735 1799
Colonel Thomas Loraine McKenney Colonel McKinney 1785 1859
John McKim John M'Kim
Henry McNire Henry McNair
John McPherson
William McCulloch
Hugh McWain
Zacheous Mead 1837
Charles Meatyard 1797 1872
Enoch Mellon
Rachel Mellon
James Mendenhall 1764
Martha Mendenhall 1759
Nathan Mendenhall 1776 1841
Stephen Mendenhall
Thomas Mercer
Simon Meredith
Consider Merritt 1766
John Merritt John Merrit 1758 1833
Phebe Weeks Merritt Phebe Merrit 1765 1838
Thankful Scott Merrit 1780 1845
Anne Merritt 1785
Daniel Merritt
Martha Merritt
Samuel Merritts
John Messemer John Mesemer
Metacomet King Philip;Metacom 1676
John Metorsen
George Meyrick
Charles Mifflin 1783
Thomas Mifflin 1744 1800
Warner Mifflin 1745 1798
Ann Emlen Mifflin Ann Emlen 1815
Henry Miles 1795 1885
Doctor Milledoler
Christopher Miller
Hannah Miller
James Miller 1776 1851
James Miller
Judge Morris S. Miller
Mark Miller 1736 1800
Mary Miller
Henry Millhouse Henry Millhouse 1736 1821
Henry Mills
James Mills
Major John Mills
Doctor Milnor 1773 1845
D.D. Mitchell 1806 1861
Samuel Latham Mitchell Samuel Mitchill 1764 1831
Mohican Samuel
James Monroe 1758 1831
Robert Monroe
James Moon 1713 1796
Samuel Moor 1751
Asa Moore 1823
E. Moore
Jacob Moore
Jeremiah Moore
Joseph Moore 1732 1793
Richard Moore
Robert Moore 1739 1826
Sir Henry Moore 1713 1769-09-11
Solomon Moore
Thomas Lloyd Moore Thomas Lloyd Moor 1759 1813
Henry More Henry Moor
Thomas More Thomas Moore
Moreau 1763 1813
Jonathan Morey
William Morgan 1845
M. Morins
Anna Shoemaker Morris Anna Shoemaker 1777 1865
Benjamin Morris 1762 1825
Governneur Morris 1752 1816
James Morris 1735 1795
Joel Morris
Robert Morris 1769 after 1804
Thomas Morris 1771 1849
William Morrows 1744 1817
Jedediah Morse 1761 1826
Sidney Edwards Morse 1794 1871
John Morton 1776 1812
Margaret Morton 1778 1852
George Moses
Allan Mosher Allen Mosher 1755 1847
Trip Mosher Tripp Mosier 1822
Catharine Motoxew
Abigail Mott 1766 1851
Adam Mott 1762 1839
Anne Mott 1768 1852
Daniel Mott 1763
Isaac Mott 1842
James Mott 1742 1823
John Mott
Joseph Mott 1798
L. Mott
Lydia P. Mott 1774 1862
Richard Mott 1767 1856
Samuel L. Mott
Samuel Mott
William F. Mott
Paul Mounsey
Captain Munsey
Catharine Murray 1763 1834
Charlie Murray
Hugh Murray
John Murray 1758 1819
Lindley Murray 1745 1826
Robert J. Murray 1786 1858
John Mears John Myers 1738 1819
Catherine Naukowwisquok
Jacob Naunuhsstaug Jacob Naunechplough
P. Navarre
Robn. Neill
William Neill
James Nelson
David Neshounhut
George Newbold
Susan Newbold
Clayton Newbold Cleayton Newbold;Clayton Newbolds 1812
William Newbold William Newbould 1767 1828
Elias Newby
Estes Newham
Nicholas Shagorohorongo
Anne Nichols
John Nichols
Joseph Nicholson
Daniel Nichouls
James Nield 1744 1818
Robert Nisbet
John Norris
William Norris
William North 1755 1836 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr91026925.html
Hampton Northup
William Noruuqshen
O-bas-se-a The Fawn
Edward O'Brian
F.J. O'Brien
James O'Hara 1752? 1819
Antony Obsequate
Moses Obsequate
William Odel
Daniel Offley Daniel Affley;Daniel Ofley 1756 1793
David A. Ogden 1770 1829
Thomas L. Ogden
Peter Okasantguo
Old Fatty
Sayenqueraghta Kaieñãkwaahtoñ;Gayahgwaahdoh;Kayenquaraghton;Sayenqueraghta;Sayengaraghta;Seneca King;Old Smoke 1707 1786
Captain Oliver
Abijah O'Neal Abijah O'Neale
Peter Oneyana Beechtree;King Doe;Oneyanta
Cornelius Otisleda
Jacob Otot sait
Owhistonish He knows the Value of Money;Silversines
Colman Pahten
Martha Painter
Jonathan Palmer
Abiah Park
Henry Parker 1832
Joseph Park
Benjamin Parker
Robert Parker
Samuel Parker
William Parker Junr.
Jasper Parish Jaspar Parrish;Captain Parish 1767 1836
John Parish John Parrish 1730 1807
Joseph Parish Joseph Parrish 1779 1840
James Parsons
Samuel Parsons 1774 1841
Samuel H. Parsons
Francis Parvin 1726 1808
William Patterson
William Patterson 1752 1835
Joseph Paul
Benjamin Paulin
Jesse Paulin
Eunice Paupquotch-chiem
Jacob Paxson 1744 1832
Oliver Paxson Paxton;Paxon;Paseton 1741 1817
Captain Paxton
M. Payne 1743 1807
Thomas Payne Thomas Paine 1737 1809
Joseph Pearsall 1740 1834
Moses Pearson 1798 1874
Nathaniel Pearson
Jerusha Peckhams
John Peckhams
John Peirce John Pearce;John Pierce 1755 1833
Tus sky John Peirce
Israel Pemberton 1715 1779
James Pemberton 1723 1809
John Pemberton 1727 1795
Phineas Pemberton 1753 1778
Edward Penington 1726 1796
Abijah Peninton
Hannah Peninton
Matthew Peninton
John Penn 1729 1795
William Penn Onas 1644 1718
John Pennock
James Pepen
Perkins 1749 1838
Jacob Parry Jacob Perry
Lauloway John Perry
Sategealithea Peter the Pagan
Peter the Great
Alexandre Sabès Pétion 1770 1818
John Petoytar
Oliver Phelps 1749 1809
Elijah Philips
Catherine Phillips 1727 1794
Colonel Timothy Pickering 1745 1829
Charles Picton
Moses Pierce
Sky Pierce
Major Pike
James Pinebrush
M. Pinel 1745 1826
William Morton Pitt
Judge Jonas Platt 1769 1834
J. Pleasants
Samuel Clarke Pomeroy 1816 1891
Robert Pool
William Poole 1829
James Pope
Lydia Pope
George Poppelheim
Valentine Poppelheim
John Porteous
Major Porter
Peter Buell Porter 1773 1844
John Possum
Judge Potter 1722
Joseph Potts 1742 1804
Daniel Pound Daniel Pond 1751
Samuel Pound 1745 1826
R. Povine
Joseph Powell
Judge Powell 1755 1834
Major Powell
Robert Powell
Mary Dillon Price 1781 1844
George Prior
Sarah Ann Prior
Thomas Proctor 1739 1806
Edmund Pryor Edmund Prior 1755
Betsey Purington 1875
Hannah Purington
Joshua Pusey 1738 1804
Elizabeth Pye
Mary Pye
Solomon Quanquanchmut
Catharine Quawquauchmut Catharine Quauquwchon;Catherine Kawhawsquok
Eunice Quinney Eunice Queeny
Isaiah Quimby 1750 1814
Moses Quinby 1810 1875
A.E. Quinney 1863
Joseph Quinney Joseph Quonney;John Quanaukaunt
Katharine Quinney Catherine Quinney
Lydia Quinney
Margaret Quinney
Waunnaaucan Quincy;The Dish 1797 1855
Gerald Ralston
Robert Randal Robert Randel;Robert Randall 1766 1834
Governor Beverley Randolph 1754 1797
H. Rankins
Captain Ranney 1761 1839
Alice Rathbone
La-gua-ota Se,go,he,wautah;Sa-go-ye-wat-ha;Sa-go-ye-wet-ha;Sagoyewatha;Shagoyewa:ta’;Red Jacket 1750 1830 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n50049454
Atsiaktatye Captain Jacob Reed
Charles Reeder
John Reeve 1754
George Reevers
George Rendiquadit
David Reynolds
Margaret Reynolds
Commandant Rhea
Hannah Evans Rhoads 1793 1865
Sarah Rhodes
Thomas Rice
Charles Richards
Joseph Richardson
Margaret Richardson
Widow Richardson
Shadrach Ricketson 1768 1839
Captain James Riley 1777 1840
Dorothy Ripley 1767 1831
John Roakes
Harriet Robbins
Samuel Robbins Samuel Robens;Samuel Robins
John Roberts 1721 1778
Peter Roberts
John Robinson
San-ged-quate James Robinson;James Robertson
Thomas R. Robinson
William Robison
Elizabeth Stephenson Robson 1771 1843
Aaron Rodgers Aaron Rogers 1776 1866
Alice Rodgers 1784 1841
Stephen Rodgers 1784 1867
Lawyer Roe
Stephen Rogers
Rohshawoh Walk in the water;Maera;Awmeyeeray;Mirahatha 1817
John Rop
William Roscoe 1753 1831
Ensign Ross
Charity Rotch 1766 1824
Thomas Rotch 1765 1823
Joseph Rouke
Martha Winter Routh Martha Rowth 1743 1817
Isaiah Rowland 1752
Joshua Rowland 1806
Jonathan Rowley 1773 1833
Count Rumford Benjamin Thompson 1753 1814
Thomas Runner
Pinšiwa Russiaville;Jean Baptist de Richardville;Joseph Richardville c. 1761 1841-08-13
Martha Rushmore
Thomas Rushmore 1760 1842
Acors Rathbun 1772 1855
William Rathbun
Ruth Anna Rutter Ruth Anna Ruther 1768 1810
Thomas Rutter 1795
Widow Rutter
Saccarissa Sagarissa;Saguaresy;Sacharisa
Joseph Salter 1732 1820
Samuel Sanders
David Sands 1745 1818
Gotileb Sensiman Gotileb Sensemer;Gotileb Sensemann;Gotileb Sansemen
Baptiste Sansfrainte Baptiste Sans Craint
Joseph Sansom 1767 1826
Samuel Sansom 1739 1824
William Savery 1750 1804
Adam Scanadoah
Benjamin Scarlet
John Scarlet
Thomas Scattergood 1748 1814
John Freeman Schermerhorn 1787 1859
John Schmitt
Hannah Schoiakaim
Asa Schooly Esau Schooley;Asy Schooley
Azariah Schooly
Benjamin Schooly Benjamine Schooley 1733 1809
General Philip Schuyler 1733 1804
Hendrick Schuyler
Moses Schuyler
WIlliam Schuyler
Elizabeth Scipio
Obadiah Scipio Obediah Sepio
Ann Scott
Job Scott 1751 1793
Enoch Scrigley Enoch Shrigley
Elizabeth Seaman Elizabeth Seamans
Gideon Seaman Gideon Seamans 1744 1837
Willett Seaman Willis Seaman
Samuel Searing 1756 1838
Hannah Seepnommow Hannah Supnommore
Jo-on-da-goh John Seneca
John Sergeant John Sargeant;John Serjent;John Sergent 1710 1749
John Sergeant Jr. 1747 1824
Abraham Serjeant
Sarah Sesing
Elizabeth Seth
Samuel Sewall 1757 1814
Levi Seymour
Shagohgludaha Shagoghyudaha
David Shannon
Benjamin Sharples 1764 1857
Edith Sharpless 1777 1861
Jonathan Sharpless 1767 1860
Joshua Sharpless Joshua Sharples 1747 1826
Joshua Sharpless Sharples 1779 1860
Lydia Sharpless
Martha Sharpless Martha Jefferis 1775 1854
Nathan Sharpless 1772 1863
Phebe Sharpless 1793 1850
Joseph Shauquithqueath Shanquithqueth;John Shauqueathquat;Shawquithquirt;Shanqueathquot;Skauqueathquant
Benjamin Shaw
John Shaw
John Shaw
Abraham Shearman Jr.
