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Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY


where. The Nation owns forty-two square miles onthis river, beginning at the Pennsylvania line. The lines of the reservation had not yet beenrun, but we found that the Indians had a choice thatit should lie on the river, half a mile wide oneach side. About nine miles from henceup the river, latterly stood a town, calledGenesinguhta, the inhabitants of which afew years since, mostly removed here. About tenmiles further up the river we understood asettlement had lately been made. From the best information we could get we thought some-where near the Old Town would be the most suit-able place to fix on, it being [about] half waybetween the upper settlement and the lowertown. With considerable exertion we got Cornplanterhis son and three other Indians, to embark withus five in a canoe, about nine o'clock. They putus up the river with setting poles at the rate of threemiles an hour, In places the river was shallowand rapid, in others from two to six feet deep,in six miles we came to Cornplanter's saw-mill,and stopped, at his request, to view it. The stream on which it is built, is now so low that the mill could do very little work:and when the river is high the back waterprevents it from sawing. At the Old Town,