arrival and preservation on the way After we had unsadled our horses &; sat down in the House Cornplanter asked us if we could eat in his way (being pretty hungry) one of our company answered he thought we could the old Man then ordered some Victuals to be brought which I suppose was the best the House could afford, but not being accustomed to their sort of diet and cooking, we made a small portion serve at that time, after we had done eating we informed him something of our business and that we desired to have his People collected together in Council, to which he replyed he was willing and left it to ourselves to propose a time, accordingly the next Day was agreed on at ten o clock, and runners dispatched to notify the Indians under Cornplanters superintendance, in the evening the Old Man brought his Wife and Children into the apartment where we were and introduced them to us in a becoming manner, after conversing a short time his Wife got up in a friendly manner and shook hands with us &; quitty departed into the other end of the House where the family