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Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY


up the Alleghany to Cornplanters settle-ment. We also manifested an obligingand attentive disposition relative to thebusiness, and appeared well satisfied with the object of our visit and promised to have a boatready tomorrow for the purpose, and kindlyoffered to introduce us to General Wilkinson asearly in the morning as would be convenient. We next paid attention to procuringsuch articles of provision as appeared necessary,having been informed at Redstone that no ad-vantage would be derived from purchasingthem in that neighborhood, or any whereshort of this place, The following articleswere agreed to be necessary and accordinglypurchased viz. 4 1/2 bushels of potatoes,3 " " wheat flour,2 " " Indian meal,2 " " " corn,3 1/2 " " oats,1 " " dried apples,1/2 " " salt,35 pounds " sugar,136 " " bacon,30 " " biscuit,28 " " cheese,8 1/2 " " lard.