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Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY


in the wilderness, to know that when peoplewere to be collected from different parts, it re-quired time: and he hoped if Captain Chapindid not arrive this evening, we would try to makeour selves as happy as we could, and stay a fewdays longer, for he had a great desire we should bewith them at the council, and see that that all thingswere fairly settled. It brought a close exerciseover our minds to know what was best to do. A number of the Indians were collected,yet it looked likely, it would be some consid-erable time before all parties would get to-gether, as none of the white people immediatelyconcerned were come. We let him know wewould have been glad to attend council, but itwas now drawing towards the last of the latterend of the week, and the white people did notdo business on First day; that it was not verylikely Captain Chapin and company wouldleave Canandaigua before Second day morning,and that it would be a number of days be-fore the council would meet: however wewere willing closely to consider the subject this evening. 16th 7th day. Our Travellers endeavored to attendto Cornplanters request of last evening, andone of them felt, his mind, easy to move