Jonathan Schieffelin
Robert Sheket
Christian Shellers
Major Shepard Mager Shepherd 1821
Morris Shepperd 1774
Nathan Shepperd
William T. Sherman 1820 1891
Ann Shipley 1824
William Shipley 1811 1837
Charles Shoemaker 1762 1837
John Shoemaker 1726 1807
Isidore Shone 1793
Kau-is-h-shorge Captain;James Shongo
W.C. Short
Joseph Shotwell Jr.
Elijah Shotwell 1779 1857
Jemimah Shotwell 1871
Joseph D. Shotwell 1782 1856
Rueben Shreeve
Si-gwa-ah-doh-gwih Little Beard 1806
Lawyer Sibley 1769 1846
George Silverheels
Johnson Silverheels
Nicholas Silverheels
Oliver Silverheels
Governor John Graves Simcoe 1752 1806
Robert Simmerwell
Henry Simmons Henry Symmons 1768
Gidion Simpson
James Simpson
John Simpson 1739 1811
William Sinclair
Ska hon wot Standing Tree
John Skenando Scanada;Oskanondonha;Skenandoa;Skonondon;Shenandoah;Skenedo;Skanando;Skonnondogh;Scanado;Scanacloe;Schonandoah 1706 1816
John Skesuck
George Skinner 1761
John Skinner 1733 1801
Daniel Sky
John Sky
Sky Carrier
Benjamin Slade
Benjamin Sleeper
John Sleeper 1794
Samuel Sleeper
John Sloan
Joseph Sloan Joseph Slone
William Sloan
Aaron Smith
Black Smith
Captain Smith
Captain Smith 1580 1631
Hendrick Smith Hindreck Smith
Jacob Smith
Jeffrey Smith
Jeremiah Smith 1833
Jonathan Smith
Joseph Smith
Lawyer Smith
Moses Smith
Nancy Smith
Nathan Smith
Peter Smith
Robert Smith Jr.
Samuel Smith 1737 1817
Seth Smith
Susan Smith
Thomas Smith
Thomas Smith 1833
Zebulon Smith
Peter Sniders Peter Saunders;Peter Snider
David Snow
Ty-a-go-dou-te Joseph Snow;Jacob Snow;Jack Snow;Joe Snow
Samuel Snowden
S. Snyder
Catharine Solomon
Hank Solomon
Moses Sonkankeheh
Caleb Soran
Samuel Lewis Southard 1787 1842
Edward Southwick 1757 1836
Elizabeth Southwick 1792
Townsend Speakman
Ferg. Speers
Ambrose Spencer 1765 1848
Ruth Anthony Spencer 1769 1844
Thomas Spencer
Thomas Spencer
Jacob Spencer
Jesse Spring
General Arthur St. Clair 1737 1818
Edward Stabler 1769 1831
William Stabler 1795 1852
Hannah Stalker 1752
James Stanley
Rachel Stanley
Borton Stanton Burden Stanton
Abraham Staples
Eleanor Starr 1831
James Starr 1843
John Starr 1774 1811
Moses Starr
Captain Steel
Joseph Steer
Edith Sterling 1876
Thomas Sterling 1854
Richard Stevens 1740
Thomas Stewardson 1762 1841
Charles Storer
James Stout
Isaac Stoutenburg Isaac Stoutenburgh 1739 1799
J.C. Strong
Mary Strode Mary Stroud 1717 1808
Judge Stryker
Peter G. Stuyvesant 1778 1847
General Sullivan John Sullivan 1740 1795
Thomas Summer
Petter Sumner Peter Summer
Sarah Sutton 1768
Joel Swaine Joel Swayne 1775 1850 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2015136287
Thomas Swamp
John Swartout John Swartwout
Benjamin Swett 1739 1819
Benjamin Sykes
Captain Symmes 1780 1829
Judges Symmes John Cleves Symmes 1742 1814
Ta con on gee
Antony Ta wa qua cah lock qua
David Ta-o-longh Haug-weaunde David Tyodeaseagwinde;David Tydeaseagurnel
Augustus Taber 1898
William Taber
Reuben Taft
Thomas Talbot
Joseph Talcott Joseph Talket;Joseph Talkiott 1768 1853
Sarah Talcott Sarah Talket;Sarah Talkiott 1769 1864
So-joh-gwa-us Au-a-shod-akai;So-joh-gwa-us;John Tall Chief
Tappan 1831 1913
Tarhie Tarhe;The Crane 1742 1818
Benjamin Tatham 1816 1885
Mary Taukonnomeen
John Tayler 1742 1829
Isaac Taylor
Jacob Taylor
John Taylor
Jonathan Taylor 1768 1831 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr2003019156
Samuel Taylor
Taylor 1819 1887
Samuel Taylor Jr. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n00065369
Teconondee Flying Arrow
Tecumseh Tecumtha;Tekamthi 1768 1813
Tenskwatawa The Prophet;The Shawnee Prophet;Tenskatawa;Tenskwatawah;Tensquatawa;Lalawethika 1771 1836-11
Alfred H. Terry
Samuel Test
William Thadighgwesora William Thadughgwesera;William Tatagivesera
The Raven
Thę́-wǫ-nyas̉ Governor Blacksnake;Chain breaker;Chainbreaker;Thaonawyuthe;Thę́-wǫ-nyas̉;To-wa-a-u 1859 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n88012473
Captain Thomas
Elizabeth Thomas 1800 1891
Evan Thomas 1738 1826
Henry Thomas
James C. Thomas
Jonathan Thomas 1768 1842
Philip Evan Thomas Hai-wa-nob 1776 1861
Richard Thomas 1836 1860
Francis Thompson 1832
Gau-nu-su-goh Walter Thompson
Jeremiah Thompson 1784 1835
John Thompson John Thomson
John Thompson
James Thomson
Kys wys twa
Cristian Thonighgwensora Christian Thoningivensera;Crisdian Thonighgivensera
John Thonnodogh
Anna Moore Thorne 1766 1838
Edward Thorn
Isaac Thorn Isaac Thorne 1825
Thomas Thornburg
William Thornton 1759 1828
John Thusier
George Tibbits 1763 1849
Edward Tiffin Edwan Tiffin 1766 1829
Amos Tilton
David Tilton 1749
Hester Tilton
Nathan Tilton 1749
Obadiah Tilton
Robert Tilton 1764
Thomas Tilton 1771
Dan Titus 1762
Israel Titus
Jonathan Titus 1772 1857
Martha Titus
Rebecca Titus 1827
Samuel Titus
Thomas Titus 1738 1828
Toad 1802
Samuel Boyd Toby Samuel Boyd Tobey 1806 1867
Toby 1793
Tockewassee Go to War
Toethebotxe Toethteboxie;Toethteboxe
Daniel D. Tompkins 1774 1825
Topinabe Tuthinipee;Thupenebu;Topinabee;Tooppeenbee;Topeeneebee;Topenibe;Topanepee;Topnibe;Topinebe;Topinebi;Topineby;He Who Sits Quietly; Sits Quietly 1758 1826
William Torry
Elizabeth Townsend http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n99036010
Francis Townsend
Isaac Townsend
Ann Trimble 1752 1827
Robert Troup Robert Troupe 1756 1832
Jacob Troxler
John Truman
William Trueman William Truman
John Tuhie John Tuhi;John Toohie;John Tuhis
Samuel Tuke 1784 1857
Richard Tunes
Sarah Tupic
Cornelius Tuthill
Tutios Tulios
Stephen Twining 1776 1848
Paul Two Guns
Ua-pau-quish Henry Two Guns
David Tyodeasaegwinde David Tydeaseagurnel;David Tyanrescagwendyrora
Elisha Tyson 1749 1824
Isaac Tyson 1792 1861
Jesse Tyson Jessee Tyson
Abraham J. Underhill
Isaac Underhill
P. Underhill
Dr. Unthank
Josiah Updegraff
Nathan Updegraff
Smith Upton 1863
Nathan Vail 1777 1857
Stephen Van Rensselaer 1764 1839
C. Vandeleur
Joseph Vanlaw
George Vaux 1779 1836
Robert Vaux Roberts Vaux 1786 1836
Charles Veanhosan
Leonard Veanhosan Lenord Veanhoesen;Leonard VanHoesen
Isaac Wabe Isaac Wauby
William Wadsworth 1765 1833
James Wadsworth 1768 1844
David Wagnor
James Wagstaff
Wain tau guh taugh
Benjamin Walker
Enoch Walker 1771
J. Walker
Mordecai Walker
Robert Walker 1795 1845
Thomas Walker
William Walker http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr91043938
Joseph Wallis Joseph Walles
Samuel Wallis Wallis 1736 1798 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr93007416
Thomas Walmsley Thomas Walmslby 1737 1819
Nicholas Waln 1742 1813 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr93007421
Elijah Wampa
Nicholas Wanser 1751
Main Poche Maupauk
Colonel Ware
George Washington 1732 1799
Thomas Washington
Abram Wat sa tate
Nathan Watkins
Edward Watson
Elkanah Watson 1758 1842
Hugh Watson 1771 1823
Mary Watson
Nathaniel Watson
Thomas Watson 1753 1811
Robert Watt
John Watts 1749 1836
