kind and was friendly as was his Wife and Family, after Dinner crossed the Monongahela River and rode about 13 miles to an Inn where we lodged that nigh and had but poor accomodations, tho perhaps the best the House could afford. 10th of the month traveled about 24 miles down the aforesaid River and crossed again at Pittsburg and took up our quarters at Wm Morrows Tavern where we met with good entertainment 11th of the month we spent out time in procuring some Goods to send by Water to the Indian Country, some of our company went to the Garrison respecting our Goods that was sent from Philadelphia and upon inquiry found they had arrived a few days before and General Wilkinson employed a wagon at the States expense to haul them to the River and a Boat to to carry them from thence to our intended settlement. 12th of the month went again to the Garrison to see General Wilkinson who appeared to have much good will for us, and the cause in which we were engaged, he gave us considerable information respecting the Indians