Rivers of them, as heretofore, appeared solid;and particularly the women, but muchthe greater number manifested no real seriousness They then proposed retiring into a privatecouncil in order to consult of an answer, whichthey accordingly did; and returned in about an hr.when Cornplanter made the following speech. Brothers,We now hear all what you would wish to do among us: you are comehere to see us brothers. You wish us well,you wish us to become as the white people.The white people are rich and got every-thing: the Indians are poor and have noth-ing. Brothers. One thing you told us, it wouldbe good for us to build a mill: we mustfind $400 and you will find $400. Brothers we cant say but few wordsat this time about the mill: we will consult CaptainChapin: if he thinks we will receive our mon-ey, and will be able to raise the money youpropose, then we will do it. Brothers,We know how far you havecome to see us: it is a great way way fromthe sea shore, where our forefathers once lived. The white people have cheated us, and got