where he afterward resided as a Chief of the Mohawk Tribe, is a few miles to the north. When he died shortly after the late French war. During the Revolution, his Son Sir John went off with the Tribe, to the British in Canada; from whence they made incursions into the Country, particularly in 1780, when they came down to the number of 600, killed some of the inhabitants, and burnt all the houses for many miles round: but it was remarked that they did not injure the Women and Children within the ancient Mohawk boundaries, though many were murdered without the line. For many miles further we were frequently reminded of that, here peculiarly, distressing period by small block houses or strong log buildings, sometimes square, sometimes octa gonal, of two or three stories projecting one over the other for the purpose of annoying Assailants before, and pierced through with portholes of various sizes, and a look out at top. Continue at the bottom of the 2d. page. In the morning Hendrick Aupaumut, one of the Chiefs of the Stockbridges, and two others came to meet us on