General Anthony Wayne 1745 1796
Charles Webb
William Webb
Abraham Webster
Ephraim Webster 1762 1824
Hugh Webster
Thomas Webster
Refine Weeks
Thomas Wells 1799 1879
William Wells William Welles 1770 1812
Charles West
Thomas West Baron De La Warr 1577 1618
William Weston 1763 1833
Thomas Wetherald 1791 1832
Captain Abraham Whipple 1733 1819 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n2002027175
Hannah Whippo 1771
Joseph Whitall
Benjamin White 1755 1841 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n85150570
Joseph White
Judge White 1733 1812
Juneah-dah-glence George White
Matinus White
Robert White
Samuel White
Tu-y-a-go Nis-ha-nea-nent;Senaca White
George Alin White 1775 1854
Wawpawwawqua White Loon
James Whiteall Jr.
Captain Wickham
John Wigam
John Wigham
Captain Wilbank Wilbanks
Thomas Wilbor Thomas Wilbor;Thomas Wilbur 1764 1832
Abigail Wilbor Abigail Wilber;Abigail Wilbur 1769 1852
Joseph Wilbor Joseph Wilber;Joseph Wilbur 1758 1840
Browning Wilbor Browning Wilbor;Brownell Wilbur
Coacoochee Wild Cat;Cowacoochee 1807 1857
Penrose Wiley Penrose Weily
Charles Wilkes 1764 1833
General John Wilkins John Wilkins, Jr.;Doctor Wilkins 1761 1816
Dr. Wilkinson
General Wilkinson General Wilkenson 1757 1825 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n50018037
Jemima Wilkinson Jemima Wilkinson;Gimima Wilkinson 1752 1819 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n80107144
Benjamin Will
Emma Hart Willard 1787 1870 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n83181805
Charles Willetts Charles Willits
Abraham Williams
Benjamin Williams
Edmund Williams 1740 1811
Eleazer Williams 1788 1858
Eleazer Williams http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n96108194
Elijah Williams
George Williams
James Williams
Nathan Williams
Obadiah Williams
Peter Williams
Sarahass Isaac Williams 1765 1857
Tylee Williams
Captain Charles Williamson http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n85247735 (?)
Anne Willis http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2007106122 (?)
John R. Willis
M. Willis
Martha Willis 1783 1832
Phebe Willis
Thomas Willis 1771
Isaiah Willits
William Willitts
John Wills John Will
Charles Wilson
John Wilson 1748 1818
Benjamin Wilson Benjamin Willson
Edward Wilson
Henry Wilson 1812 1875 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr90004425
Israel Wilson
James Wilson 1749
John Wilson
Moses Wilson 1751
Moses Wilson Jr.
Ni-ge-jos-a Samuel Wilson
Robert Wilson
William Wilson 1796
William Wilson
Isaac Wilson
Hendrick Windecker
Winnemak Winamac
Cornelius Winney
James Winter
Peter Wintmut
John Wistar
Thomas Wistar Thomas Wister 1764 1851
Joseph Witchel
Mary Witchel
Isaac Wobby
Jane Wobby
Joseph Wolcott 1778 1829
Peter Wolcott 1753
Samuel Wood 1844
Sarah Wood 1785 1867
William Wood
William Wood 1795 1877
William Channing Woodbridge 1794 1845 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no91003898
Jacob Woolley 1826
T. Worrell
Thomas Worthington 1773 1827
Isaac Wranpey
Asher Wright 1875 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/nr92000078
Benjamin Wright 1770 1842 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n87912808
Dr. Wright
Joel Wright 1750
Joel Wright
Jonathan Wright
Thomas Wright 1757 1821
William Wright 1788 1865
Esquire Wyncoop
Hannah Haines Yarnall Hannah Haines;Hannah Haines Thornton;Hannah Yarnall 1765 1822 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no94036556
Daniel Yarnall 1727
Ellis Yarnall 1757 1847 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no95059239
James Yarnall 1769
Peter Yarnall 1753 1798
Jesse Yarnall
Judge Yates
Dr. Grant David Yeats 1773 1836
You non e talach You none taback
Calvin Young 1757 1806
Edward Young
Eve Young 1756 1817
Peggy Young
Rebecca Young
Samuel Young http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n88101094
Young Chief
Tus enda quit
La-qui-um-gar-tu-ohta Koyengquahtah;Young King 1760 1835
Young Peter
Ebenezer Zane 1747 1811
Isaac Zane 1711 1794 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2006074263 (right guy?)
David Zeisberger 1721 1808 http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n79126810
Name Alternate Names State Latitude Longitude
Aberdeen Scotland
Abington Pennsylvania
Adolphus Town Ontario
Albany New York 42.6526 73.7562
Albany County New York
Alexandria Virginia 38.804838 77.046921
Allamuchy Mountain New Jersey 40.925957 74.752522
Allegheny Allegany Pennsylvania 41.85217 77.90532
Allegheny Mountain Great Allegheny Pennsylvania 40°3′29 78°45′29
Allegheny Mountains Allegheny Mountain
Allegheny Reservation New York 42.15818 78.75017
Allegheny River Alleghany River Pennsylvania 41.88183 78.95393
Allentown New Jersey?
Amawalk Amawock New York
Amboy New York
Amesbury Almsbury Vermont
Annapolis Canada 44.4433 65.3045
Annapolis Maryland
Annapolis River Canada
Anthony's Nose (Mountain) New York
Apoquague Meeting House New York 41.619713 73.663261
Apple Boom Harbor
Arkansas River
Armstrong Creek Pennsylvania
Atsion New Jersey
Auglaize (River, Creek, Lake? Ohio
Augusta New York
Aversa Italy
Avondale Pennsylvania 39.823443 75.78327
Backbone Ridge
Bald Eagle Creek Pennsylvania
Baltimore New Baltimore New York 42.446194 73.78866
Baltimore Maryland 39.290385 76.612189
Baltimore Creek New York
Banks of Newfoundland
Barboursville Virginia
Barnegat New Jersey
Basin Harbor Vermont 44.194476 73.358619
Bass Islands
Batavia New York 42.998116 78.187517
Bath New York 42.337 77.3177
Bay of Canton
Bay of Fundy Canada 45.185909 65.253296
Bay Point Ohio
Beach Springs North Carolina
Bear Tavern New Jersey 40.30251 74.84818
Beathe's Ordinary
Beaver Creek
Beaver Harbor Bever Harbour Canada 45.073278 66.742642
Beaver River Pennsylvania 40.753914 80.309029
Bedford Pennsylvania 40.0059 78.3015
Bedloe's Island Bedlow's Island New York
Beesan Town
Belfast Ireland
Bennett's Creek Virginia 36.85305 76.48543
Bensinger's Tavern Pennsylvania
Berks County Pennsylvania 40.42 75.93
Berlin Pennsylvania 39.5517 78.57
Berry Mountain Berry's Mountain, Barry's Mountain Pennsylvania
Berwick Pennsylvania 41.0317 76.1401
Bethlehem Bethleham New York
Bethlehem Hospital
Big Beaver River
Big Meadows on Pine Creek Pennsylvania
Big Tree Geneseo, Bigtree Village New York 42.4611 78.4841
Black Creek
Black Point Nova Scotia
Black River Falls Vermont
Black Rock New York
Blackwater Black Water North Carolina 36.2349 80.3726
Blockhouse Block House Pennsylvania
Bloody Creek Bloody Bridge Canada
Bloomfield New York
Blooming Grove or Pine-Grove Pennsylvania 41.2236 74.5958
Bloomingdale New York
Blue Hills Blue Hill Maine 44.2444 68.3425
Blue Mountain Blue Mountains, Kittatinny, Cattatinna Pennsylvania 40.3 77.4452
Blue Ridge Mountain
Bordentown New Jersey 40.149824 74.707642
Boston Massachusetts
Bostwick's Tavern
Bowling Green Tavern Virginia?
