us in a Canoe to Genesinguhta an old Indian Village in the State of Newyork about 4 miles above the Pennsylvania line where we explored the Land and found a place which we thought most eligible to make the settlement near a young Chiefs House whose name is John, this man Cornplanter said was like ourselves for he would drink no whisky, and that he was glad we were going to settle so near him, after spending some time at the House of our intended Neighbour we returned again in a canoe to Genisatego where we at that time made our home 22 of the Month Cornplanter presented us with some Corn, Potatoes, Beans and a variety of Vine seed which he said was a collection brought in by his People as a blessing to us in our undertaking, which we thankfully accepted, believing they had Hearts of good will towards us and our present undertaking 23rd went again to Genesinguhta with all our affects and bought a House of an Indian woman for 20 Dollars which was