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Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY


less, the inhabitants say, they frequently go uploaded, When we descended to the bottom wecrossed the beautiful Monongahela, and im-mediately entered the town. J. Sharpless says, It was the time of the sittingof the Supreme Court when we arrived here and we hadsome fears whether we should get accommodations forour-selves and our horses; but having enquired for the besttavern, before we crossed the river, we were recommen-ded to the Green Tree, where after some hesitationwe were taken in, and found good accommodations. Some discouragement attended my mind onthe way hither, concerning the business we were go-ing on. -- being important and to be transactedamong a people of strange language, in a wilder-ness country, and under great uncertainty howwe should be able to get the goods we have incare, to our desired part: but upon our arrival here, and being introduced to some for whom wehad letters of credit, we met with a very kind re-ception, and they appeared hearty in assistingus, and informed us that the goods sentfrom Philadelphia arrived safely a few daysago, and were in the public storehouse.We had a satisfactory conference withthe deputy Quarter Master, from whom we learn-ed that General Wilkinson had directedhim to assist us in forwarding our goods