Bradford Pennsylvania 41.5733 78.3841
Brady's Tavern Pennsylvania
Brandy Wine River Mills Delaware?
Brandywine Creek Pennsylvania 39.4355 75.3153
Bridgeport Pennsylvania 40.0614 75.2035
Bridgewater Bridge Water New York
Bristol Buckingham Pennsylvania 40.0612 74.5105
Bristol England
British Dominions
Broad Bay Maine 44.0246 69.4108
Broad Mountain
Brokenstraw Creek Broken Straw Pennsylvania 41.508 79.1534
Brookeville Maryland
Brooklyn New York
Brothertown Brothertown Settlement, Waterville, Brotherton New York 42.9312 75.3799
Browns Town the Rock
Brownsville Pennsylvania 40.022106 79.88
Brunswick New York 42.735912 73.561504
Buck Tavern Pennsylvania
Buckingham Pennsylvania 40.3451 75.04
Buckingham Meeting house Pennsylvania 40.346919 75.031874
Bucks County Pennsylvania 40.34 75.11
Buffalo New Amsterdam, Buffalo Town New York 42.5417 78.5058
Buffalo Creek Buffaloe Creek New York 42.870007 78.788602
Buffalo Creek Village Main Village at Buffalo Creek, Buffalo Creek Reservation New York 42.8625 78.6625
Buffalo River New York 42.86298 78.853297
Burleigh North Carolina
Burlington New Jersey 40.071 74.864
Burlington Ontario
Bush Virginia?
Buttermilk Falls
Byberry Pennsylvania
Cacapon Mountain Capon
Caernarvon Bay
Caln Pennsylvania 39.5925 75.4648
Caln Station Pennsylvania
Calvin's Hill
Camden Maine 44.1235 69.0353
Camden County North Carolina 36.34 76.16
Camden Valley New York
Canajoharie New York
Canandaigua Canadaqua, Canadockway, Canandarque, Canadocwey, Canandarqua New York 42.8875  77.281667
Canandaigua New York
Canandaigua Lake New York 42.792929 77.29294
Canaseraga Creek New York 43.049033 75.841134
Canawaugus Canawagus, Canawaugus Reservation, Cannawagas New York 42.94095 77.76476
Canisteo River Conosteer Creek, Canistiere River
Canton Indiana
Carmarthen Hermarthan, Carmarthan Wales
Carterstown Carters Town;Carters Tavern;Hamburg;Kaerchertown Pennsylvania
Castleton England
Cataraugus River Cattaraugus
Catharine's Town Catherene’s Town, Watkins Glen, Catherines New York 42.35  76.833333
Catherine's Swamp New York
Catoctin Mountain Maryland
Catskill Katskill New York 42.2173 73.8646
Catskill Creek Katskill Creek New York 42.2226 73.86945
Catskill Mountains New York
Cattaraugus Cateraugarus, Cataraugus, Catauraugurus New York 42.1948 78.5156
Cattaraugus Creek New York
Cattawissa Cattawissy, Catawissa, Catawessey Pennsylvania 40.9525 76.4603
Caughnawaga Cagnawago, Fonda New York 42.95181 74.390551
Cavendish Vermont
Cayuga New York 42.91886 76.72637
Cayuga Creek New York
Cayuga Lake New York 42.70776 76.72234
Ceres King's settlement, Cerestown, Francis King's Settlement New York 41.9995 78.2689
Chadds Ford Pennsylvania
Chappaqua Shappaqua New York 41.15954 73.76485
Charanton France
Charleston Virginia?
Charleston Charlestown New York
Chautauque Lake New York 42.18517 79.431
Cheltenham Pennsylvania 40.06094 75.09406
Chemung River Shomonga Creek New York and Pennsylvania 41.92381 76.517715
Chenango Shenang New York 42.1058 75.532
Cherry Valley New York 42.7956 74.7532
Chesapeake Bay
Cheshire County Cheshiere New Hampshire
Chester New York 41.3626 74.2713
Chester Pennsylvania 39.84956 73.35575
Chester County Pennsylvania
Chesterfield New Jersey 40.120242 74.653491
Chestnut Hill
Chestnut Ridge Pennsylvania
Chestnut Ridge Meeting House NY
Chickago Illinois
Chillicothe Chilicothe Ohio
Chillisquaque Creek Chilesquaque Creek, Chilisquagus Pennsylvania 40.93417 76.859515
Chippewa 44.49447 76.8306
Chippewa River Chippaway, Chippeway Canada 46.927735 84.437442
Chiques Creek Big Chiques, Chiquesalunga, Chickisalango Pennsylvania 40.12248 76.45806
Clark Creek Clarks Creek Pennsylvania 40.3701 76.96107
Claverick Creek
Clear Creek
Cleveland Ohio
Clinton New York?
Coalbrookdale England
Coats's Camp
Codorus Creek Pennsylvania 39.74504 76.8314
Coeymans Coyeman, Cojemans, Quemanstown, Coeyman's patent New York 42.2826 73.4732
Cohocton River New York 42.56602 77.536045
Cohorst Vermont
Cold Run
Cold Spring New York 41.42 73.9546
Conandarque Lake
Conescotago Coniscotago, Conishadaga
Conestoga Conestogoe
Conewago Creek Connowongo, Conewango Pennsylvania 80 miles Long, stretches from York, PA to Franklin Township, PA
Conewago Mountains Connowaga, Conowogo Pennsylvania 40.0467 76.858
Conewango New York 42.238 79.031
Connecticut Connecticut 41.6 72.7
Connecticut River
Connellsville Conalds-Ville Pennsylvania 40.058 79.3524
Connelstown Possibly, McConnellstown, PA
Conococheague Creek Conogocheak Pennsylvania 39.3602 77.4942
Conodoguinet Creek Pennsylvania 40.1617 76.5449
Conoley's Tavern New York
Cooper River Coopers Creek, Cooper Creek New Jersey 39.925 75.0701
Cooperstown New York 42.7 74.9243
Core Sound North Carolina 34.849 76.3434
Cornplanters Village Jenuchshadago , Jeneocatego, Cornplanter's Settlement, Cornplanter Tract, Gyonǫhsade:gęh;Genusshadega Pennsylvania 41.837781  79.003006
Coroga Creek Carago Creek New York
Coryells Ferry Karels Ferry, Curruls Ferry New Jersey 40.3642 74.9513
Cowanesque Pennsylvania 41.9432 77.7075
Cowaselon Creek New York
Coxsackie New York
Cranston Rhode Island
Creek Meeting House New York 41.83355 73.762078
Cresaptown formerly Cresapsburg
Crooked Lake New York 42.492914 77.142764
Cross Lake New York
Croswick's New Jersey (west)
Croton River New York 41.190475 73.87342
Croton Valley New York
Cussewago Casawaga, Meadville Pennsylvania 41.48 80.1559
Cuyahoga River Cayahoga Ohio
Danby Vermont 43.22 73.3
Danvers Massachusetts
Danville New York
Darby Pennsylvania 39.9184 75.259
Dayton Ohio 39.4534 84.113
De-la-Panse river
Deep Spring
Delaware Bay
Delaware County Pennsylvania 39.92 75.4
Delaware River
Dennis' Creek
Dennis' Station
Derby same as Darby? Pennsylvania?
Detroit Michigan 42.1953 83.0245
Detroit River Michigan 42.0306 83.0905
Digby Canada 44.62153 65.7575
Dinwiddie County Virginia 37.08 77.63
Dipper Harbour Canada 45.09578 66.431047
Dotherly's Tavern New York?
Double Cabin Pennsylvania
Duanesburg Duane's Bush, Douanesburg New York 42.76202 74.13374
Dublin Ireland
Duchess County New York
Duck Creek
Ducktrap Maine 44.29535 69.0078
Durham Maine 43.97247 70.12299
East Bradford Pennsylvania
East Fork
East Greenwich
East Hampton New York 40.5725 72.1156
East Hartford Connecticut 41.76342 72.612834
East River New York
Eastbourne England
Easton New York 42.9934 73.55234
Easton Eastown Pennsylvania 40.6885 75.2072
Eavesham New Jersey
Edge Pelek reference to New Jersey tribe New Jersey
Edinburgh Scotland
Eel River
Egg Harbor New Weymouth New Jersey 39.37829 74.6
Eighteen Mile Creek Harbor New York
Elder's Tavern Pennsylvania
Eldridge's Tavern New York?
Elizabethtown Elisabeth Town Pennsylvania 40.15287 76.60274
Elk Ridge Elkridge Maryland 39.2126 76.71358
Elklands New York?
Ellicott's Mills
Epping New Hampshire
Erie Pennsylvania
Erie Canal Grand Canal
Esopus Eusopus New York 41.8279 73.9651
Esopus Creek New York 42.417 73.5545
Evesham Evesham Township New Jersey 39.856677 74.90081
Exeter Pennsylvania 41.1932 75.491
Failing's Inn
Falls Falls Township, Fallsington Pennsylvania 40.1036 74.494
Falls of Ohio Kentucky
Falmouth Maine 43.4346 70.1431
Fannettsburg Phanetts-Burgh Pennsylvania 40.06508 77.82944
Farmington Mud Creek New York 42.98642 77.32595
Father Flint
Federal City Washington D.C. D.C. 38.90719 77.036871
Ferrisburg Ferrisburgh Vermont 44.20561 73.246234
Fiesole Italy
Fighting Island Canada
Fisher's Tavern Virginia?
