5th 3 day. A pleasant morning. Not know-ing what time Cornplanter and his companywould call upon us, feeling the prospect of aseparation, we sat down together to take a part-ing opportunity. It was a time of retirementwherein the canopy of Divine love was spreadover us, to the contriting of our spirits, and aliving travail was was experienced, that as the timewas approaching when we expected to part, thatAncient Goodness might be near to them thatstayed, to comfort, strengthen, and preserve themin their lonely cottage and arduous undertaking,which considering the many favors we have ex-perienced, since we sat out, there was no cause todoubt, that as they were truly watchful and at-tentive on their part would still be continued, -and that we who are going, might also experi-ence the Lord's protecting power, through a solitary wilderness and a tedious journey. The Indians did not come. 6th 4th day. After waiting with some degree of im-patience, untill between two and three o clockthis afternoon, we were visited by Cornplanterhis son, and two other Indians. The chief informed us that one of his daughters was takenvery ill yesterday, and that a relative living inhis family had fallen from a horse and broken his