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Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY


he said he intended to ask Capt. Chapin wherehis good and honest man Morris was now. We were at length easy to observe to themin general terms, that it was not the adviseof their brothers the Quakers, to sell their land,for we would rather they would rather they wouldkeep it and learn to work it themselves, butas it was now sold, and we thought theycould not get it back again, we were ofthe mind they had better take their moneywhich we apprehended was, or would be, made secure for them, and endeavor to be as con-tented as they could about it. This evening Cornplanter presented uswith a quantity of seed corn of diferent kindssuitable to the climate, some seed potatoes,a large proportion of beans of divers kinds, &; avariety of useful garden seeds, such as pumpkin,cucumber, watermelon, &;c. These he informedus were a collection brought in by his peopleand given to us as a blessing to begin with,we acknowledge their kindness and would havetaken only a part, there being much more ofeach kind, excepting potatoes, than we shouldstand in need of for seed, but they insisted weshould take the whole, for they were sent in forthat purpose: which we then did; thinking thehearty good will with which they were presented,