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Joel Swayne Diary


some of them are gone a hunting, We are now ready to hear you speak: One of our company then informed them that we had some further proposals to make them which we had commited to writing in order to help our memories which was read and interpreted to them as follows- To Cornplanter and all our Indian Bro- thers of the Seneca Nation now living on the Allegany River- Brothers we have now been several Days among you, and have had Councils with your Chiefs and wise men, and we have looked about your Country and agreed upon a place for our young Men to begin on, and we are glad and thankful to the Great Spirit that every thing we have proposed for your good has been so agreeable to your minds, that we seem to agree together like Brothers having but one mind in every thing we do; and we hope Brothers we shall continue to be of one mind about all the things which we have been speaking to you of