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Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY


of these mountains they passed was a fine springof water. This night the 5th they lodged in adutch town called Berlin in Somerset County. 6th We started early this morning with somehopes of reaching a Friends house this ivining whichwas very desirable. We all took notice when onthe Alleghany's and for many miles this sidehow very backward the trees were. When weleft home (1st of 5th mo) they were putting out fastand the weather being very warm they made rapidprogress. Yet [here] this morning we remarkedthat the buds of the Chestnut and White Oakwere not formed into leaves so as to make an appearance, yet the same day as we descendedfrom Chestnut Ridge the trees were all green, It was curious to see such a diference. J.S.says I think there is, at least, in three milesriding two weeks diference in the seasons. From Chestnut Hill there is one of the mostextensive prospects that is to be met with in trav-elling--. to the North: to the West: and to the South,I had no doubt but the view was of 50 miles ex-tent. I.C. says When we got to the top of themountain where we had the first sight ofPittsburg we soon began to decend the steepesthill I ever saw a wagon road upon, which tome appeared almost impracticable for a goodteam to draw an empty wagon up, Neverthe-