who with several associates is on a visit to theSeneca Nation with views to make some es-tablishment which may prove useful to thosepeople, and interesting to the rights of hu-manity. You will be pleased to furnishMr. Pierce a guide provisions, and any accommodations he may need, chargingthe occurring expenses to the proper head. With respect and esteem, I am Sir,Your obedient servant.James Wilkinson. To Cornplanter and the Village Chiefs of theSeneca Nation. Friends and Brothers, The bearer, one of out be-loved men among the people called Quakers, visits you, with several good men from the sameSociety, who intend to sit down amongst you, inorder to instruct our red brethren in worksof usefulness, and to point out to them thepath of virtue, which leads to the blissfulmansions of the Great Spirit, the Fatherof light and life. Brothers, I charge you to take thisour beloved man, and his companions, bythe hand, and to treat them with kindnessand sincerity. Open your ears and listen to