Fishing Creek Pennsylvania 41.122362 77.482871
Flemington Pennsylvania 41.124811 77.469352
Flinn's Ordinary
Flint Creek New York 42.924252 77.111278
Florida New York 41.331761 74.35682
Flushing Ohio
Flushing New York
Fords Tavern New York
Fort Amsterdam Fort Hendrick New York
Fort Ann New York 43.41423 73.4876
Fort Atkinson
Fort Chambly Fort Chamblee Canada 45.449502 73.276881
Fort Coffee
Fort Crown Point New York 44.02872 73.429495
Fort Defiance
Fort Duquesne Pennsylvania 40.441603 80.010915
Fort Edward New York 43.1335 73.3333
Fort Erie Canada 42.53357 78.552574
Fort Franklin Formerly Fort Machault Pennsylvania allace 79.82168
Fort Harmar Ohio 39.40934 81.457784
Fort Jefferson Ohio 40.076052 84.648868
Fort Lawrence Ohio
Fort Leavenworth
Fort LeBoeuf La Boeuf Pennsylvania 41.93343 79970051
Fort Littleton Pennsylvania 40.00558 78.279347
Fort Loramier
Fort M'Intosh Fort McIntosh Pennsylvania 40.69109 80.303463
Fort Madison Iowa
Fort Massoe
Fort Miami Michigan
Fort Niagara Canada
Fort Pitt Pennsylvania 40.440569 80.009657
Fort Putnam New York
Fort Schuyler Fort Schuylar, Old Ft. Schuyler New York 40.805302 73.791566
Fort Smith
Fort Stanwix New York 43.210556  75.45525
Fort Washington
Fort Wayne Indiana 41.044962 85.082094
Fort Wellington Ontario, Canada
Frankford Frankfort
Franklin Pennsylvania 41.397836 79.831444
Fredericksburg Virginia?
Fredericktown Maryland
Fredericktown Fredricks Town Pennsylvania 40.000246 79.997669
French Creek Pennsylvania 41.420654 79.881592
Frenchman's Bay Maine 44.421398 68.228359
Gadby's Tavern Virginia
Gansons Tavern New York
Genesedaga Pennsylvania 41.203322 77.194525
Genesee county New York 43 78.19
Genesee River Genessee River New York, Pennsylvania 43.23251 77.617807
Genesee Road Genessee Turnpike? New York 42.551172 78.597907
Genesee Village Chennesee Village, Ghenesee Village, Little Genesee New York 42.026918 78.206005
Genesinguhta Old Town New York 42.06137 78.387945
Geneva New York 42.868 76.9856
Georgetown Connecticut
Georgetown George Town Maryland
Georgia Georgia
German Flats German Flatts New York 42.9778 74.9793
German Flatts Fort Herkimer New York
Germantown Pennsylvania 40.0417 75.1796
Girty's town
Gloucester New Jersey 39.792186 75.036059
Gloucester England
Gloucester Point
Goose Creek settlement
Goshen New York 41.402038 74.324319
Goshen Connecticut 41.831519 73.224895
Goshen Pennsylvania
Governors Island New York
Grand Portage Minnesota 47.963776 89.684812
Grand River
Great Britain
Great Cacapon River Capon
Great Meadows
Great Miami River Ohio
Great Sodus River Sodus Creek Michigan 43.141963 78.865727
Green Bay Puans Bay, Baie des Puants Michigan
Green Halls
Green Mountains
Greenkill (Mills) New York 41.441182 74.66669
Greentown Greens-town
Greenville formerly Grenville, Greeneville
Greenwich New Jersey 39.820084 75.261867
Grosse Ile Grosse Isle, La Grosse-ÃŽle, Grosseel, Groes Isle Michigan 47.02 70.67
Grosse Pointe Gross Point Michigan
Gunpowder Falls Maryland?
Gwynedd Pennsylvania
Hackettstown Hacketstown New Jersey 40.853988 74.829055
Hackinsack river
Hackney England
Haddonfield New Jersey 39.891502 75.037671
Haiti Hayti
Halifax Hallifax North Carolina 36.328486 77.58942
Halifax Nova Scotia
Hamburgh Hamburg Pennsylvania 40.55565 75.981877
Hamilton Ohio?
Hamilton Ontario
Hanover Maryland?
Harlem Haerlem New York
Harrisburgh Harrisburg Pennsylvania 40.273191 76.886701
Hartford Connecticut 41.763711 72.685093
Haverford Pennsylvania
Havre-de-Grace Maryland
Head of Elk Maryland
Hector township
Heller's Tavern Pennsylvania
Hemlock lake
Herkimer Hackamack, Hercomer New York 43.025626 74.985989
Heviland Valley
Hickorytown Pennsylvania?
Hillsborough County New Hampshire
Hockhocking River
Hog Island Michigan
Holkham England
Holland Purchase
Holston River Holstein River
Holyhead England
Honey Creek
Honey Lake
Hoosick [East] Husack, Hoosack New York 42.861137 73.328689
Hopewell Virginia 37.2904 77.3034
Horse Valley Pennsylvania
Howels Ferry New Jersey 40.4054 74.9742
Hudson New York 42.252865 73.790959
Hudson Canal
Hudson River Hudson's River, North River New York 41.18961 73.924225
Ile aux Noix Isle aux Noix Canada 47.090901 72.922895
Illinois River Illinois
Indian Line
Iowa Territory/State
Jack's Swamp Jackswamp, Fountain's Creek North Carolina 36.509498 77.54998
James river
James Town North Carolina
Jenuchshadega Pennsylvania
Jericho New York
Jersey Mountains
Jersey shore
Jersey town
Jerseys New Jersey
Jerusalem New York 42.626429 77.171523
Johnson's Landing New York
Johnstown John's Town New York 43.0067 74.3676
Jonathan's Creek
Juniata River Pennsylvania 40.477835 77.072439
Kaaterskill Falls New York 42.193234 74.063044
Kansas River
Kaukauna Wisconsin
Kendaia New York
Kentucky Kentucky
Kentucky River
Kinderhook Creek
Kings Stores
Kingwood New Jersey 40.5667 74.9424
Kinzua Pennsylvania 41.821702 79.107163
Kittatinny Mountains
Kittle Creek West Virginia 38.736695 80.039821
Kline Kill New York 42.346389 73.626766
La Grande River La Grande Riviere Canada
Lachine Canada 45.431667 73.675
Ladenburg Pennsylvania
Lake Canandarque
Lake Champlain NY/VT 44.586581 73.38009
Lake Erie 42.066885 81.339941
Lake Huron 45.052237 82.484612
Lake Michigan 43.4501 87.222019
Lake Ontario 43.644026 77.904053
Lake Owasco
Lake Saratoga
Lake Schaneatetes
Lake Seneca
Lake Simcoe
Lake Sinclair
Lake St. Clair 42.43565 82.691543
Lake St. Francis 45.839739 77.646682
Lake Superior 47.723087 86.940716
Lamberton New Jersey 40.208532 74.763433
Lancaster Pennsylvania 40.037875 76.305514
Lansingburgh New York 42.784522 73.669562
Larrie's Creek Pennsylvania 41.32499 77.189813
Laurel Hill Pennsylvania 40.093832 79.95266
Laurel Hill Creek 39.909193 79.296119
Leadman's inn New York
Lee's Creek
Lehigh River Pennsylvania
Leicester England
Lewistown Pennsylvania
Licking Creek
Little Cacapon Mountain Capon
Little Cacapon river Capon
Little Conestoga Creek Little Connostoga Pennsylvania 40.048453 76.343424
Little Connestoga Valley Pennsylvania 40.061765 76.25804
Little Crossings
Little Falls New York
Little Fishing Creek Pennsylvania 40.893362 77.653695
Little Lake
Little Miami River
Little Mountain Pennsylvania 41.071368 77.055101
Little Nine Partners New York 41.979814 73.65596
Little River North Carolina 36.199923 76.458149
Little Schuykill Pennsylvania
Little Sodus New York
Little Turtle's Town Indiana
Little Valley
Little York New Jersey 40.611093 75.076605
Liverpool England
Locust Mountain Pennsylvania
Loiquoit Creek
London cc
London Grove Pennsylvania
Long Island New York 40.789142 73.13496
Long Point New York
Loramier's Creek
Lost Creek
Louisiana Louisiana
Loyalsock Pennsylvania 41.251115 76.972031
Loyalsock Creek Pennsylvania 41.465251 76.241971
Lycoming Lycoming Creek Pennsylvania 41.245603 77.047108
Lycoming County Pennsylvania 41.35 77.06
Lycoming Creek
Lymington England
Machias Maine 44.715079 67.461376
Mackinac River Mackinoy, McInoi Michigan
Mad River Ohio
Madison County
Mahanoy Creek Mahony Creek Pennsylvania 40.725779 76.794004
Mahanoy Mountain Mahony Mountain Pennsylvania 4.777389 76.445704
Mahantongo Creek Pennsylvania 40.643722 76.782975
Mahantongo Mountain Magantango mountain Pennsylvania 40.629 76.813859
Maiden Creek Pennsylvania 40.43937 75.927544
Maine Maine
Makefield Pennsylvania 40.212007 74.821867
Mamaroneck Marmaronik New York
Manatawny Pennsylvania
Manatawny Creek Pennsylvania
Manatawny Mountains Pennsylvania
Manchester Vermont
Manchester England
Manchester Virginia?
Mango Creek
Marlborough New-malborough New York 41.6055 73.9723
Maryland Maryland
Mason's Island
Mattaponi River Mattapony
Maumee Bay Miami Bay Ohio
Maurice River Morris River New Jersey
Maxatawny Pennsylvania
Menallen Monallen Pennsylvania
Merion Pennsylvania?
