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Some Account of our Journey to Cannandaigue


them &; the Suscohannah Rose this Day &; last night abought a foot it was Trying to Stay But there was nothing to Be Done But to Exercise Patience &; we thought it a favour we got to such good Quarters the family Being very Kind Stayed all night 22 Set of for Northomberland Samuel Wallis &; his son John with us Got there abought Dark after some Deficulty getting over the waters Stayed all night at a Tavern 30 miles 23 set of next morning Crossed the West Branch of Suscohannah went to Joseph Wallises in Sunberry Got our Brakefast there Left there and Rode to Jesse Yarnalls 27 miles 17 people there 24 Left there as soon as we could See to Travel Crossed Theomokin Creek a Deep water Rode to Carters Tavern 33 miles 25 Rose Early in the Morning Rode to Mordica Lees 9 miles Got Brakefast then to Reding 9 miles got Dinner at Samuel Jacsons then to Samuel Hewes 8m Stayed all Night there set out Early 26 in the Morning Rode to Tho. Rutters got Brakefast then to Perkeomen 10 miles 27 got Dinner then to Joseph Pottses 14 miles stayed all night came home in morning