and spun in her own house, the sum of twodollars to be paid to the woman. Brothers we will give you these pre-miums for four years, if our young menstay here so long - upon these conditions -that the person who applies for a premium must produce a certificate from two of theChiefs, signifying the quantity of grain, cloth,&;c: for what the premium is demanded, and that it was raised, or made, in the mannerabove mentioned, - and that the person hasnot been intoxicated with whiskey atleast for the term of six months beforethat time.* * that they apply for their premiums. And our friends are herebyauthorized and desired to pay the above premiums, agreeable to what is herebefore ex-pressed. 5th Mo. 22nd 1798. Joshua Sharpless. John Pierce. Henry Simmons. Joel Swayne. Halliday Jackson. After reading these propositions, we wereagain enabled, solemly to expostulatewith them on various subjects, relative,both to their moral and temporal conduct:but particularly on their excessive use ofstrong drink, a variety of instances whereofwe had been eye witnesses to.