turned toward taking Canandaigua and Oneidain our way home: and upon inquiring wereinformed that we could not get to Canandaiguafrom this place without going through Buffalowhich makes the proposal of the Chief for us to ac-company them feel pleasant. It now remained to fix on a time forsetting out, but to this end the want of our goodsseemed in the way, as we had heard nothing ofthem since we left Pittsburg; a full result wastherefore deferred. 29th 3 day. Most of this day and part ofthe preceeding was employed in digesting our min-utes, writing letters and so forth, one of whichwas to Thomas Wister showing the present stateof our business at this place, and another toGeneral Wilkinson containing a brief narrative ofour proceedings since our arrival here. In a private conference with Cornplanter andtwo or three others we obtained the following in-formation; that the Indians in this reservationconsist of between 3 &; 4 hundred individuals: theyhave 3 horses, 14 horned cattle, 1 yoke of oxen, and 12 hogs,all private property. They have two solemnities in the year in form of public worship or Thanks-giving to the Great Spirit for his blessings, one in the Spring,and the other about the time of their corn ripening 30th 4th day. The fore part of this day