Settlements of the townships of Whitestown, first begun about 9 years ago by Judge White, in the wild wood, tho' now extending 5 or 6 miles along the road, like the street of a village, the log hovels intermixed here and there with large and handsome frame houses. The front lots are already valued at S100 an acre, and the adjacent farms from 10 to 20, such is the fertility of the soil, and the influx of Settlers. Here we had the pleasure of meeting with General Floyd, one of the Commisioners for managing the Affairs of the Brotherton Indians. He told us that he intended to meet them in a few days, to arrange their business upon the footing lately prescribed by law, and seemed very desirous that one of our Settlers might reside among them. Judge White, and the rest of the neighboring Gentrs to whom we had an intro-ductory letter, being all absent, attending Court, we concluded to go on for the Reservations. without waiting for their return, and rode through a rugged but fertile and populous Country, in the first stages