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Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY


fatiguing ride, we arrived at Reese Cadwallider's in Redstone where we rested ourselves and horses about two days. Attended their meeting and thenproceeded on the journey. Let us leave "Our Travellers" while we reflectthat in the undeveloped and thinly settled stateof the country at the time they made this visit,such journeys involved an amount of hardship,fatigue, and exposure, of which it is difficult atthis day to form an adequate conception. (1898.) A member of the Indian Committee can nowleave Philadelphia in a luxuriously furnished rail-road car, and in less than a day find himselfon the Alleghany Indian Reservation. Then his prede-cessor in the same good work was compelled toride his horse day after day over the Mountainsfor two or three weeks, often with very indiferentlodging and food to reach the same spot. Now let us return to "Our Travellers, who have ridden through Shippensburg and aretaking a view of the houses as they ride throughthe village of Strasburg, of which there are perhaps40 built of squared logs, One says, Shortly after, we began to assend the Blue Mountain an hightowering iminence steep and very rockey. On the 4th assended another Mountain, Whenwe arrived at its summit we had a delightful viewof a well improved valley, two or more miles in width,