Hallock, about 9 miles east of our presentquarters, being offered fresh horses for that purpose, which we accordingly did to mu-tual satisfaction, and riturned in theevening. When near the North River abouta mile before we got to Edwards, we hat a very beautiful and extensive prospect forabout 20 miles over the river, and as fareach way up and down the stream. The face of the country appeared to de-scend toward the river, and being mostlyimproved, the wheat and pasture fields, withlarge houses, barns &;c. intermingled withsheets of the river which presented in places,together with the town of Poughkeepsie 4miles up the river on its opposite shore,made the landscape truly delightful. This is a warm day. 3rd 3rd day. This morning attended to getting ourhorses shod with a prospect of setting out inthe afternoon, but were prevented by a thunderstorm and rain. 4th 4th day. About 5 this morning set outfrom our agreeable quarters, travelled about 18miles to --'s tavern where we bated our horsesand breakfasted, here is a pretty good house, butaccommodations and attendance indiferent.