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Some Account of our Journey to Cannandaigue


13 the Comissinor calld on us to go again to the onidas with him when they were assembled he gave them some good advice pointing out to them how they should conduct in the sale of there Land &;. Peter Smiths Leace was not according to the general government law, &; would have them Dissonul it after he had spoken to them they requested we would withdraw with we did and in a short time we were called; they haveing consulted amongst them selves the answer to make, they mentioned several matters of Dificulty wherein they Desired his assistance particularly in Getting there Land again which he agreed to Do, we Returned, home to our Lodging went to see general Chapin Drank tea with him the Indians not yet come in only the onidas &; a few scattering ones 14 this Morning J.P. &; J.E. set out to meet the Indians who we expectd were near in the after noon the Farmers Brother &; his company marched in to the Town Being in all 470 men women &; children they came in great order Capt Brant Rode in to give information &; Rode Back to meet them he appeard to think him self as important as a general at the head of a great army they Drew up at general Chapins Dore &; soluted the Comissinors &; Genal with 3 Rounds of fire, with there guns which they were well Acquipt with the Farmers Brother made an apology for not coming sooner, to which the Comnd made answer he was glad to see them safe arived I would have them make there minds Easey &; when they were Redady he should be willing to proceed to buiseness &; that Every thing Necessary should be Provided for there accomidations: obeal not yet come in 15 Stayed mostly at our lodgings was visited by John Richardson who lives abought 40 miles from here &; one grant from Northumberland who gave us an acc.t that if yallow Fever had taken of several in Philad. &; more in Charles Town &; Baltimore, obeal not come