continue up to that place: If it accordswith thy orders to satisfy him for this ex-tra labor, the business will be settled: ifnot please to present these lines, withhis extra bill, to Abner and Jesse Barkerwho are hereby authorized to settle it, placingthe same to the account of Thomas Fisherof Phila. Note, we have made him a present ofthree dollars which we do not wish de-ducted out of his reasonable bills. I am with respect thy friend. John Pierce. Isaac CraigPittsburg. This evening let Cornplant-er know that we should now be ready to de-part for Buffalo, as soon as would be conve-nient for him. He informed us he could notbe ready in less than four days. We feltsome reluctance at being detained afterour business was done, but submitted to the time proposed. Owing to the want of a suit-able interpreter Our Travellers had but littleconversation with the Indians beyond their business affairs, being now through withthat, they conversed a little about their cus-toms, in which Cornplanter said they