will do so much a day, and give it into the handsof their chiefs to be divided amongst the people,adding, that if he worked for the Indiansin general, it would be too hard for him, forthey would be always plaguing him. So this we replied, That the designof our friend in coming here was to instructtheir young men, and show them how todo their work, and not to do it all himself: and though we did not wish themto force their young men: yet if they couldnot be prevailed upon to come forward inthe way proposed, our friend's prospect wouldnot be answered, and he would thereforebe likely to make but a short stay withthem: but as to the manner of working,our friend would leave that to the chiefs Their speaker then proceeded asfollows. Brothers, We are very glad to hearagain the same words which you said tous two years ago, and we are now of the samemind we were then: we remember yourwords and we believe you are a true people. We have heard our fathers tell, that theQuakers were always friends of the Indians: