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Some Account of our Journey to Cannandaigue


along Lake Erie you have been already acquainted that Congress has sold it to Pennsylvania &; we do not suppose the Commisioner's has power to relinquish it; it is true that the President and his Counsellors have impowered a Commissioner to treat with you but we thing the Government had no design to compel you, you have Men amongst you of Good Understanding &; sufficient penetration to discover what you Just rights are &; if you minds are not easy with the proposals that have been made, we make no doubt but the Ears of the president &; the great Counsil of the united states will be open to hear you &; to them we conceive you have a right to appeal. We desire wisdom may conduce your Councils that whatever is done may tend to promote harmony &; peace. We then returned the strings of Wampum. 11 Mo 12th 1794 According to the agreements of last evening about 30 or 40 of the Sachems &; Chief warriors met at our Lodgings &; delivered the following speech by Farmers Brother the chief Sachem Brothers the people called Quakers. I wish you would attend to what we who are now present are about to say we speak as one. --- Yesterday after receiving your invitation to come and partake of your presents, we agreed to meet here this morning to communicate a few words which we will now do. -- Brothers I am glad you have lengthened our your patience to see the end of the business which is now brought to a close &; thank the Great spirit that he preserved you in health from the time you left you seat till you arrived here, &; has Continued so to preserve you to this time; we put you under the protection of the same Great Spirit on your return,