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Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY


another town and crossed the river. Last 7th day while we were at Stockbridgea violent hail storm passed through the coun-try, a little to the north of us. Its directionwas nearly east, and its extent twenty miles,and from one to two in breadth. As we returned to Oneida next morn-ing, we beheld its distructive effects oncorn, oats, &;c. This day for more than 5miles it was affecting to see the distructionit had made. Whole fields of wheat were en-tirely cut off so that we could not see onehead standing, Corn, flax, and oats faredlittle better. Peas in the gardens and fields,(acres being sown here) were entirely destroyed. Large fields of timothy were so broken down,that they smelled like fresh hay. Poke bushes, the stalks as thick as rakehandles, were knocked all to pieces, In shortall vegetation where the storm reached,suffered much: the fences and stumpswere much marked, and the windows ofhouses were very much destroyed. This night Our Travellers lodged atIsaac Brayton's, three miles from Fort Schuyler Here we had good accommodations bothfor our selves and our horses, which is thefirst public inn, we have met with, since