as they wanted, and when done with, wereto be returned. They were exorted to stillnessand quietude and an attention to the Good Spiritin their own hearts. Upon letting them know we had nothingmore to say amongst them at this time, they in-formed us they would take our proposals intoconsideration, and give us an answer tomorrow. We may close our observations on this councilby an humble acknowledgement that notwith-standing we find some things tryingly gloomy,and discouraging, yet we have had at thistime, renewed cause to believe, that the concernin which we are engaged, is owned by Himwhose regard is toward all the workmanshipof his hands. 19th. 7 day. Part of this day some of our companywere employed in baking bread, and other domesticpreparations, as we are now wholly on our own cooks &;c. living on the provisions which we brought onour horses from Pittsburgh and Franklin, andwhich we have sometimes looked upon, with some serious thoughtfulness, as appearing a scanty al-lowance for the time set for the arrival of ourboat, and the more especially as Cornplanterearly informed us that they were scarce of corn,occasioned by an uncommon freshet sometimeafter the corn was planted, and by an early frost