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Joel Swayne Diary


April 11th Cataraugus, To the Allegany Quakers This Day we have met with our brothers as opportu-nity to return thanks to our Maker for opportunity to proceed, Our business is to desire our friends to take into consideration we desire to get the knowledge of farming from our friends as one God made us both, we have advanced ourselves but still think fit to imbrace opportunity, this offer'd us by our friends if we have any gift that we may have our Eyes opened- We first lay our matter before you our friends, as you have come forward and off-ered to assist in our undertaking, as there is three Hundred and sixty one souls in this Village that have agreed to receive instruc-tion from you, as we desire to be instruced in all the various branches of learning letters, pen, and tilling the field; as we have seen great benefit by Captain Obeals, We desire to be instructed in the same rules