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Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY


Mohawk river which they crossed in a boat,after which a ride of 5 miles brought them to apublic house which J. P. thus discribes. This is a poor inn, poor land, poor land-lord, poor landlady, poor accommodations;may I not be under the necessity of callinghere often. 30th 7th day. Their next stopping place looked dis-couraging to weary travellers, but they faredbetter than they expected, while their horses fared well. This part of New York state atthat time seemed to have more licencedtaverns than otherwise, and Our Travellersfrequently speak of oats being measured inrum quarts. One section near 100 miles in lengthalmost every house on the road was a Tavern, yetthe traveller must make long stages to be anyways comfortably accommodated. It is relievingto note that as they approached Albany there seemed to be an improvement in these re-spects, and 17 miles beyond that capitol, (that is east of it) at Leadman's inn, they hadgood accommodations, both for man andbeast. Another stage of 19 miles finds themat Catskill Bridge, where is an elegant houseand good pasture, in other respects nothingto boast of. Our oats were measured in rumquarts as usual in many places in this