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Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY


they had done that which was not right, yetthey hoped by the help of the Good Spirit theywould do better for the future. They wishedthe Quakers would continue to remember them,for they had found them to be true men, andthat they really had the poor Indians' good atheart. They wished the Good Spirit would pre-serve us on our way home to our families andfriends. Then, after a short pause, a woman,on behalf of the women present, delivered a speechmuch to the foregoing import, though we thoughtmore weighty and nervous, She particularly ob-served, that they now felt their minds encour-aged, as it were, to begin a new in the goodwork of religion. It was a favored opportunity. We returned to Captain Hendricks'where we lodged in a good clean bed. 24th First day. After breakfast we returnedto our friends at Oneida, sat with them intheir meeting: in the afternoon we were visited bySchonadon, who informed us they were a going toget back tomorrow morning, to cover the smith'sshop, and that they would meet us in council after they had done. This day wrote to our friendsat Alleghany, informing of our present situa-tion, and of the welfare of our friends here;which we forwarded to Buffalo by an Indian