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Some Account of our Journey to Cannandaigue


The time allowed to consider &; digest an answer being too short, &; the Indians returning rather earlier than the time appointed, they chearfully proposed to leave it under our Consideration till tomorrow, earnestly desiring we should be serious in deliberating on it. 11th Month 1st This Morning the same Chiefs with the Interpreter attending according to our agreement of yesterday, the following answer as agreed on was communicated to them Brothers, We have considered what you said to us yesterday &; shall answer you in a few words; We are thankful to the great Spirit that he has preserved us in health to see each others faces at this Council fire; we &; our Brethren at home have the same good will towards you as our forefathers had, &; are desirous to afford you any service in our power, &; that you may cherish peace with one another &; with all Men, believing this will greatly contribute to your happiness; we sympathize with you in your sufferings &; distress, &; wish strict justice to be done you respecting your Lands, you have been informed we can take no part in war, which is one great reason why we cannot be active in civil Government &; therefore are not capable of judging of all your grievances, especially as the transactions at Indian Treaties of late years have not fully come to our knowledge; you have spoken to us respecting the piece of Land between Caynga &; Buffaloe Creeks, as we are unacquainted with the Commissioner's power we can give you no satisfactory answer on that subject, [which?] appears to be a matter of importance to you, it would be proper to lay it before him; the Land you mention along Lake Erie you have been already acquainted that Congress has sold it to Pennsylvania, &; we do not suppose the Commissioner has power to relinquish it; It is true the President &; his Counsellors have impowered a Commissioner to treat with you, but we think the Government has no design to compel you, you have Men amongst you of good Understanding &; sufficient penetration to discover what your just rights are, &; if your minds are not easy with the proposals that have been made, we make no doubt but the Ear of the President &; the great Council of the United States will be open to hear you, &; to them we conceive you have a right to appeal; we desire Wisdom may conduct your Councils that whatever is done may tend to promote harmony &; peace. We then returned the Strings of Wampum. 11th Mo: 12th 1794 According to the agreement of last evening about thirty or forty of the Sachems &; Chief Warriors met at our Lodgings &; delivered the following Speech by Farmer's Brother the Chief Sachem. Brothers of he people call'd Quakers, I wish you would attend to what we who are now present are about to say, we speak as one. yesterday after receiving your invitation to come and partake of your presents, we agreed to meet here this Morning, to communicate a few words, which we will now do.