friends the Quakers have for them, andthat we had been made willing to leave ourbeloved families and comfortable dwellings,and expose our selves to the hardships and dif-ficulties of a tedious journey, with no other viewsthan for their improvement. We first read, by paragraphs, the epistlefrom the Committee, and then General Wilkinson'sletter, which were interpreted with some difficulty. We desired them when they took ourproposals into consideration, they would guardagainst discouragements that might present inlooking forward towards a change in their man-ner of being. We did not doubt there might be difficulties in the way, and their progress mightbe slow, yet there are accounts of white people be-yond the great waters, in another island, who many years ago, lived much like they do now, but by in-dustry and care have become good farmers, and me-chanics of all kinds: and from whom those fine leg-gings, and other clothing they had on, were procured. We then let them know that we had a boatcoming up the Alleghany river, with variouskinds of goods - plough-irons, hoes, axes, spadesand shovels; with carpenters' masons, andcoopers tools, which we intended never to takeaway. While our young men stay, they shouldbe placed under their care to lend out to them