better, To which Cornplanter returned answerin substance as follows. Brothers, I told you ourland is before you, you may choose any place youlike best, and expressed their full approbationof our choice. Then said this man, (meaning one ofthe Chiefs who was with us) lives in this town, andhe is most like yourselves, a sober man and drinks no whisky: he is very glad your young men aregoing to live so near him. We next proposedthat our young men should have liberty to cut trees out of their wood, to build a house, make rails,and for firewood &;c to which he replied O, yes!I wish you would cut all the trees down, and another thing you may have, brothers, if you seea deer swimming across the river, or running inthe woods you may shoot him, or if you see anyfish in the river you may catch him. About 5 o'clock we left the old village and returnedwith Cornplanter to our lodgings at his house. 22nd. This morning took up the considerationof what further propositions, might with pro-priety be made to these people, in order for theiradditional encouragement in civilization and agriculture, and being favored to write with whatseemed expedient they were committed to writing,in readiness for our next council, in the min-utes of which they will appear.