pose to take one or two Indian Guides, from place to place, who ca a fire, or knock up a hut, when we are under the necessity of woods: from which, with submission to Divine disposal, we hope to emerge, by way of Sunbury, or Pittsburgh, in two or three weeks; of which I shall take the first opportunity to let you know, though we shall probably then ride post ourselves to meet again at our greatly endeared homes the loving and be-loved Friends we left there Joseph Sansom Second day the 18th. At a conference yesterday James Cooper expressed himse easy to proceed, without we could all go on together; and this Isaiah Rowland, apprehending we could not separate in the unity we were directed to preserve, it was concluded that it would be unsafe for any of us to go further; and we now intend to turn homeward tomorrow morning: So my dear Friends I hope we shall meet again much sooner than I expected; probably by the end of next week.