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Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY


12 lights of window glass,2 sets of irons,1 pair of pot hooks,1 small iron kettle, and several othersmall articles. 11th. Sixth day. This morning in companywith major Craig waited on General Wilkinson at his own house, who received us with muchrespect, expressed his great satisfaction to seeus on our present errand, and manifested adisposition desirous of contributing both to ourencouragement and assistance, He also renewed,in our presenence, his directions to the aforesaidmajor Craig, deputy Quarter Master, to forward ourgoods up the river, and invited us to take dinner with him, which kindness we acknowledged,but excused our selves, on account of our bus- iness. The deputy Quarter Master said itwas about 140 miles by land to Cornplanter'svillage, but much more by water, -- that it was a good time for them to go, the river beingneither too low, nor too high. So that theprospect of things looks a little more lightsome. About three in the afternoon aboat was in readiness, and the Quarter Master furnishing a wagon we soon got our goodscollected to the water-side, weighed and puton board, amounting in the whole to 4,734