Merrimack County Merimack New Hampshire
Miami rapids Ohio 41.1715 84.2125
Miami River New York 43.588643 74.489684
Miami River Great Miami River, Big Miami, Miami of the Lake Ohio 39.730954 87.219282
Michel's Ferry
Michilimackinac Michillamackanac, Mackinac, Mackinaw, Mackinoy, McInoi, Michillimackanack Michigan 45.786676 84.733656
Middle Bass Island
Middle Island
Middle Sister Island
Middlesex England
Middlesex County Connecticut
Middletown Pennsylvania 40.199814 76.731081
Mile-end England
Milford Haven England
Miller's Tavern Pennsylvania
Milton Pennsylvania 41.01203 76.847741
Mingo Town
Mississippi (State) Mississippi
Mississippi River
Missouri River
Mobile River Alabama
Mohawk River Mohocks River, Mohock River New York 42.954287 74.231358
Mohawk Valley New York
Mohicken John Ohio
Mohickon-John's Lake Mohicken
Monallen Pennsylvania
Monguagon Mogogam Michigan
Monmouth New Jersey
Monmouth County New Jersey 40.29 74.15
Monongahela River Pennsylvania 39.953714 79.994451
Montauk New York
Montezuma Marshes Cayuga marshes New York
Montgomery County Maryland
Montreal Canada 45.501689 73.567256
Moorestown New Jersey 39.968882 74.948886
Moray Scotland
Morris Pennsylvania
Mount Holly Vermont 43.447469 72.825638
Mount Holly New Jersey 39.993144 74.787939
Mount Vernon Virginia?
Mt. Pleasant
Mud Creek Farmington New York
Mud Lake
Mudd Creek Mud Creek, Ganargua Creek New York 42.9825 77.4089
Muncy Munsey Pennsylvania 41.2019 76.7864
Muncy Creek Munsy Creek Pennsylvania 41.380895 76.421493
Muncy Mountain Pennsylvania
Muncy Valley Pennsylvania 41.34258 76.585228
Murder Creek New York
Musconetcong River Musconecunch Creek, Muskenecunk New York 40.918641 74.729701
Muskingum Ohio 40.054362 82.018915
Muskingum River Ohio 39.2433 81.2722
Musselman's Tavern New York
Naples Italy
Narragansett Narraganset Rhode Island 41.27 71.2658
Navy Hall Canada 43.252 79.059134
Negro Mountain
Neosho River
Neversink Mountains
New Bedford Massachusetts
New Britain New York 42.467707 73.481409
New Brunswick Canada 46 66
New Brunswick New Jersey
New Castle Newcastle
New Concord
New Garden Pennsylvania
New Hampshire New Hampshier
New Hartford New York 43.073403 75.287666
New Haven Connecticut
New Jersey
New Lancaster
New London ? PA? CT?
New Milford New Jersey 40.935099 74.19028
New Orleans Louisiana 29.951066 90.071532
New Stockbridge
New Windsor New Winser New York 41.4767 74.0238
New York New York 40.712784 74.00594
New York City New York 40.71278 74.00594
New York Hospital New York
Newbegun Creek North Carolina 36.216 76.174676
Newburgh New York 41.503427 74.010418
Newgate England
Newport Rhode Island
Newton Newtown New Jersey 41.058153 74.752665
Newtown Newtown point New York 41.414112 73.303566
Niagara New York 43.31195 78.747621
Niagara Falls great Falls NY/Canada 43.078943 79.076446
Niagara Fort Fort Niagara New York 43.262394 79.063078
Niagara Penninsula Canada
Niagara River NY/Canada 43.078943 79.076446
Nine Mile Creek ninemile Creek New York 43.08911 76.22952
Nine Partners New York 41.775868 73.687534
Nine Partners School MERGE into orgName for school: ninepsch New York 41.78509 73.69402
Noland's Ferry Maryland
Norfolk England
North Branch Mountain
North Carolina North Carolina
North Carolina North Carolina
North Mountains
North River New York 41.124884 73.88855
Northumberland Northumberland Town Pennsylvania 40.5338 76.4746
Northumberland County Pennsylvania 40.85 76.71
Northwest Terroritory
Nova Scotia Canada 45 63
Oak Orchard Harbor New York
Oblong New York 41.09 73.46
Oconee River Ocomic River?
Ohio Ohio
Ohio River River Ohio
Oil Creek Oyl Creek Pennsylvania 41.7365 41.4411353
Old Fort Schuyler Utica, Old Fort Schyler New York 43.0999 75.216
Olean New York
Oley Hill Pennsylvania
Oneida New York 43.0926 75.6513
Oneida Castle New York 43.0926 75.6513
Oneida Creek New York 43.164434 75.73742
Oneida Lake New York 43.2012 75.91553
Oneida River New York
Oneida South Settlement
Onondaga New York 42.960215 76.2389
Onondaga Castle
Onondaga County New York 43.01 76.2
Onondaga Creek New York 41.815 76.16387
Onondaga Lake New York
Onondaga River Onondago New York
Onondaga Salt Springs Reservation Onadaga [sic] Salt Works New York 43.0976 76.1954
Ontario Canada
Ontario County New York
Opekon River
Orange County New York 41.4 74.3118
Oswayo Creek Oswago Creek Pennsylvania 41.96468 78.1773
Oswegatchie Oswegatche New York 44.18284 75.0702
Oswego New York
Oswego Falls New York 43.32616 76.42047
Oswego Fort Oswego garrison New York 43.46588 76.508194
Oswego Meeting House Swago new York 41.70286 73.7289
Otego Ottego New York 42.397302 75.173502
Otsego Lake New York
Ottawa River Quebec/Ontario 45.4619 75.67636
Otter Creek
Ottoway Ottaway New York 42.75025 74.86
Ottoway River
Owasco Lake New York 42.8279 76.51154
Owego Creek New York 42.16787 76.251876
Oxford England
Oyongwongyeh Creek Oyonwayer
Paint Creek Ohio
Painted Post New York 42.162 77.0941
Paris New York
Paris France
Pasquotank County North Carolina 36.29271 76.3174
Pasquotank River North Carolina 36.273895 76.14109
Passaic River New Jersey
Passamaquoddy Bay Canada 45.096791 66.982956
Patapsco River Potapsco
Path Valley Pennsylvania 40.0916 77.80775
Patterson New York
Patterson's Creek
Paulins Kill (River) Pawlinskill New Jersey 41.09012 74.772295
Paulus Hook New Jersey
Paxton Creek Paxten, Paxtang Pennsylvania 40.330556 76.8327
Peach Lake Peach Pond New York 41.367595 73.577904
Peak's Hole England
Pearl Street
Peche Island Pearl Island Michigan
Pelham Canada
Pelham township North Carolina 36.50715 79.447886
Pennsylvania Pensylvania 41 77.5
Penobscot Maine 44.46452 68.71114
Penobscot Bay Maine 44.4073 68.88565
Pensacola Florida
Pequest River New Jersey 40.839212 75.039625
Perkiomen Perkiming, Perkcoming Pennsylvania
Perkiomen River? Perkioming
Peter's Camp Blossburg Pennsylvania 41.679519 77.063857
Peters Mountain Pennsylvania
Petersburg New Jersey
Philadelphia Pennsylvania 39.952 75.1447
Philadelphia Country Pennsylvania
Pigeon Creek Pidgeon's creek Pennsylvania 40.53374 75.93032
Pike Creek
Pilesgrove New Jersey 39.65314 75.314644
Pine Creek Pinecreek Pennsylvania 41.15923 79.05865
Piney Woods Meeting North Carolina 36.272295 76.558383
Pipe Creek Maryland
Piqua Ohio 40.851 84.1453
Piqua Plains
Piscattaway Virginia?
Pittsburgh Pitts-Burgh, Pittsburg Pennsylvania 40.440625 79.995886
Pittstown Pitts Town New Jersey 40.58287 74.958495
Pittstown New York 42.83508 73.485114
Plainfield New Jersey
Pleasant River Maine 45.342554 69.04534
Plumstead Pennsylvania 40.38406 75.119511
Plymouth Pennsylvania 41.24036 75.944643
Plymouth Meetinghouse Plymoth Meeting house Pennsylvania 40.102854 75.280312
Po River
Point Abino Canada
Point Raisin Michigan
Pontiac Michigan
Porren's tavern New York
Port Amboy
Port Royal Virginia
Port Tobacco Virginia
Port-Au-Prince Haiti
Post Town
Potawatomie Creek
Potomac River Patowmack, Potowmack
Potter County Pennsylvania
Potter's Field
Pottsgrove Potts Grove Pennsylvania 40.26482 75.61185
Pottstown Potts-Town Pennsylvania 40.245374 75.64963
Poughkeepsie Pocepsey New York 41.70037 73.92097
Powel's Tavern
Powell Creek Pennsylvania 40.42901 76.923283
Prairie du Cheine
Prescott Ontario, Canada
Presque-Isle Pennsylvania 42.163114 80.101172
Prince town Pennsylvania?
