on the spot of Land that we intended to improve, after we had paid the Woman for the house we assisted her in carrying her goods to another so we took possession after clearing the Cabbin of some of the filth that is mostly to be seen in Indians Houses 24th made a begining at grubbing which business I had never done before there appears to be a great deal of it to do before the Ground will be ready for the Plough and a multitude of old Logs to remove out of the way 27th of the month and first of the week had a meeting in our little Cabin which was a very satisfactory one to me, and elderly friends being favoured to drop some suitable hints of caution and admonition before us which I believe was well adapted to the state of our minds 28 we attended another council with the Indians, after setting a short time in silence Cornplanter got up to open the Council and said, -Brothers I am very glad to see you all well, any People are also well, many of them are here but