After this conference, we went to Captain Hen-dricks, where we were gladly welcomed, and dined with them, after which we drew a bond, hadit signed and executed by Captain Hendricks,for $100, agreeable to the instruction, in H. Drinker'sletter to J. Taylor and placed the same. In the evening we had an opportunitywith most of the principal men and women ofthis tribe and the house of John Quincy, in whichwe were favored with some encouraging commu-nications to a number of tried individuals, aswell as some affectionate and close reasoningwith some of their leading men, on the seriousimportance of their setting a good exampleto the rest of their people, not only in themere exteriors of civilization, such as farming &;c. but in the more interesting, that of a moral andgood life; the necessity of a renewed dilligenceand watchfulness herein, some recent instan-ces but two sorrowfully evince. At the close of this opportunity, a chief onbehalf of the men present made a pretty longspeech: in substance expressing their thankful-ness to the Good Spirit, who had put it intoour hearts to remember them, when at a greatdistance, and had preserved us in our way thither: that they felt themselves much strengthenedby our good words - that they were sensible