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Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY


he ate it: we followed his example, and madea light meal, the bear's oil was old and not grateful to our palate. We have since seen that this wayof eating is often practiced among them; though coldIndian bread is more frequently used. The name of this village is Jenuch-shedago, It is situated on the Alleghanyin Pennsylvania about four miles belowthe New York line. The land is Cornplan-ter's private property: he has 660 acres in this tract and two contiguous islands, one 66 and theother 53 acres, besides a tract of 303 acres belowFranklin. His land at Hickorytown betweenhere and Franklin he has sold to Dr. Wilkins,Most of the Indians under his particular super-intendence have left their old settlement about9 miles up the river in New York State, andare settled with their Chief in this place. 18th Last evening after we had lain down,the Chief and his son came into our apartment,and informed us he would like to knowwhat we intended to say to his people before thecouncil met. We told him we would informhim in the morning, which we now compliedwith, letting him know we could not tell them allwe might say as we believed on such occasions it wasright to wait on the Great Spirit to be directed:but that we would read to him the certificate