Prince's Bay
Princeton New Jersey
Providence New York
Providence Rhode Island
Purchase Meeting House Purchace New York 41.065817 73.718499
Quebec Canada
Quince's Wharf
Rahway Rahaway New Jersey 40.60816 74.27765
Raisin River Grape River Michigan
Raleigh Rawleigh North Carolina 35.77959 78.638179
Rappahannock river
Raritan River Rariton New Jersey 40.54195 74.514341
Reading Pennsylvania 40.33565 75.926875
Red Hook Wharf New York
Red River
Redstone Pennsylvania
Redstone Creek Pennsylvania 40.033464 79.868556
Rensselaer County New York
Restone Old Fort Old Fort Pennsylvania
Rhode Island
Rich Square North Carolina 36.274044 77.284412
Rich's tavern
Richland Pennsylvania 40.357222 76.257222
Richmond Indiana
Richmond Virginia
Ridge Virginia
river Le Cas
river Range
River Rouge Roosh, Rushe
River St. Lawrence New York, Canada 44.704046 75.506287
Roanoke Virginia 37.16 79.56
Roaring Creek Pennsylvania 40.93436 76.524636
Roaring Creek Valley Pennsylvania
Robinson Pennsylvania 40.450346 80.336729
Roche de Bout Rochede Bout Ohio
Rockingham County New Hampshire
Rocky Fork
Rocky Mountains
Rome New York
Rome Italy
Rondout Creek Rosendell/Rosendale New York 41.900424 74.462564
Rushe River
Saint Croix River Maine/Canada 45.585212 67.50481
Salem Iowa
Salem Massachusetts
Salem New Jersey 39.57178 75.467142
Salina New York
Salt Creek
Sandusky Sanduskey Ohio 41.2648 82.4233
Sandusky New York 42.4959 78.38446
Sandusky Bay Lake Sandusky Ohio
Sandusky River Ohio
Sandwich Maine 43.79087 71.4105
Sandwich Upper Canada
Sandy Creek Pennsylvania 41.48069 80.227833
Sandy Ridge
Sandy Spring
Sandy-Hook Sandyhook
Saratoga New York 43.04485 73.630073
Savage Mountains Savage Mountain Pennsylvania 39.5311 78.441
Scawyace Long Falls New York
Schaghticoke Scatecook, Scatacook New York 42.90008 73.58539
Schenectady Schenectida, Schenacktada New York 42.8142 73.9396
Schoharie Creek New York 42.9309 74.27809
Schuyler Scyler town New York 43.096111 75.098056
Schuylkill River Schuilkill Pennsylvania 39.94824 75.185022
Scioto River Ohio 38.76111 82.99626
Scipio New York 42.7875 76.5719
Seacock Meeting House Gravelly Run, Burley, Surry, Sussex, and Upper Monthly Meeting North Carolina 37.13741461 77.5266405
Seneca Falls New York
Seneca Lake New York 42.6827 76.90668
Seneca River New York
Seven Ranges Ohio
Sewell's Cabin
Shamokin Creek Shomokin Creek Pennsylvania 40.782621 76.45699
Sharon Vermont 43.785234 72.45417
Sheepscot River Sheepsgut Maine 44.264917 69.539165
Sheffield England
Shenandoah River
Shenandoah Valley
Shippensburg Shippensburgh Pennsylvania 40.050645 77.520265
Shoemakers Town
Short Creek Ohio
Short Hill Virginia
Short Hills Canada 43.09816 79.28176
Shoumonge River
Shrewsbury NJ
Shropshire England
Sideling Hill Sidling Hill Pennsylvania 40.009 78.129
Sierra Leone
Sing Sing New York
Sinnemahoning Creek Pennsylvania
Skaneateles Lake New York 42.865188 76.381092
Skenesborough New York 43.550863 73.40315
Skerries Lights
Slippery Rock Pennsylvania 40.954152 80.170176
Somerset Summerset Massachusetts
Somerset County Pennsylvania
Somerton Virginia 36.56821 76.751346
South Branch Mountain
South Carolina South Carolina
South Sixth Street
Southampton Southhampton New Jersey 39.92743 74.72658
Southwark England
Spragers Ferry New York
Spraykers ferry New York
Spring Mill Ferry Pennsylvania?
Spring Mills
Springfield New Jersey 40.70169 74.322215
Springfield Vermont
Squawkie Hill Squauhee Hill, Squakee Hill New York 42.73866 77.897186
St. Charles
St. David's Head England
St. Johns
St. Joseph River Michigan
St. Louis
St. Marys River Michigan
St. Vincennes
Staten Island
Stephentown New York 42.54869 73.374
Steuben county New York 42.26 77.39
Stillwater River Ohio
Stockbridge New York 42.9912 75.5993
Stockbridge Massachusetts
Stoney Creek
Stony Brook New York
Stony Creek Stonycreek Pennsylvania 40.303964 78.89086
Stony Point Stoney Point New York 41.22954 73.987085
Strasburg Strawsburgh Pennsylvania 39.98316 76.18412
Sudbury Massachusetts
Suffolk Courthouse Virginia 36.729021 76.582223
Sugar Creek New York?
Sunbury Pennsylvania 40.862585 76.79441
Susquehanna Pennsylvania 41.94361 75.59918
Susquehanna River Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York 39.721316 76.232328
Sussex England
Sussex Courthouse New Jersey 41.0587 74.7536
Sutton's Creek North Carolina 36.17308 76.392403
Swan Creek
Swansee Massachusetts
Swatara Creek Pennsylvania 40.39 76.49866
Sweet Arrow Creek Sweetaraw Pennsylvania
Swope Creek Swabia Creek Pennsylvania 40.523121 75.550425
Symonds Creek North Carolina 36.193291 76.23015
Table Rock
Tappan New York 41.022042 73.94736
Tawandy Creek New York?
Tawnawandis Tonawanda Reservation. Tawniwandic New York 43.068056 78.445
Taylorstown Pennsylvania?
Tenmile Creek 10 mile Creek Pennsylvania 40.073203 80.32053
Tennessee River Cherokee River
Thames River River Latrench Ontario
Thames River England
the Channel England
the Glades Pennsylvania
the Narrows North Carolina 34.753216 76.786047
Thompsons Thompson New York 41.654383 74.663463
Three-Rivers Point New York
Ticonderoga New York 43.848671 73.423453
Timber Ridge Mountain
Tioga Point
Tioga River Tioga Tiver, Chemung River New York, Pennsylvania 42.03009 77.132585
Tonnewonta Tonawanda
Tontawonta Creek
Toxteth Park England
Trenton New Jersey 40.21705 74.742938
Trout Run Pennsylvania 41.38341 77.053599
Troy New York 42.728412 73.691785
Tunesassa Tunesassah, Tunesasau New York 42.158361 78.75
Tunesassa Creek Tunesasah Creek New York
Turkey River
Tuscarawas River Ohio
Tuscarora New York 42.63062 77.869724
Tuscarora Mountain Pennsylvania 40.241012 77.5971
Tusco Rocks England
Tyringham Massachusetts 42.24592 73.20372
Unadilla Unedilly New York 42.32536 75.3124
Unadilla River Unedilly River New York 42.591874 75.32963
Upper Canada
Upper Evesham New Jersey 39.856585 74.90084
Upper Sandusky Ohio
Utica New York 43.1009 75.23266
Uwchlan Pennsylvania
Valley Forge
Vandeventer's Tavern
Venango County Venago County Pennsylvania
Verdigris River
Vernon New York
Wabash River Ouabache
Walk-in-the-Water village
Wallingford Wallingsford
Wallkill River New York, New Jersey 41.10337 74.5886
Wapakoneta Wapakonetta, Wapakanetta, Wapakennetta, Waupaukanetta Ohio 40.3433 84.1134
Wappinger Creek Wappings Creek New York 41.58887 73.93672
Warner's Tavern
Warren Warrentown Pennsylvania 41.84295 79.14504
Warren County Pennsylvania
Warrington England
Warrington Warrentown Pennsylvania 40.24917 75.134125
Washington Washington city DC
Washington Pennsylvania
Washington County New York
Washington County Pennsylvania
Weare Wore, Wear New Hampshire
Wellsborough Pennsylvania
West Branch Pennsylvania 41.68054 77.768095
West Branch Meeting House Branch, Oblong Friends' Meeting House New York 41.57933 73.542132
West Canada Creek Canada Creek New York
West Chester New York 41.09 73.46
West Chester Pennsylvania
West Farms
West Grove
West Hartford Connecticut 41.76208 72.742015
West Indies
West Liberty ?
West Point Fort Clinton New York 41.39148 73.955972
Westbury New York
Westland Pennsylvania 40.27729 80.273116
Westminister England
Weston Connecticut
Westown School Pennsylvania
Westport Missouri
Wheeling River
White Chief's Village New York
White Clay Creek Delaware
White Creek New York 42.97008 73.29122
White Oak Plains
White River ?Indiana?
