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Joel Swayne Diary


and farming utensils that were coming forward were intended to lend to our Indian Brothers and that they should be under the care and notice of our young friends while they staid here, for they knew that some of their young Men were not quite as good as they should be and if these things were divided amongst them some of them might pawn them away for Whisky, and then they would be as bad off as they were before they go there to this information some of the old Men expression their way a hearty approbation, and some of the young Men manifested a sensibility of its perinanaby a shamefaced good humoured laugh After the above observations had taken plave cornplanter expressed that as matters ware now settled we wouold shake hands as Brothers, and directed his people to come to us himself first setting them an example thus the councel ended late in the evening. 20 of the Month and first of the weeks above nine O clock Cornplanter came into our apartment and said we must not think