but continue to do whatever is in your minds:and if we dont improve, the fault will be our own, we cant blame you. Brothers.We will do all we can aboutthe blacksmith and about the farming: wecant force our young men, but we will tryall round, all of us will try to get some youngmen to learn this trade, and to learn farming. Brothers.Now we thank you for the painsyou have taken for poor Indians, and we thankyou for what you have said to us: and we willhave council amongst ourselves tomorrow, afterwe have tried what we can do; and then wewill speak to you again about it. Brothers.This is all we got to say at pres-ent. We expressed our satisfaction withwhat they had said, and then the council concluded. 26th, 3rd day. Agreeable to the arrangements of7th day last, John Sergent in company withJohn Quincy and Solomon, from Stockbridgecame to Oneida, in order to settle the accounts respecting the mill Friends built there,which was amicably done. About 5 o'clock this evening the Oneida chiefs