state. The query is, Is the regulation of publicinns, a subject unworthy the attention ofthe legislature? must the farmer smartfor it if he offers a pound of butter for salea few grains too light, and may the tavernkeeper with impunity trick honest travellersout of their money, by selling three quartsof oats for four,? From here we proceeded to Porren's ta-vern 11 miles where we lodged. This ap-pears like a full handed Dutchman plentyof good wholesome fare, both for man and beast,but little attention to please or oblige, At ournext stop they were obliging, &; gentle accommodation 7th Month 1st First day. We would have beenglad to have reached a Friends meeting today, but found it impracticable, thereforethought best of travelling. We arrived atSamuel Baldwin's about 4 o'clock, weary andglad we were got to a Friends house. The weatherlately has been very warm, and we having travelledhard from Oneida, both we and our horseswanted rest, we concluded to lay by here aday or two, get them shod, and help theirbacks which were a little sore. 2nd, 2nd day. This morning concluded topay a visit to our ancient friend Edward