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Joel Swayne Diary


talk when we go home, Brothers you see we are poor and have bad Houses covered with bark and we cant build them better We are now ready to hear your talk after a short time of silence we informed them of the motives of our coming amongst them and a little explained the nature of our business, then read our Certificate which is as follows To Cornplanter with the chief Men and others of the Seneca Tribe of Indians Brothers It has pleased the Great Spirit above to dispose the Hearts of the Rulers in the United States and of your people, to live in Peace and Friendship and no longer to hurt and destroy each other -- this hath long been the earnest desire of the Children of Onas your Brethren the people called Quakers -- The path between you and them is now plain and open, so that the good will and friendship which subsisted between your fathers &; ours may be renewed and strengthened