bread: and one of our young men says theywant nothing but a cow to make theirliving equal to Chester county. We are visited every day more or lessby the Indians, who are much pleased viewing several kinds of our goods: whichsatisfaction is increased by our giving themsome small matters. We showed themHowell's map of Pennsylvania, withwhich they were much diverted, and seem-ed to understand it pretty well, particularlythe Alleghany river, and the large streamswhich run into it. We have received of Cornplanter, sincewe came into this country, about fifty poundsof flour, besides several days board for two ofus, for which he refuses taking any pay. We therefore this day made him a presentof 6 Bandana handkerchiefs, one for his wife,and one for each of his five daughters, Threefine tooth combs, two pocket knives onepaper of needles, 6 thimbles and 2 1/4 yds. ofcloth to his son Henry, who has steadilyattended on us as interpreter. 6th Mo. 1st 6th day. This morning being wet ouryoung men were employed putting handlesto their tools, hanging their grindstone &;c.