shake hands as brothers, and directed his peopleto rise and come to us, and shake hands by course,himself first setting the example. Thus this Council ended after lettingthem know that we should want one more gen-eral Council with them before we left them. 20th First day. We had some conversationthis morning about sitting together in religiousretirement, and thought it would be right to in-form Cornplanter, that if he or any of his soberpeople inclined to sit with us, it would be accep-table, though the prospect of such an undertakingfelt weighty. Before we were fully concluded, theChief with his son Henry came into our apart-ment and said, he hoped we would not thinkhard of their not keeping the First day as thewhites do, for they could not read or right - that theywere poor, and had to work on that day, and thatthey were often out hunting and had to attend totheir game. We let him know that we didnot think hard of him about this matter; andthen informed him that we intended about10 o'clock to sit down together in stillness to waiton the Great Spirit, and if he or any of hissober people would come and sit with us itwould be acceptable. Near the time appoint-ed, Cornplanter with several others came into