Whitestown Whites Town, White's Town, Whitstown New York 43.1382 75.3296
Whitewood Island
Wiconisco Creek Wikinisky Creek Pennsylvania 40.56256 76.80706
Will's Creek
Williamsburgh Williamsburg New York 40.70812 73.9571
Williamsburgh Farm
Williamsport William's port Pennsylvania 41.24119 77.00108
Willistown Meeting Pennsylvania 39.9887 75.48105
Wills' Mountain Pennsylvania 39.84611 78.68194
Wilmington Delaware 39.73907 75.5398
Wilmington Ohio
Winchester Virginia
Winding Ridge
Winnebago Lake Wisconsin
Wisconsin River Oisconsin River
Wood Creek New York
Woodbury New Jersey 39.83817 75.15268
Woodside Pennsylvania
Wright's Ferry Pennsylvania 40.03737 76.51441
Wrightstown Pennsylvania 40.266774 74.98322
Yellow Breeches Creek Minnimingo Creek Pennsylvania 40.15058 77.00696
Yellow Springs Pennsylvania
York Pennsylvania
York England
York New York 42.87107 77.88562
York Island
Yorkshire England
Yorktown New York
Yorktown York Town, York Pennsylvania 39.973446 75.153
Youghiogheny River Yoghagena, Yoghogany, Youghiogany, Youghigania Pennsylvania 40.32227 79.84194
Young Streit
Zane's Ville Zanesville
Name Associated Places Notes
Aberdeen Friends meeting Aberdeen, Scotland origin date is approximate
Abington Friends meeting Abington, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Abington Quarterly Meeting of Friends
Alexandria Friends meeting
Algonquin indians Quebec
Allegany indians
Amawalk Friends meeting
American Bible Society
Apoquague Friends meeting
Baltimore Friends meeting
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Women Friends
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends. Meeting for Sufferings
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends. Committee on Indian Concerns
Baptist Church
Beach Spring Friends meeting
Beaver Harbor Friends meeting
Bennets Creek Friends meeting
Berwick Friends meeting
Birmingham Friends meeting
Black Creek Friends meeting
Black Water Friends meeting
Blooming Grove Friends meeting
Bordentown Friends meeting
Boston Missionary Society
Bradford Friends meeting
Bristol Friends meeting
British Government
Brothertown indians
Buckingham Friends meeting
Bucks Quarterly Meeting of Friends
Buffalo indians
Burleigh Friends meeting
Burlington Friends meeting
Bush River Friends meeting
Butternuts Friends meeting
Camden Friends meeting
Camden Friends meeting
Catawissa Friends meeting
Cayuga indians
Centre Friends meeting
Chappaqua Friends meeting
Chenango Friends meeting
Cherokee indians
Chester Friends meeting
Chesterfield Friends meeting
Chickahominy indians
Chickasaw indians
Chilicothe indians
Choctaw indians
Christian Party
Coalbrookdale Friends meeting Shropshire, England
Coeymans Friends meeting
Massachusetts Commonwealth
Cohorse Friends meeting
Colebark Friends meeting
Concord Friends meeting
Concord Quarterly Meeting of Friends
Conestoga indians
Congregational Church
Convention of Delegates of the Seven Yearly Meetings
Core Sound meeting
Cornwall Friends meeting
Cree indians
Creek indians
Creek Friends meeting
Cropwell Friends meeting
Danby Friends meeting Granville, Washington County, New York
Darby Friends meeting Darby, Delaware County, Pennsylvania
Dartmouth Friends meeting
Deer Creek Friends meeting
Delaware indians
Duck Creek Friends meeting
Ducktrap Friends meeting
New Netherlands
East Caln Friends meeting
East Hartford Friends meeting
East Hoosick Friends meeting Adams, Berkshire County, Massachusetts
Easton Friends meeting Easton, Washington County, New York
Eel River indians
Elklands Friends meeting
Elkridge Friends meeting
Episcopalian Church
Erigas indians
Evesham Friends meeting Mount Laurel, Burlington County, New Jersey
Executive Council of Pennsylvania
Exeter Friends meeting Stonersville, Berks County, Pennsylvania
Fairfax Friends meeting Waterford, Fairfax County, Virginia
Fallowfield Friends meeting
Falls Friends meeting Fallsington, Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Falmouth Friends meeting Cumberland County, Maine
Farmington Friends meeting
Ferrisburgh Friends meeting
Fishing Creek Friends meeting Millville, Columbia County, Pennsylvania
Flushing Friends meeting
Fox indians
Frankford Friends meeting Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Free Quakers
Galway Friends meeting
Genesee indians
Germantown Friends meeting Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Goshen Friends meeting Goshenville, Chester County, Pennsylvania
Green Halls Friends meeting
Greenwich Friends meeting Greenwich, Cumberland County, New Jersey
Gwynedd Friends meeting Gwynedd, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Haddonfield Friends meeting
Haddonfield Quarterly Meeting of Friends
Half-moon Valley Friends meeting
Hamburg Friends meeting
Hardwick Friends meeting
Hartford Friends meeting
Harvard College
Haverford Friends meeting
Holland Land Company
Hopewell Friends meeting
Horsham Friends meeting
Hudson Friends meeting
Humane Society
Huntington Friends meeting
Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends
Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends. Indian Committee
Iowa Yearly meeting of Friends
Jack's Swamp Friends meeting
Junius Friends meeting
Kansas indians
Kaskaskia indians
Kendal Friends meeting
Kennett Friends meeting
Kickapoo indians
Kingsboro Friends meeting
Kingwood Friends meeting
Kline Kill Friends meeting
Little Falls Friends meeting
Little Nine Partners Friends meeting
Little River Friends meeting
London Grove Friends meeting
London Yearly meeting
Lower Canada
Mahican Indians
Maiden Creek Friends meeting
Makefield Friends meeting
Mamaroneck Friends meeting
Manahoac indians
Marlborough Friends meeting
Massasauga indians
Massawomeck indians
Mattaponi indians
Menallen Friends meeting
Merion Friends meeting
Methodist Church
Miami indians
Miami Friends meeting
Middletown Friends meeting
Milton Friends meeting
Mingo indians
Missionary Society of Connecticut
Mohawk indians
Mohegan indians
Monacan indians
Montauk indians
Moorestown Friends meeting
Moravian indians
Motherkiln Friends meeting
Mt. Holly Friends meeting
Muncy Friends meeting
Munsee indians
Nailsworth Friends meeting
Nanticoke indians
Nantucket Friends meeting
Narrows Friends meeting
New Begun Creek Friends meeting
New Britain Friends meeting
New Brunswick Meeting
New England Yearly Meeting
New England Yearly Meeting of Friends. Indian Committee
New Milford Friends meeting
New York Free School Society
New Garden Friends meeting
New York Historical Society
New York Manumission Society
New York Savings Bank
New York State
New York State Senate
New York Yearly meeting of Friends
New York Yearly Meeting of Friends. Indian Committee
New York Friends meeting
Newport Friends meeting
Newtown Friends meeting
Nine Partners Friends meeting
Nine Partners School
North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends
North Carolina General Assembly
North Carolina Yearly Meeting
Northern Missionary Society
Nottingham Friends meeting
Oblong Friends meeting
Ogden Land Company
Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends
Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends. Indian Committee
Ojibwa indians
Old-neck Friends meeting
Oneida Indians
Onondaga indians
Osage indians
Oswego Friends meeting
Ottawa indians
Pagan Party
Pamunkey Indians
Pawnee indians
Peach Pond Friends meeting
Pelham Friends meeting
Pembroke Friends meeting
Pennsylvania Government
Penobscot Friends meeting
Peoria indians
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends. Indian Committee
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Women Friends
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends. Meeting for Sufferings.
Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting of Friends
Philadelphia Friends meeting, Northern District
Philadelphia Friends meeting, Middle District
Philadelphia Friends meeting, Southern District
Philadelphia Friends meeting
Philadelphia Friends meeting, Western District
Philadelphia Friends meeting, Spruce Street
Piankeshaw indians
Pilesgrove Friends meeting
Piney woods Friends meeting
Pipe Creek Friends meeting
Piscataway Indians
Pittstown Friends meeting
Plainfield Friends meeting
Plumstead Friends meeting
Potawatomi indians
Pottstown Friends meeting
Powhatan indians
Presbyterian Church
Princeton University
Providence Friends meeting
Pulteney Association
Purchase Friends meeting
Quaker Street Friends meeting
Radnor Friends meeting
Rahway Friends meeting
Reading Friends meeting
Randolph Friends meeting
Redstone Friends meeting
Redstone Quarterly Meeting of Friends
Rensselaerville Friends meeting
Rhode Island Quarterly Meeting of Friends
Richland Friends meeting
Rich-Square Friends meeting
Ridge Friends meeting
Roanoke Friends meeting
Roaring Creek Friends meeting
Rochester Friends meeting
Roman Catholic Church
Sadsbury Friends meeting
Salem Friends meeting
Salem Friends meeting
Salem Quarterly Meeting of Friends
Sandusky Seneca indians
Sandwich Friends meeting
Saratoga Friends meeting
Sauk Indians
Scipio Friends meeting
Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
Seacock Friends meeting
Seminole Indians
Seneca indians
Sharon Friends meeting
Shawnee indians
Shinicock Indians
Shrewsbury Friends meeting
Short Creek Friends meeting
Short Hills Friends meeting
Sioux indians
Six Nations
Smithfield Friends meeting
Society for the Prevention of Pauperism
Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents
Society of Friends
Somerton Friends meeting
South Branch Friends meeting
Springfield Friends meeting
Stanford Friends meeting
Stanford Quarterly Meeting of Friends
Stephentown Friends meeting
Stockbridge indians
Sutton's Creek Friends meeting
Symonds Creek Friends meeting
Tonawanda Band of Seneca Indians
Trenton Friends meeting
Troy Friends meeting
Tuscarora indians
Tyringham Friends meeting
United States Congress
Union Bank of Maryland
Union Friends meeting
United States Government
Upper Evesham Friends meeting
Upper Springfield Friends meeting
Upper Friends meeting Dinwiddie County, Virginia
Uwchlan Friends meeting
Uxbridge Friends meeting
Valley Friends meeting
Valley Friends meeting
Virginia Yearly meeting
Wales Yearly Meeting
Warrington Friends meeting
Warrington Quarterly Meeting of Friends
Washington Friends meeting
Waupug Indians
Wea indians
Weare Friends meeting
Wellsboro Friends meeting
West Branch Friends meeting
Branch Friends meeting
Westchester Friends meeting
West Grove Friends meeting
Westbury Friends meeting
Western Quarterly Meeting of Friends
Western Yearly meeting
Westland Friends meeting
Redstone Quarterly Meeting of Friends
Westmoreland Friends meeting
White Creek Friends meeting
Whitewater Friends meeting
Wilmington Friends meeting
Winnebago indians
Woodbury Friends meeting
Wrightstown Friends meeting
Wyandot indians
Yale College
York Friends meeting