and said they would reply to what we had said next day; In the evening Cornplanter came and asked us divers questions relative to our qualifications for work if any of us were carpenters, to which we gave them such information as they wanted and told them we had a set of carpenter tools and a number of farming utencils coming in a Boat which was intended for the use of the Indians 19 of the month they spent the most of this day in Council among themselves, frequently sending one to ask us questions relative to our business in the evening about 30 of them came into the appartment where we were in order to reply to what we had said to them yesterday and Cornplanter got up and spoke on behalf of the people nearly as follows- Brothers the Quakers listen now to what I am going to say to you. you know Brothers the Red people are poor they are not like the White People, the great, Spirit has made them of another language so that it is very hard for us to understand one another plainly, as there is no person here that can interpret very well- Brothers we take great pains to settle the