our apartment. He sat very still with apparentsolidity until the opportunity closed: the otherssat quiet a while and then withdrew. Our door beingopened, the Indians as they passed looked at us,but showed no lightness. 21st Rose early this morning to bake somebread that we might be in readiness by 7 o'clock to go upthe river about ten miles with some of the Chiefsto see where is would be most suitable to settleand make a beginning amongst them. We found it trying, rightly to judge whatwas best to do on the occasion. Jenescatego, the town where we now are beingthe place of Cornplanter's residence, is in the middleof a good spot of land in Pennsylvania, on thewest side of the Alleghany river, 4 or 5 milessouth of the New York line. The tract is his private property, as be-fore mentioned, and most of the Indians under hissuperintendency live on and near it, among whomare children enough suitable to make up a large school. These considerations, with the richness of theland made it desirable to settle here. But theland was Cornplanters, and if we made im-provements on the Indians clearings they wouldbelong to Cornplanter and not to the Nationwhen we left them," All this being consideredwe concluded it would be best to look else-