thence through Geshen to --'s 12 miles, wherewe baited; a good house, but rough landlord, thenon another 12 miles to Dr --'s, a poor placeboth for man and horse, but here we lodgedhaving travelled 40 miles. We are now inNew Jersey. 3 or 4 miles south of the NewYork line, having travelled 500 miles inNew York State. 5th 5th day. Traveled to Benjamine Schooley's11 miles where we dined: he and his wifeare exemplary Friends. Thence to JacobLundys 16 miles, This has been the worststage for our horses that we have met withsince we left Oneida, and not very good forour selves. We noticed a Dutch ploughwith one handle which stands nearly up-right: a very short beam is almostthe only plough that is used for 200 miles back.It appears to work easy both for horse andploughman and does the work pretty neatly. To day we crossed the Wallkill River,fifty miles higher up than we crossedit last First day: yet the stream isso large as to have a bridge erected onit a little above the fording place.In about 7 miles further, we crossed thePaulinskill which was the first water