what they say;- open your eyes and followtheir footsteps: then will your old men, yourwives, your children, and your children's chil-dren live in security, and enjoy the com-forts of life; and the red people, and the whitepeople on this great island, will soon becomeas one. Brethren and Children, let thisadmonition sink deep into your hearts,and may you be blessed with a clear sky,smoothe roads and plentiful harvests tothe end of your days. I command yo tothe care of the Great Spirit, and am in heartyour friend, James Wilkinson,Commander-in-chief of the troops of theUnited States. Being now ready to depart, we took leave ofseveral of the first characters of this placewho wished us success, and affectionately badeus farewell. About 9 o clock we left Pittsburgh. Crossing the Alleghany just opposite thetown, we entered a wilderness county, butlittle inhabited, the settlements not morethan two or three years old, and scarce of pro-visions for man and horse. We traveled atseveral stages about 33 miles, having fed at